Chapter 553: The greatest value, the "death" of ultimate life

Not long ago, the air was thin and the electromagnetic energy was surging.
In a tough human body that is suffering from environmental erosion, a newborn personality named Katz makes an incredible roar [How dare you? !! 】
"Why don't I dare?" Cheng Bin, looking down at the sun, said lightly, not taking his soul that was crashing at all.
Even if Katz can mobilize the power of the avatar, the master of the soul is still Cheng Bin. He was just born under the infinite influence of the avatar. Even if he does his best, he cannot prevent a soul expert from destroying himself.
Yes, it is difficult for a person to fight against his own substitute. Even Cheng Bin, who has an in-depth study of the power of the soul, will be very troubled by the internal invasion at all times.
But destroying the substitute's carrier is a relatively simple matter, as long as you are not afraid of death.
Obviously, Cheng Bin is far less afraid of death than the new-born Katz.
Desperately trying to delay the arrival of destruction, but there is no way to save the situation, seeing the collapse of the soul is about to enter an irreversible process, Katz finally realized that this guy who seized his body was not trying to pass this extreme Threatens him
The other party is really disgusted with the trouble of entanglement with his substitute, and chose to solve the problem at one time.
Abandoning the erosion of Cheng Bin's consciousness in an all-round way, Katz worked hard to ease his emotions and tone, and persuaded in his soul with an unusually sincere attitude: "Why so? 】
[We have common substitutes in countless worlds, and our consciousness must have a common base point in the infinite. I never thought that I would really kill you, and there are more solutions to soul disputes. You do n’t need them at all. Use such an extreme method to resist me. 】
"Oh?" With the process of soul collapse stuck on the irreversible limit, Cheng Bin thought about the pain enough to torture the mad ordinary people. "For 'Kaz' on the level of substitutes unlimited, in a world It should be considered a victory if the soul with Cheng Bin's consciousness as the main body is defeated?
"Even if this victory was achieved in the same way, but Kaz had no foundation at this time and place? If the soul is destroyed, I am from one to zero, and you are from zero to zero, 'Cheng Bin' The proportion will decline, so why do you think that
takes advantage? Why do you resist so much? Interesting
"Either, you feel that you will win steadily, so that you can continue your consciousness to a more distant future and enhance your own value in this world, or you and the 'Kaz' in the infinite substitute, the relationship is not really so close, You don't want to die, you don't want to sacrifice to achieve a higher level of yourself, but you want to live independently in this world. "
After listening to Cheng Bin ’s slow analysis, Katz was silent for a while, and then sneered: [You are really smart, so I ’ll just make it clear, I do n’t want to die, you ca n’t die either]
[Your death, there is a great possibility that you will lose your own maximum value. In order to protect your value in each parallel world, 'Kaz' can even sacrifice part of self-consciousness into 'Cheng Bin' when necessary. Don't resist anymore, we will eventually become one. 】
"The greatest value? Oh, although you and I are one soul, I didn't expect that you even knew that, so it turned out." Cheng Bin suddenly realized and laughed, "It turns out that" Infinite "is also one of the goals of that guy, and Katz you Want to take this opportunity to escape alone? "
Katz's anger suddenly flashed in his heart, and he tried to say to Cheng Bin in a calm tone: [Unknown scenery, stronger power, and the wider world have such opportunities, how can I let go? Run away? Humph】
Looking down at the blue and white planet, Cheng Bin murmured with a hesitant voice: "Don't run away from the birthplace and away from the vital battlefield? Is it like throwing a net and walking along the line of others?
"Well, although as a bait voluntarily hung on a fishhook, I did not say such a position. The Lord of Infinite is a good abacus. I don't know what it looks like behind the world."
The purpose of the freshman Katz in this world is indeed a bit beyond Cheng Bin's expectations. He did not expect that certain information that the Infinite Lord put on the tester's consciousness did not add any security measures at all.
This directly led to Katz, who shared the soul and avatar with Cheng Bin, and knew about the infinite master and the right to return.
No wonder the special reminder in the previous tester task panel will emphasize that the use time and "user" of the return permission should be used carefully.
Cheng Bin has no doubt that if his second person, Katz, has the ability to control the tester's authority, the other party will give up the task and start the regression process directly. He wants to use Katz's character, which contradicts the "Kaz" at the substitute level It is also normal.
Not everyone can form a strong synergy by condensing multiple selves.
With the power of the Infinite Lord, the high-dimensional connection is split, and it is no problem for a guy like Katz to become an independent reincarnation or even a eater.
In other words, the Infinite Lord threw Cheng Bin into this world and descended directly on Katz. The purpose was far more than just exploring the problem of Dr. Cheng. At least at the beginning, he had nothing to do with Infinite Substitute. Behind it, how many times has the Lord of Infinite hands been inserted.
After learning about Katz's ambitions, Cheng Bin felt a bit scratching his head and felt that he couldn't pull anything out of the other person's mouth. He um, huh, huh, and coped with Katz's constant temptation in his soul. Pushing the process of self-destruction of the soul beyond the boundary, let the soul enter an irreversible collapse.
Katz, who hadn't responded, had no time to make a wrong noise [you! !! !! 】
Then disappeared with the collapse of the soul.
The human body falling towards the earth smiled before the self-disassembly program started: "Reassurance, Katz will only die for you
"I do n’t know whether the Infinite Lord ’s identification standards for the continuator ’s life continuity and the right to return will be retained. But do n’t you know this experiment?

Lost avatar protection ~ ~ Along with self-decomposition and fierce friction, a powerful soul that once extended the tentacles of consciousness to every corner of the earth has completely collapsed and disappeared.
In a port city in the southern tip of Italy, in an institute located next to the industrial area, most of the windows are tightly covered by multi-layered materials, and the vampire Risout tempted to put his left hand on the experimental bench and let a ray pass The heavy reflection and filtering of natural sunlight fell on his palm.
If there was a faint white smoke rising, Risut endured severe pain, watching his palms skin first turn red, then gray, and waited until the timer returned to zero and the sun disappeared. Arm.
Putting his hand into the special instrument next to him for subsequent analysis, Risut frowned and turned his gaze, looking at the young Asian man in a white coat, contemplative in the dark red lighting of the room.
I don't know if it is an illusion. Lisut always feels that what happened to this mysterious young man named Cheng Bin has a sudden sudden change in his temperament.
After hesitating, Lisut asked Cheng Bin, who looked like a god, and asked a question he had puzzled for a long time after fighting the Scarlet King.
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