Chapter 567: Beggars, hunters and prey who suddenly leave work

Starry night, in the villa area of ​​Tohoku-cho northeast, in the house of Kira's house.
Under the gushing shower of warm water, the man with blond hair was rubbing his shapely and powerful body constantly. After repeated washing, his skin began to turn red.
Although the muscle profile is not as good as those in the gym who have undergone targeted exercises, Jiliang Jiying has been very satisfied with his body with various indicators that meet health standards.
However, the disgusting experience in the sewer made Ji Liang Ji Ying, who had quite cleanliness, feel that his perfect body was defiled, so he stayed in the bathroom for a long time.
Although, that is a future that has not happened in a while and will not happen again.
Contaminated and damaged clothing, scars swallowed by peristaltic animals, nauseous breath around the nose ... all of these disappeared with time.
The point in time when Ji Jiliang Jiying's consciousness traced back was the time of sleeping after washing. He got up and cleaned again, but it was only a psychological effect.
After a lot of tossing, Jiliang Jiying, who was scented with shower gel, finally barely removed the psychological shadow of drilling the foul sewer. After drying his body and putting on pajamas, he lay back on the bedroom bed.
After glancing at the clock on the bedroom cabinet, Jiliang Jiying lying on her back and closing her eyes began to think about the action plan after dawn.
The latest time backtracking is actually in the early hours of a few hours. Jiliang Jiying came to an earlier point in time and caught the beggar who had just arrived at Duwangcho based on the information he had tortured in the future.
The guy who hasn't received much organizational information, doesn't know much about his goals, and hasn't carried out various spot investigations on Duwang Town, was caught off guard by the Kira Yoshihide who was passing by by car and installed a time bomb.
不到 The sudden attack of the powerful melee slayer killer queen across the car window is less than two meters. In the face of this offensive, the avatar of the beggar who can only control the carrier of germs such as mice is really too weak.
Jiliang Jiying, who was gradually accustomed to the retrospection of time, did not care about the outbreak of fighting under the crowd of the court. He had just traced back from the bad environment of the sewer. He couldn't wait to detonate the bomb on the beggar. Early in the morning.
As soon as I opened my eyes in bed, Ji Liang Ji Ying felt an unprecedented level of peace of mind-the ruined fate of the beggar was fixed, and those disgusting animals and terrible infectious diseases would disappear from the world forever after arriving in the morning.
He no longer has to worry about getting caught in an inexplicable disease.
"... in a few more hours, the sun will rise, I will start the ordinary weekend normally, and the disgusting beggar will turn to ashes as soon as he walks out of the alley, even if a passerby notices a wink In the meantime, the anomaly disappeared completely, and no one would know that I killed him. "
This perfect assassination, the pleasure of removing obstacles in a stable life, gave Ji Liang Ji Ying an unspeakable excitement, and this rare joy is almost approaching the time when he became a new "girlfriend." It feels like that.
It even made him so sleepy.
At this time, Jiji Liangjiying even wanted to get up, take out the girlfriend who was forgotten because of his busy life, and do something indescribable.
However, considering the temperature of the refrigerator and the trouble of subsequent processing, he finally held his desire and calmed down to think about other issues.
The highest priority is naturally to solve the beggars' friends in Duwang Town ...
Uh ...
The weekends in tourist cities are always lively earlier than other cities.
The beggar was so incomparable that his face was covered with mess. Most of the beggar crawled out of the cardboard box in the corner of the alley silently. He listened to the sound of human activities in the distance, and after a brief cleanup, he walked slowly toward the alley.
Du Wangcho is not a very large first-tier city. As a dead end alley of capillaries, it is not far from the arterial main road. The beggar slowly walks around the corner twice, and is in an increasingly wide field of vision. Came near the main road in the current area.
According to a predetermined plan, he should start the so-called step-by-step operation today, obtain target-related information from "organizations" and other piecemeal channels, so as to tighten the invisible rope step by step and persecute someone Do what he wants to see.
But the biggest problem in the battle with the time retrospector is that you will never know if you will encounter the next instant, the "surprise" triggered by the future and feedback to the present-
When the beggar stepped out of the alley and stepped on the sidewalk, before he could watch the road, he found that the fire of destruction was lit in his body.
It seems that every atom is releasing a horrible implosion of energy, which annihilates the beggar's body in an instant. The surging energy hedge offsets all the effects of spreading to the outside world, leaving a living person silently disappearing in the broad daylight. under.
Death without warning is enough to cause fear to anyone who realizes it. However, at that moment, the deepest part of the beggar's seemingly normal but chaotic simulated consciousness, in that aura of light connected with the larger soul network, The thought that passed by was ...
NICE! It seems that the series of operations in the sewer need not be performed, after work and work ...
At the moment when the beggar died, in a remote warehouse on the other corner of Duwang Town, three strangely disguised servicemen who were unpacking and checking the mess in the warehouse stopped for a while.
The next moment, the three continued their work casually, and at the same time, they continued to chat and complain about the trouble of coming to Duwang Town from North America.
But on another level, in the local soul network composed of the three daughters, high-speed exchanges of other information have nothing to do with the work at hand--
"'Beggar' is dead."
"There is no sign of death. The characteristics of death are the same as in the summary information. Can you determine that the characteristics of the bomb of the loser's dust are consistent with expectations? Are you going to change stages?"
"We are the same batch of beggars, but we did not suddenly violently together ... Calculate the difference between the distance between the warehouse, the beggar's death point and the villa, according to the target's behavior, if we have not died after half an hour, that is basically It can be considered that this timeline is the first time he has used this ability, and it is considered a new stage. "
奇怪 "Strange ... if there is really something to install‘ loser food dust ’later, is the information revealed by the beggar Jiliang Jiying really believe it? Including our information, which stand-in, which organization?

"In order to avoid being disturbed by the abnormality, the viewers of UU Kanshu are far away, but seeing the general trend of Jiliang Jiying now ... he should be coming towards us and passed by the beggar. He received the information tangibly. "
这么 "So, Jiliang Jiying didn't see the authenticity of the beggar's simulated avatar? Was it the killer queen who didn't see the essence of the empty avatar built by the soul energy, or did he see it but didn't communicate with the host at all?"
"The first sequence of assassination plans entered the abandonment process on this timeline, indicating that whether Gilang Jiying died or appeared to be killed instantly, he could start the time trace of the loser ’s dust, and never reveal information. It remains to be seen whether the killer queen of this time has demonstrated his consciousness in this process ... "
"Theoretically, our two" stand-in abilities "for controlling gas and water have been exposed to Jiliang Jiying through beggars ... According to the new plan sent by the central side, you next need to pretend to be a beggar who does not know Those with new abilities, try to capture Jiliang Jiying and interfere with his thinking to see if it can affect the judgment and release of the killer queen. "
嗯 "Well ... the kind of frontal resection? What kind of abilities do I need to do this? Let me think of a substitute name first."
I confirmed that Jiliang Jiying's car was gradually approaching the location of the warehouse. The three people in strange clothes in the warehouse looked at each other, and then one of them got into a large unpacked box in front of the warehouse and hid.
The exposure of time bombs will cause a series of changes. The cycle of identity conversion between hunters and prey is far from over ...

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