Chapter 498: Crazy Diamond, Black Cat Captured

Foreign guests suddenly blasted the wall of the base with Mr. Josda ’s great-granddaughter. This happened in front of the eyes, and the guards and staff were naturally dazzled and nervous.
If it were n’t for the next severely injured girl, she would have recovered somehow, the repaired wall was temporarily isolated from those who were traveling with Dongfang Warfare, and the highly nervous guard would subconsciously raise his hand to give him a few shots and let him He has eaten bullets in his reckless behavior.
Fortunately, when the Eastern War help cut the healed wall and toss it aside, and the people across the hole negotiated a little chaotic scene, Joseph and Cheng Tailang had already heard the news and rushed over.
The scene when the father and son met two or three generations apart was quite embarrassing. Fortunately, due to this accident, everyone's energy was concentrated on the wall cut by the helper, and they originally planned to brew those things. Basically, it didn't work, and I was able to get along well in front of business ...
... if you ignore the bruise on Joseph's face.
After examining her daughter's condition, and taking care of her wife who came with a look of fear when she woke up, Cheng Tailang looked at the wall on the ground with serious eyes.
There is no unevenness in the cross-section of the wall, and there is not even any dust falling off, as if this wall has been like this since the day of manufacture.
Seitaro, a ghost of the Platinum Star emerging from his hand, squatted down and gently pinched the edge of the wall. Then he looked at the young man with a bad hairstyle who was performing a family ethics drama with his grandfather: "Kaz's flesh and blood are merged in like this? Looking at the fracture, I am afraid that even some molecular structures have changed ... This is not a simple repair at all, it is crazy ability ..."
Cheng Tailang, who has dealt with all kinds of avatars and is extremely experienced, naturally has a keen eye. He can see at a glance what the avatar ability of the young man who should be shouted by generations is. terror--
This is another powerful substitute with almost no upper limit on the "quality" of capabilities and extremely terrifying potential.
Although the mystery of this weird thing is basically the same, and in theory all the substitutes have the same potential to be tapped in some way, but for the time being, the performance of each substitute is really heavenly. Differently.
The Platinum Star, aside from the inexplicable late awakening time, is a whiteboard substitute without any special abilities, so Seitaro is very concerned and vigilant for the extremely powerful and powerful avatars that Oriental Warlord has.
"Fortunately, he is a friendly, I hope he is reliable enough ..." Controlling the platinum star lifted up the seemingly ordinary wall on the ground, Cheng Tailang recalled the subsequent display of the Totto prophecy, Then he stopped the "friendly exchange" between the father and son next to him and walked towards the deepest part of the base together.
In the original isolation room of Santana, the man who was detained and researched, a spare special container has been replaced in the center of the room instead of his predecessor, and a wall that has undergone numerous inspections and careful division is lying quietly inside. .
The East helper, who had understood the seriousness of the situation under the emphasis of Joseph, stood next to the container. He glanced back at the vigilant people outside the isolation door of the room, and then took a look and took a deep breath.
The red figure in crystal blue armor emerged next to the helper, who had just been named "Crazy Diamond" by "nephew" Chengtaro, and smashed into the inorganic wall with a punch along the window opened by the container.
The next moment, when the battle scene in front of the stand-up ability was launched, he found that he had suddenly come outside the isolation door, and the isolation door flashing a warning red light quickly closed in front of him to completely close the room.
With detailed help in advance, he looked at Cheng Tailang's slowly disappearing blue-purple burly figure with a horrifying look, only half a moment before he turned back and smiled bitterly: "This is the time for your platinum star to stop? The stand-in could have had such terrible invincibility ... "
Cheng Tailang, who was a human porter in the world of stoppages, looked at the monitoring screen displayed on the notebook next to him, and said without a squint: "Invincible? There are too many scary substitutes in this world, I dare not Claiming Invincibility ...
"Your crazy diamond may not have less potential than my platinum star, even with the help of cutting-edge technology research, the value of your substitute can be far above me-at least before human technology touches the curvature of time and space. such...
"What you lack is nothing more than targeted learning, research, and exercise-even if you put aside the combat use, there are still many things that can be mined. As a ambassador, you have your own quality, knowledge, and knowledge of yourself. The perception of the stand-in is completely unqualified. "
Disqualified? I have been with the stand-in for many years, and I ca n’t help but open my mouth with the unique temperament of a special group of people, and finally I ca n’t say anything to refute--
When there was a small conflict with Joseph before, he ate a lot of money in front of the Platinum Star. The other party only used the basic qualities similar to the crazy diamond to suppress him to no avail.
It was all-round crushing from experience to skill, from micro control to mental momentum, and Oriental Warfare lost no temper.
He knew that if a head-to-head confrontation really took place, even if Cheng Taro didn't use the special time-stopping ability of the Platinum Star, he would be killed by the other party in an instant, and there would be no time to raise his hand.
After seeing the details of Cheng Tailang's stand-in use, Dongfang Zhanzhu had only four words in his mind-impeccable.
This is the first time that Dongfang Zhuangshou has met someone who made him feel awe in his heart since he has a substitute ... so even if he still knows a little, he can't get used to these guys' use of little girls to lure enemies ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ he will also listen to every advice of Chengtalang carefully.
As for the unruly old man next to him ... not to mention.
"However, Mr. Seitaro," said Dongfang Susuke, who looked at the monitor screen, a little bit puzzled. "Is the 'Kaz' inside really dangerous to such a degree? Do you even need time to stop the potential risks? "
"In contact with mysterious things, caution and thinking are the most basic life-saving signs," Cheng Taro turned to look at the Eastern help, and then continued to pay attention to the changes in the monitoring screen. "When facing the special substitute ability, these two The point is especially important, Katz's special ability has been stronger than many substitutes ...
"If you have not skillfully used your abilities under the impetus of prophecy this time, it will be difficult for us to safely control all the cells that he has invaded the base ... As for the extent to which" Kaz "is dangerous, then we must observe and study Just a second ... if the prediction is correct, maybe there is a possibility of communication ... "
In the monitoring picture, the fragmented wall is continuously subdivided and changed by the ability of the crazy diamond. After the material disintegrates, it converges into two groups. One group slowly reconstructs the same wall as the previous one, and the other The regiment is gradually distorted, or reduced to a black cat the size of a palm ...
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