Chapter 539: The mystery of the king, there is no sadness

At Diablo, it is difficult to say how much the relationship between Diablo and Tobbio before the ceremony was held.
In the change of personality level, Tobio, who has a weaker will, was the first to fall under the active "erosion" of the Crimson King, and Diablo, as the "boss", was eventually stabbed by the parasitic subject's personality. Did not last long.
Originally, Diablo, who had a mission, should shape Tobio's soul into the crimson king's need and adaptation in decades, so that the "boss" who is the underground emperor became the crimson king. Fulcrum and incarnation on this world line.
However, due to some changes inside and outside the world, this soul forging ceremony, which lasted for nearly thirty years, did not do its best, so that the crimson king violently intervened in the face of an odd number and forcibly reshaped the "boss" into its The humble carrier of consciousness.
As far as the results are concerned, the two situations seem to have little difference at first, but a gear that can be perfectly embedded in the operation of the main machine after the break-in, provides its own power and realizes the value of existence, and a gear that requires more investment outside the main system. There is a fundamental difference between remodeling and maintaining disposable parts.
For Diablo, the most obvious place for this essential difference is his soul, personality-
If it grows smoothly and is perfectly docked with the Crimson King, the "boss" who is equivalent to the integration of the larger system can actually retain all his consciousness. He can gradually progress to a higher level in a transcendental state. Adapt and run in.
But Diablo, who was forced to complete the ceremony, originally belongs to human emotions and desires, and is being diluted and diluted at a rate visible to the naked eye. His views on the world and life are being little by little crimson kings. Consciousness is completely obliterated and covered.
When this assimilation process is completely over, he will completely lose the "diapolo" name, which is more similar to a code name, and lose the last point as a human soul brand, and naturally call himself "the crimson king".
"In fact, the saddest thing is that I don't feel sad about it at all ..."
In the wilderness at dusk, Diablo, who measured the earth on foot, twisted a long crimson hair on his fingertips, and smiled at himself.
His stand-in ability allows his eyes to look at the unpredictable time and his hands to manipulate fate, but it all comes at a price--
The Crimson King is quite "吝啬", he does not want to invest more off-site costs in this world, so using the timeline editing ability of the Crimson King consumes its existing power in this world.
To put it simply ... What is consumed is Diabolo's "lifetime".
This life is not the thing determined by the body or the cell, but the length of the timeline occupied by the power of the Scarlet King in this world, and the depth and breadth of things affected.
In this crazy world full of avatars, they are pushed together by destiny, and their life trajectory is full of traces manipulated by higher forces, which determines how long and what they can live, often it is not them Myself--
In other words, it is not "completely" the "self" that they subjectively identify.
Ripple messenger, substitute messenger ... The word "messenger" in the middle has already made clear everything-they are not just the users of the power, but also the ambassadors representing the will behind the power.
Although ... many messengers, and even the powers represented behind many messengers, do not know their true situation.
Compared with those who are murky and horrible, the Crimson King who is proactive in exerting influence in various parallel worlds to expand his territory, and thus growing, is quite powerful.
However, this power will not change the situation of Diablo in the slightest-
Completing the ceremony and achieving the initial awakening has consumed his future for two or three years, and only one year is left in the available time for the future ... wait until the "life" resource at hand is exhausted, even if he is a physical life The long and incomparable vampire can't escape the abrupt end-
Beyond the power of the Crimson King, the malicious evil in fate will swarm like a shark smelling blood, and will use various inevitable "coincidences" to completely devour his future No millisecond gap will leave him.
In particular, the ghost king who has always been fighting for the territory with the crimson king and has great causal links in all worlds ... the guy will definitely use the real power without hesitation Eliminate it completely.
To put it another way, in fact, this "erasing" has always existed at the downstream end of the "land" of the Crimson King's timeline, and the King of Gold is just trying to push this time node upstream.
It is a pity that Diablo did not see that far before he was completely assimilated by the Scarlet King and learned all the secrets. Even if he could see it, it was impossible to see the specific situation at the end of the chaos.
However, if he thinks about it, he will know that by the time of the devil's flurry dance, if he can die in a fair battle, it will be a very rare and decent thing.
"However, the so-called death of a normal person is meaningless to me now, so ... I will be 'dead' very ugly, I'm really curious about the cost of those guys, and I won't be personal End? "
When it comes to life and death, Diablo inadvertently remembered the question that the guy named Cheng Bin asked him curiously not long ago-"Why, you have no reaction to the word 'eternal life'. ? "
When he faced this problem, he was at a loss, but now he can give the answer--
For a life that has a trace on the time axis is equivalent to "alive", there is no essential difference in the "death" coming downstream or later in the field.
As long as the Crimson King still occupies one second in this world ~ ~ Diapolo will always live in that one second, not to mention that in order to maintain his own "occupation", at least Twenty years before the life that shaped Diablo's soul?
He had long held eternal life in his palms, so how could he be interested in the low-level eternal life of a vampire?
Unfortunately, no matter what kind of eternal life, we must face the threat of the environment and external forces, and the powerful ability brought by the crimson king also brings the same level of consumption ...
"... To make better use of the limited resources at hand, we must first ensure that the internal force of the force works well, and then ... unplug the nails from the upstream in the field in turn ..."
In the transition of the timeline, Diablo's footsteps fell outside the huge base in the deep German wilderness. He looked up at the various buildings that were outcropping in the towering wall, and his heart was filled with memories--
That was a long time ago, in the inexplicable agitation originating from the Crimson King, "Dia Boro" eliminated the power of the organization, personally traced and shot the memory of defeating Polunarev.
"The dark marshal of the league, the silver chariot, the requiem ... What will you choose to take the initiative to liberate the odds?"
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