: Fanwai-One-Ninety Creator? Mother civilization?

At a point where the countless parallel world lines are highly overlapping.
雯 Wen Wen tearing the space-time protective layer encrypted with an incomprehensible algorithm and forcing the anchor layer on the world line to disintegrate the future direction of the chaotic space, which invaded the three-dimensional subspace existing in the four-dimensional gap.
In the stable space debris that survived countless coincidences, Wenwen saw a purple soul gem shrouded and isolated by a precision force field.
雯 Wen Wen, who found the right place, frowned, readjusted the history of his actions by retracing the time, erasing his past of violently destroying the encryption protection layer.
正常 For normal people, the correct one can be opened by selecting the correct one from a bunch of keys. But for the existence of consciousness beyond time, this is not the case at all—
Wen Wen can first smash the door 扉 and break in, then take the removed door lock to create a key that matches it, and then return and throw the freshly baked correct key in the bunch of keys outside the door, and finally Then suddenly exited the door, pretending to be the right thing to pick up the correct key to open the restored door.
时间 For the time rover, borrowing various evolutionary possibilities at the world line level and low-cost access to information about the "non-existent future" is a fairly basic manipulation, which is also the foundation of a super-turing mechanism built across time axes.
As a result, Wen Wen returned to the outside of the encryption protection layer, in such an incredible way, seized all the details of the dynamic change of the protection layer at this moment, and intruded silently into it.
In the protective layer that was not damaged in the slightest, at the core of subspace, the white-haired girl Qiubi stood beside the isolated purple soul gem, looking at Wen Wen who was familiar with the road and openly entered.
"Yo, don't you try to stop me?" Wen Wen, who flew slowly, looked at the various complicated space-time structures and precision instruments around him, and then turned to look at the white-haired girl in front of her, "Qiubi, magician It's only a matter of time before the alliance reaches your depth and grasps where you are. What are you thinking about at this time? "
"My meager magic and the awakened operation of your timeline are meaningless," said the girl Chubby, who knew herself. She looked at the soul gem beside her and continued, "As for her ... Isn't it a matter of course that Xiaomei Yan was discovered and included in the focus of observation?
只是 "It's just ... I didn't think anyone would notice me, but the technical quality of your alliance with the Magician is changing fast ... somewhat unexpected."
"You didn't destroy the intelligent life associated with the Magician Alliance and all the world lines in the first time after you obtained the magic. Isn't this the case sooner or later?" Wen Wen shook his head, "Don't pull those , What exactly do you want to do now? What is Xiao Meiyan's status? "
Girly Kirby raised her hand and clicked on the purple soul gem. The delicate barriers and force fields that Wen Wen saw a few dazzling layers completely disintegrated and dissipated. Then Girly Kirby looked at the soul gem floating in there. Said: "Xiao Meiyan has now completely concealed the witch enchantment into the inner workings of the soul gem, which is the face of her soul ...
"The complexity of the information of the fusion soul itself is very high. After she does this, the situation in the enchantment is completely unobservable. According to my calculations, she may not be able to think and act at all."
After a pause, the girl Qiubi sent some of the magical technical information to Wenwen: "I tried to use the magical technology I currently have to isolate the influence of the flame demon and the round on her and try to wake her up. Some subtle changes of unknown significance were observed, but the goal of the experiment was not achieved. "
Tong Wenwen floated to Xiao Meiyan's soul gem to take a closer look, and then frowned, "Wake her up? Is your target her or Madoka in the realm?"
"Everyone," Maid Qiubi observed the process of Wenwen exploring the soul gemstones with her own strength. "You presumably planned to go outside, right? I told you before, I plan to follow You go outside and see ...
"Some pieces of information I need to find more myself to assemble and verify. It is also necessary to indirectly observe the status of the flame demon field and the circle theory through the flames and circles here."
Qi Wenwen gave Qiu Bi a strange look: "You have become mysterious and mysterious since you awakened. What do you have to put together to verify?"
"It's my creator ... or the information about the creator of the theory of the ring," said the white-haired girl calmly. "Our incubator was born with a stamp of thought and a mission. At the highest level of technology, we are always looking for ways to break the world's imprisonment and restore the creator civilization in a higher dimension ...
"But the creator ’s civilization has only a general introduction in my impression. All its information is stored in my memory in an encrypted form that I cannot crack. I used to think that these were civilizations for protecting data. For completeness and security considerations, I have never questioned the authenticity of the general introduction left to me by the mother civilization. "
"Creator ... Encryption?" Wenwen looked inexplicably. "Civilization information has been encrypted as a whole ~ EbookFREE.me ~ How can you restore your mother civilization without a method of cracking?"
"By being a magical girl, I have to some extent bypassed the restrictions of some ideological seals, so I wanted to understand something," the girl Chubi sighed. "In the past, I was indirectly affected by several potential forces. Affects, there are many experiences that are not so harmonious now in retrospect ...
"But as a whole, I have been gradually approaching the black box of magic, approaching the principle of the circle ... After having a field of vision beyond time, I am repeatedly observing and experimenting with this broken world line that tends to close. And came to a conclusion--
"The information body of our mother civilization, the way of encryption and decryption, is related to the principle of the circle on the time axis. It should be an encryption algorithm designed to simulate the special phenomenon of the time ring ..."
The young girl Qiu Bi took a deep look at Wenwen: "Do you know what this means? Before the theory of the ring closed, the incubator already existed in those world lines-the disappearance of our mother civilization and Information encryption must be earlier than the closure of the world line, which means ...
"The birth of the theory of the ring was strictly in accordance with the design and planning of our mother civilization. Within its chaotic ontology, the civilization that created our incubators must continue to exist in a form that I currently cannot understand. ... and I am the key to unlocking this mystery. "

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