Chapter 547: Soul battle and silver town reappearance

The abrupt reminder from the Lord of Infinite reminded Cheng Bin of a lot of things in an instant.
Especially with regard to the statement of "users" of returning permissions, if you delve into it, it seems that you can dig up a lot of interesting information.
"There are no other 'abnormalities', so this hint should be a normal feedback to meet the conditions. So, in the original Dr. Cheng's trajectory, in the first trial world, he came into contact with high-dimensional forces, parallel worlds, or more time. Is the point of "self" connected within the scope of the infinite Lord's prediction? "
After turning around, I reviewed the experience after entering the world. Cheng Bin realized something: "Yes, although Dr. Cheng might not have acted exactly like my probe at first, his awakening substitute is a high probability event.
"After all, the power of avatars is obvious to all. For Dr. Cheng, who needed more power at that time, it is of great significance. Even if he does n’t know much information about the script, he is fully capable of investigating the awakening method of avatars by himself. It ’s just a matter of time before you come into contact with the substitute and start digging the secret behind it. "
Moreover, the water in this world is very deep. Even if Dr. Cheng did not take the initiative to awaken the substitute, I am afraid it would be difficult to escape the end of his "arrow in his knee".
For a while, the horrible pain of pulling the brain out of the brain interrupted Cheng Bin's meditation. He seemed to engraved the concept of "pain" directly into the feeling of his soul, and turned his attention from the information analysis work. Seeing that the center of his current consciousness has been disassembled into a pool of blood.
All kinds of defense and functional biological tissues that have lost control of the center have triggered a special mechanism to start spontaneous decomposition and environmental fusion after a period of chaos. The entire underground cavity has begun to collapse during the self-destruction of most semi-supported structures.
Cheng Bin's remaining consciousness saw the tragic white figure steadily suspended on the wreckage during the earth-shattering crash through the only sensor officer near the core of the center, or the channel through which the soul obtained sensory information.
Before the cave completely collapsed and the carrier of consciousness was transferred, Cheng Bin, who had suspended the work of combing information, sighed to his own stand-in theoretically: "Why bother? Do you feel a bit of painful information that can defeat my will? You Maybe too underestimated 'self', right? "
In the collapsed cave, the pale white shadows passed by countless flesh and rock fragments are indifferent.
Cheng Bin, who is dying out of the consciousness carrier, smiled and asked the question curiously, "Should I call you 'Kaz' or should you call 'Infinite'? You should not be called yet Where is 'Cheng Bin'? "
I don't know which nerve of the pale substitute has been touched by this problem, and the voice of suppressing the anger and anger suddenly sounded in Cheng Bin's soul
[I am I'm Katz! !! !! You insect who dares to invade my perfect body! 】
Feeling that the part of the memory in his soul that was forgotten by the seal and belonged to the ultimate life was restless, Cheng Bin knew: "That is to say, you are not 'infinity', but just the 'Kaz' in 'infinity' Right? Yeah, or you wouldn't just deal with me this way. "
This dialogue is not so much between the avatar and the avatar, but rather between the double personality of the avatar and the part of the soul that is affected by the avatar. It made Cheng Bin feel a little bothered.
But who made him inherit most of the memory and power of the Katz mutation?
The so-called ripple consciousness is the latest discovery of Katz's soul that has been distorted and overwritten. The soul and may not necessarily belong to the same person. The soul is more shaped by the special mold of consciousness like molten iron, like him. A condition where the consciousness is deposited on the soul from the beginning without any awareness at all
At the beginning, I live in a black box with hidden dangers. Who can withstand this? Don't blame me for planning the worst in advance, Cheng Bin thought.
[Cheng Bin, you can't beat me. 】
The pale shadow of the avatar has become thinner and thinner as Cheng Bin ’s consciousness carrier continues to collapse, but his voice, which hurts Cheng Bin ’s soul like lava, has become deeper.
[No one can resist his own stand-in, you who cannot be a
, can only live in my shadow for every minute, every second, you must bear my erosion of your soul, and stand for the stand-in Unilateral attack against the ontology that ignores the defense]
【give up! Join me! Into me! Become me! This is your destined future, this is your destiny! 】
"Fate?" Cheng Binxi laughed. "If this is really doomed, what are you still doing?" If you really have the ability to move freely, the moment I parasitize your soul, you should Do you want to expel and destroy me? Do n’t tell me what kind of
does not even have the ability to actively choose the time point to influence
"To put it bluntly, now you are just a stand-in" infinite "personality fragment created in my soul, stimulated by the timeline next door and incompletely awakened by the interference of the Crimson King and the silver chariot soul song. Depend on a part of my soul, does it make sense to say these false big empty words? "
The pale white avatar completely disappeared and dissipated in the cave that collapsed. The newborn personality who claimed to be Kaz was silent for a while, and then whispered in Cheng Bin's soul.
[But the avatar infinitely belongs to me after all, without my permission, you cannot contact and use the power of the avatar, and I cannot and cannot kill you, but you do n’t want to get anything from me, I will use all means Always erode your consciousness, use the power of substitutes to destroy everything you have and care about
[No one can resist his substitute, I will wait until the day you fail, until the moment you kneel to me and respect me as the king, believe me, it won't take long. 】
Katz's words of soul gradually became obscure, and in the face of its extremely real threat, Cheng Bin nodded in approval: "It just happens that the development cycle of projects related to the heart plan is too long, and there are also some soul levels in this world. Obstacle, I don't want to be harassed by you for so long
"So ~ ~ let's end it all at once."
Katz, who eroded Cheng Bin's soul with his substitute power, stunned. The next moment, the pain that caused the collapse of the mind caused him to make an incredible shout.
【how dare you? !! 】
Deep in the chaotic research base, Diablo stood blindly with a red and white arm running through his chest. It penetrated the palm of his spine and was crushed in splashing blood. Up his heart.
The man with crimson long hair shivered and lost strength, hanging all the weight on the arm that penetrated his chest.
Relaxed as if the crimson king holding a piece of paper snorted softly and pulled his arm from the weak and corpse, his four eyes saw the body of this world fall, and then turned to look at Jing Standing silver-haired man.
In other words, look at the weird avatar shrouded in silver-haired men, whose appearance is as dark as ink but has a mirror-like texture.
"Silver Chariot Requiem"
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