Chapter 487: Family and fate

Entering from the gate at the end of the corridor was a team of security personnel with uniform black uniforms, and a few ordinary people dressed casually around it.
Cheng Taro's complex eyes rested on two of them-a tall, quiet, western woman with soft and long hair, and a few-year-old girl held by him.
It was his wife and daughter he hadn't seen in a long time.
Looking at the little girl Xu Lun who was hiding behind her mother and responding to her gaze with an uneasy gaze in anticipation, Cheng Tailang, who was not good at expressing his inner emotions, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. The complex pressing of the brim cut off the two eyes.
Seeing the reaction of the familiar and stranger in front, the little girl with two cute bun heads and a short ponytail on her head looked more and more timid.
Fortunately, Joseph is an energetic old naughty boy. He greeted the others and asked one of the teenagers to wait a while before stepping down in front of his great-granddaughter. Two exaggerations Grimaced and giggled.
Seitaro sighed with a gaze to his wife. Although she is American, the tall woman who tends to Yamato's son nodded, and after soothing her daughter, she took her daughter's hand in the direction of Joseph. Walk to the rest area on the other side.
Noticed that the little girl glanced sideways over her complex eyes while walking, Cheng Tailang took a moment's glance, and his guilt in his heart grew more and more-these years he spent most of the time running around for stand-ups and arrows, almost never going Accompany your daughter's growth.
On the one hand, there are many things that cannot be separated from the help of his Platinum Star. On the other hand, he also protects his wife and daughter.
Substitute messengers are attracted to each other.
This is not a joke, but a solid fact based on a large number of statistics.
At some point in one's life, a substitute ambassador always meets with other substitute ambassadors, and often they are contacted by a series of seemingly natural, but weird, coincidences.
As the strongest ambassador in the known range, Seitaro has experienced countless such "coincidences" of the power of fateful fate.
He gradually moved away from his family, also from a coincidence that made his wife and daughter almost hurt by other substitutes.
Only a thousand days to be a thief and no thousand days to prevent a thief-the strength of the Josda family can effectively protect family members and eliminate threats from ordinary people, but the ability of the ambassador to surpass common sense is invincible.
What's more, as the strongest person in the world, although the details such as Cheng Taro's name and image have not been exposed for the time being, but the substitute for time can be stopped. As one of the biggest deterrents of the joint forces behind him, it has already been hidden. Circulation in the stunt circle.
The international coalition forces established in response to the gradual proliferation of stunts are not internally monolithic, revealing the ability to stop time, and it can be said that without revealing their identity, it will not affect the use of frontal combat, but who knows whether the follow-up will be stopped What about your identity?
The ability to stop time is enough for many substitutes to converge and think carefully about their own way of doing things, but at the same time, there is a lot of hostility towards the stoppers.
The Platinum Star is invincible, but Chengtaro with his family is not. He cannot guarantee 100% that he can protect his family in malicious and coincidental attacks against him, so he can only reduce contact with his family and try his best. Avoid potential enemies to find wives and daughters as ordinary people by yourself.
A stand-in that cannot be discerned by human technology observations is like a handgun that moves freely without leaving any evidence, making this society more and more dangerous.
It's for these reasons that Chengtarou is extremely angry about the fact that Joseph brought his family here and got involved in the terrible vortex.
But Joseph, who also valued his family, naturally had his reason for doing so--
"Don't look at me with that kind of look," said Joseph, who saw the great-granddaughter leave, coughed, looked back at Cheng Taro, and said, "Our main task at this time is to deal with the threat of Katz. I Know him very well, well, at least I know him decades ago. "
After a pause, Joseph looked seriously at Cheng Taro. "As far as I fought with him decades ago, Katz is a rotten man with no bottom line and unscrupulous purpose.
"In the agreed one-on-one matchup, he sent his men to disguise themselves to facilitate sneak attacks, and the enemy's relatives and friends' lives would kill the other inferior things. He did not have any psychological burden at all.
"I have no doubt that he will find all my loved ones and use the most vicious way to retaliate against me," Joseph said, "in addition to Polunarev's video, you also saw the column with your own eyes. Man, you should understand that Katz's ability is definitely not what ordinary security personnel can handle. At this time, it is safest to put them in the strongest combat position.
"Not only Xu Lun, but everyone, including my daughter and your mother, He Li, I have someone to help them move nearby. I know these are just expedient measures, so we must resolve Katz's problem as soon as possible. "
Just as Joseph's words came to an end, a researcher hurried forward and handed him a copy of the data-a preliminary test report on arrows.
After thanking him, Joseph quickly flipped through the information in his hand. After looking at the conclusion page, he exhaled a long breath. "Sure enough, there is an arrow, a column of male cells, and a stone ghost face."
The arrow is a thing made by humans thousands of years ago. The source of its mysterious power is not its image, but its material.
As far as the test results are concerned, the material of the arrow is consistent with that reflected in the previous survey. It originated from the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago, most likely from a meteorite that fell to the earth, and it happened to be the man of the column. It was born and dominated the earth.
In preliminary experiments, the eroding germs that the double-inspired arrows caused when they came into contact with the organism were similar in some respects to the cells of the male Santana.
But if you want to continue to study in depth ~ ~ human experiments, or even experiments involving avatars, you must not lose sight of those things in a short time.
After passing the information to the curious Chengtaro, Joseph slammed his fingers, and the dark-skinned teenager who had been lazily leaning against the wall, who had come along with Chengtaro's wife and daughter, saw his waist and waist A straight, back straight away from the wall.
The boy scratched his messy black hair, and then politely said to Joseph, "Hey man, you even called me together. What are you going to do? I'm very busy."
Joseph glanced at the hot young man in the action department and various research institutions in front of him. "The enemy is very difficult this time. If not, I don't want to use your weird substitute ability."
"Strange?" The boy who hummed slightly raised his hand, and a suspended comic book instantly appeared above his palm. "A person who tries to challenge and use his destiny must naturally have the mentality of being deflected by fate. ready
"Say, what do you want my stand-in‘ Toto God ’to predict? I ’m curious what your bad old man will ultimately pay for it.

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