Chapter 523: Diablo and Leap of Time

The death of Iluso directly caused the collapse of the mirror world.

The bloodshot blood filled the mirrored world where Lisut's eyes collapsed. Its portal was like the sharpest razor in the world. He was stuck on the edge of the mirror world, and his legs shattered and dissipated from below his knees like glass.

But even more distressing was the death of Ilusso and the wounded in the mirror world.

There was no more time to regret and blame, Risut snorted, and the cricket fracture in his legs burst into high temperature in the focused microwave, which combined with the ability of metal products to close the wound and stop the blood loss.

The cells that Cheng Bin implanted into their bodies are chains that bind freedom, but at the same time they greatly strengthen their physiques. Although the degree of erosion is not high, they cannot get the high-speed regeneration ability of men close to the pillars or vampires, but the broken legs Severe injuries can be gradually recovered with sufficient time and food.

However, the enemy cannot give Risut a chance to retreat.

"It's so embarrassing, Risut ..." The sound of being unable to determine the specific location sounded near the building on the street, and the deliberately low magnetic voice taunted the man lying on the ground.

With a sharp look, Balisut swept through the high-frequency electromagnetic waves generated by the metal products. Even if his substitute strength was not high, he could detect the general situation within 30 meters by using a radar-type pointing beam.

But like when shooting down a helicopter, his "radar" failed to detect any abnormal traces.

If he hadn't attacked Jokorat's electric light and flint, he hadn't noticed the existence of the second person, how could Iluso be so easily attacked ...

"Abominable, listening to the sound is only over ten meters away. Why is there no abnormality in the scanning ... the abnormal abrupt change before, is he ..." Lisut, who was unable to scan the target, regained his ability and focused his mind. On the defense alert.

Observing the surrounding environment, Lisut silent after a while and tentatively said: "The moment Illuso died ... is the so-called time leap? Are you Diablo? If you are a wolverine, you are hiding in Tibet Are you more embarrassed than me? "

Behind Lisut's side, in a building exposed by the erosion of youth, a man in a flight suit and closed helmet stood quietly inside the window and peered at the street.

After hearing Lisut's tentative words, he held his hand tightly around the window, and the crimson shadow flickered on his hand, and the hard wall was pinched with delicate cracks.

"Sure enough, both the ability and the name are exposed, hum ... Polunarev ..." The man with the broken identity raised his hand to take off the helmet, and the natural crimson long hair fell from the juvenile childish cheeks, "... This time, as usual, let Tobio's 'trial'? No, even if it is much weaker than the intelligence, the current ability of Lisut's exposure is too dangerous ... "

In the blink of an eye, the juvenile pupil contracted and dilated, and his face was distorted and changed. In the blink of an eye, not only did his face mature, his muscles swelled, or even his height was swollen, which completely changed into another appearance.

Multiple personalities are not uncommon in this world, but even Diablo's appearance and shape will change with personality is quite incredible.

Unbuttoned the shirt that was slightly tight due to the change of body shape. The man with large chest and abdomen muscles was exposed. He stared at the empty space in front of him and seemed to see something in nothing ...

"King of Crimson!"

A crimson humanoid body with a white grid on the surface emerged behind Diablo. Its forehead was strangely inlaid with a narrow and twisted face. Four eyes, large and small, turned at the same time, looking at Risut on the street. .

Using Lisut as the center, beyond the ordinary people's eyes to identify the electromagnetic range of the electromagnetic bundle, weaved into a huge fan-shaped plane, sweeping the building where Diapolo is far faster than human response capabilities.

It was Risut who noticed the slightest movement caused by the smashing of the window by Risaut's verbal temptation, and once again launched the substitute ability to perform an extremely consuming wide area scan.

This, Diapolo sneered

"Is it similar to radar capability, because it is not a direct effect of the stand-in, so it can exceed the original range limit? If it is not forewarned by the" epitaph "crisis, I am afraid that such a high-speed scan will be difficult to detect and respond ... Unfortunately, in my In front of the crimson king, such a fast and precise ability prevents you from 'seeing' me. "

The huge electromagnetic fan surface is close to Diablo's left hand. Even though the human body's feedback on electromagnetic scanning is not as clear as that of metal objects, in a silent building, as long as the two parties have contact, Risut will inevitably detect the anomaly The existence of points.

However, the Crimson King is not only a powerful melee avatar, but also has an extraordinary ability to surpass the extraordinary avatar. Forehead face The crisis represented by the epitaph and the ability to directly watch the future, and the most powerful Time-cutting ability.

结合 The combination of the two is enough for Diablo to deal with most of the dangerous scenes in the world, as is the current electromagnetic scan of Risut.

的 The moment before the radar fan contacted Diablo, the ability of the Scarlet King was launched. Based on Diablo's prediction, the process of sweeping the radar fan across his body was completely erased in less than 0.11 seconds.

亚 Diabolo himself is not very clear about the state of the material affected by the ability within the time of deletion.

But he knows that if the matter in this state jumps out of a long river and enters a parallel tributary, everything in the world can't interact with it, but it is amazing that the material will still follow the laws of the original world. Until the end of the independent deletion time, the "result" will re-embed the original world, triggering subsequent changes.

的 The subject deleted this time is Diablo himself. At this moment, he became a non-existent person.

For the outsiders, at this moment, the sector of the radar jumps from the left side of the Diablo to the right side like a frame jump. In the "deleted" time, the Dia is interlaced with electromagnetic waves like a ghost. Polo, the trace was not even noticed by Risut.

No gain from detection. Subconsciously thought that a trace of movement was deliberately created by the enemy to attract their attention ~ ~ Risut immediately withdrew his ability and concentrated part of his mind in other directions to alert him.

For the first time in the face of the Crimson King, Risut, who did not know enough about the eradication of time, was in the indirect range of the Crimson King's ability, but he did not notice the leap in time at that moment. After all, The deletion time is too short and too short, and it is difficult to detect anomalies by the senses of normal people.

"Where the is it? The Crimson King shouldn't have the ability to be invisible ... Is he capable of a longer range than in intelligence? Or is there a third enemy around?" A quick reflection in his mind originated from Poluna. Leif's intelligence, and even those that Cheng Bin emphasized as unreliable, were taken out for review. Risut still could not find any clues available.

But Diapolo, who has roughly confirmed the status of Risut's substitute, once again started. In fact, when he attacked Iluso before, he had a sharp edge to Risut who wanted to squeeze out the lens. Unfortunately, Before Lisut relied on the electromagnetic and metal avatars, he unconsciously deflected the edge of the attack from the Jokorat surgical toolbox. Shocked by the fact that Iruso fell, he could not even find Di Apollon's round of attacks.

However, in the cities that were swept by youth, tough wooden weapons are not easy to find, but cement stones are everywhere.
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