: Fanwai-I-102 Leader Rising from the Coffin

"The true user of the seeker system ... and the manager?"
After pondering over the words of the black cat, Wenwen rested her hands on the table and groaned against her chin.
The words of the system black cat are literally well understood, but the meaning is very profound-
Obviously, like her original, through learning and growing to obtain exchange points, and to acquire various knowledge and resources on the seeker system, it is far from touching the core functions of this magical system.
The reason for the ring is probably due to the battlefield environment. The authority and knowledge that the seeker system opened for her during the initial awakening in the high-dimensional battlefield were not complete, and there was no mention of things like managers. .
It can be seen from the previous black cat notification content that most users of the seeker system will have to perform the so-called soul trial. Only after completing the trial and meeting certain standards of life can they reach the deeper part of the seeker system Functional permissions.
So what is the purpose of this screening? How many lives have passed this screening today?
Wenwen recalled those things that had always felt a little weird before crossing them-various modules with different painting styles attached to the seeker system.
She used to think that weird names such as "Cross-season" were proposed by users of some systems similar to her, but think about it, although she has also been exposed to the advice feedback module of the seeker system , But in fact she does not have the permissions and interfaces to make any changes to the system.
So, does the so-called "real manager" mean that after she wakes up, she can partially manipulate the seeker system in the eyes of other lives, change its operating rules, issue various tasks, and add and delete various modules?
Looking deeper in this line of thought, you will find a very interesting question-who is the strange task of posting "watching her own funeral" to her?
Wen Wen used to think that the dominator of the seeker system was Cheng Bin and the black cat, but now it seems ... behind the wonderful optional tasks she performed in the past, I am afraid there are very subtle problems ...
"... for a long time, I'm a bit mentally prepared ... Others can only wait until they wake up."
Wen Wen glanced at the large part of the psychology on the side of the desk. She remembered the tangled self-cognition problem before crossing, and could not help but smile with inexplicable emotions, and then continued to deduce her transformation plan.
The information ocean in the soul has a complete blueprint. It was created by her limit ability in the infinite spread of the soul in the battlefield of the circle of logic. Wenwen here only needs to gradually upgrade the hardware according to her own design. "Restore" the software.
The road is clear, smooth and straight. After slowly getting the rebuilt train on track, all that remains is to speed up.
The high-dimensional interference force manifested as a speed-sweeping ability continued to penetrate her body under the will of Wen Wen. Her perception and control ability began to skyrocket with the constantly updated body organs and ability modules.
The world seen by human eyes is rapidly replaced by the picture of infinite material movement. Infinite knowledge gradually merges into the soul's Wenwen, looking beyond the constraints of the electronic cloud and fog and strong nuclear force, to the deepest level that her power can reach.
After the soul ’s material carrier reconstruction project has crossed a limit, the thinking hardware is sufficient to carry the Wen Wen, an encrypted information ocean originating from the high-dimensional battlefield, and has completed the format change of life forms and the awakening transformation of mental thinking. Instantly completed different levels of super expansion, seeing past and future selves in a small timeline.
Raising the concept of "self" to a higher level, completing the awakening Wenwen overlooking the corner of the world line through herself at different points in time, she saw herself who had eaten with her parents not long ago, and saw the future described by parents Experience with weird ideas ...
Due to the hint of the black cat before, Wen Wen did not let go completely, spreading her soul wildly toward the upper and lower time axis and the parallel world lines. She followed the trajectory of her low-dimensional body shell and expanded herself little by little. Consciousness, slowly drawing a "map" at the current level.
While adjusting the attitude of the low-dimensional self to explore and spread frame by frame along the way, Wenwen looked at the system of knowledge seekers in her consciousness, but over and over, she found that this thing that had changed instantaneously in the timeline changes, but at this moment In the "time" outside the world, it has entered the update detection state, and it has not ended for a long time.
"It still takes so long to open the existing deep functional permissions?"
Wenwen doesn't think there is a problem with the "server" ability behind the seeker system. She can only guess that this may be because her "awakening" has not reached a certain threshold of recognition and is not completely completed.
So she turned her attention back to the expansion of the soul, slightly accelerated the spread of consciousness, and began to extend towards a more distant past and future and a closer parallel world.
Within the world, although Wenwen's parents heard something about the high-dimensional world from her, with their three perspectives, many things are difficult to understand and recognize, especially the soul form of the awakened person. ..
After seeing their reaction and anxiety in the derived timeline, Wenwen retained a lot of information in the final timeline and did not bring them into the too weird worldview.
I just felt that his slightly wild daughter became much quieter after a certain crossing, and Wenwen's parents were still surprised to continue to carry on their daily lives and family.
As far as possible to reduce the disturbance of the world line, Wen Wen is like a quiet observer in the low-dimensional world. She accompanies her parents to lead an ordinary life. She looks at the changes of society, the progress of science and technology, and her brother. Get married and have children ...
One day at the end of the twenty-second century, Wen Wen, who had almost no change in her appearance, looked at her parents' tombstone in the cemetery, and her heart was calm.
The weeping of the relatives of the Wen family at the funeral and the hustle and bustle surrounding the will was too far away from her, and she did not care about those who secretly accused her of no sorrow or loss.
She stared quietly at her parents' tombstone, at the same time watching her middle-aged parents who were urging marriage at the dining table, and her young parents teasing herself outside the crib.
Wen Wen, spreading on the world line of her birth, brought her life trajectory under control little by little. In the constant slight distortion of the timeline, she inspected her parents who were generally happy to meet the end because they were in time. Upstream interference sometimes stretches and sometimes shortens the context of life.
The timeline is a long tunnel, and people who can only walk forward in it will be moved by the appearance and disappearance of murals in the current field of vision, but for the tunnel itself, the murals are always carved there and have never changed. Ever--
To you, I am just a fleeting silhouette in the tunnel, but to me, you will always stay at the moment when you meet me.
The sense of time, the definition of life and death ... an insurmountable gap has long appeared between her and ordinary humans in the world.
At this moment, Wen Wen had the thought of wanting to let her parents and more people come to her height, but then she looked at the turbulent future with the butterfly effect brought by her with a bitter smile-
Any movement of her, even the slightest disturbance, will change the life of many lives in the distant future, even destroy countless lives before they are born, and create lives that did not exist ...
Even inside the ring theory with a convenient black box, the Magician Alliance experienced numerous torments and storms before it reached the stage of national awakening. I do n’t know how many times the timeline has been twisted and rewritten.
When Wenwen was thinking about the next action, she suddenly flashed the information prompt from the seeker system in her consciousness. After scanning the brief prompt content ~ EbookFREE.me ~ she curiously turned her attention to 20 At some point in the first century.
Finding herself who was eating with her parents at the table, Wen Wen moved to the parallel world prompted by the seeker system at the right time, and then she felt that part of her consciousness was being drawn to a place that seemed to have met— —
In the hazy drizzle under the dark sky, Wen Wen, wearing a black leather coat, leaned against a tree trunk and stunned his head. He tilted his head and looked at the flow of worshipers in the distance who were slowly leaving the field.
The breeze surrounding the cemetery covered with drizzle, but she couldn't wet her clothes.
"This is the world line that I crossed when I last performed‘ Observation of My Funeral ’,
Wen Wen looked down at his hands,
A part of my low-dimensional body was kept here?

After thoughtful Wen Wen watched those who left the funeral leave, she slowly walked to the tombstone that was surrounded before, and she looked at the engraved name on it and sighed: "I remember this world is not The power of ... is it really you that's fucking? "
Suddenly, the stones and soil rose up and shifted neatly, and the old-style coffin buried in the ground slowly suspended and exposed to the air under the influence of unknown forces.
In the neat voice of the long nail collapse, a black-haired woman with gray hair and a young face still appeared young, and a small jump stood in front of Wenwen.
The hair color instantly turned into a healthy black, and her complexion instantly changed from bloodless pale to ruddy. The elegant woman looked down at her gorgeous long dress and then smiled at Wenwen: "Welcome to my Hometown, newcomer ...
"I am your predecessor and guide. If you have any questions, you can just ask me-we are all‘ owners ’. You ’re welcome.

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