Chapter 572: Tourists and urban legends

The vast and long battle of defending Du Wangcho continues to evolve in the whirlpool of the River of Time, but no matter how fierce and mighty this war is, the daily lives of ordinary people in Du Wangcho who have no way of knowing the timeline changes have not been greatly affected.
At least, for the time being ...
I don't know how many times the timeline has been distorted in a small commercial street in Duwang Town.
"... Hello, the vehicle has arrived at the shopping street station, please get off the passengers from the back door-welcome to take bus No. 11 ..."
Hearing the beeping sound in the bus, the beautiful woman sitting by the window with one hand to support her face turned back, and in a T-shirt and hot pants, she stood up and arranged her cool clothes and a camera around her neck. I took my little backpack off the shelf and walked towards the bus door.
A young woman who jumped steadily outside the car looked around, and the simple black horsetail fluttered around with her head in the sun. Its slightly outstanding appearance and temperament immediately attracted the attention of some pedestrians. .
However, it is not the peak tourist season at this time, nor is it the peak of commuting at this time. Even if it is a famous small commercial street in Duwang Town, the flow of people at this moment is not too dense, and no one notices the beautiful older girls at a glance. How much, naturally, no one deliberately continued to focus on remembering her.
After all, it is a tourist city. The average face value of Duwangcho is actually very high. Everyone is familiar with beautiful women who write the word tourists from head to toe. Everyday.
It is a pity that this woman who looks and feels like a tourist, the idea of ​​deep consciousness is not routine and harmonious at all--
"... Breaked thousands of cannon fodder in one breath? The time difference was bad ... I thought that the death density record created by the group of humanoid stalkers on the street last night will not be surpassed. .. "
The tourist named Wenwen looked at the customized version of the Duwangcho tourist map in his hand, and slowly left the bus platform and walked to the street.
As a
tourist, Wen Wen arrived safely at Duwang Town, and like most ordinary travelers, he took a night's rest at the hotel he booked, and then cleared his luggage and accompanying items before leaving the hotel. Set off and started a formal travel plan.
Theoretically, from the perspective of timeline changes, related plans for "tourists" have been implemented from the earliest timeline. Jiliang Jiying can trace back to the timeline, but cannot trace the state of the elapsed timeline. "Tourism As long as it is integrated into the city before the start of Jiliang Jiying's transition, it will make it impossible for the time retrospector to know whether the "traveler" is an existing person or an anomaly.
Time Bomb loser Dust can wipe out the enemy from the source. From the current situation of Wen Wen's dog, she has no intersection with the track of activity and Jiliang Jiying in the foreseeable future. The related plan should be smooth. Executed.
"But ... I'm relaxed and travelling. I just watched the others who were killed and killed. It felt a little weird ..."
After all, the construction of the thinking circuit is biased towards "Wenwen" in certain periods, and the shell performance is slightly sentimental.
However, in this respect, the sentimentality of "Cheng Bin" is completely unnecessary-thinking about a few batches of cannon fodder over the center is hot discussions about "the current batch of themselves may die out of thin air" "transform life before the death Form, to test things like the material identification mechanism of the killer queen's loser.
After all, they are the same kind of people. After listening to some information, they felt that their discussion was really interesting--
If the victim's dust was killed by a human-shaped lurker, then before the lurker's expected death time arrives, the lurker is disassembled into various elemental materials, and even used as raw materials to create other different lives, then How will the loser's dust-destruction cross-timeline destruction mechanism deal with this destruction target?
Are all substances that originally belonged to the lurkers discriminated and destroyed strictly according to the atomic scale? Or is the basis for the identification of the loser's food dust a more conceptual life, or directly acting on that part of the soul?
Unfortunately, Wen Wen, as an independent operation, can only hear the broadcast of some shallow soul lines. The specific research results are on the deeper information chain. She is temporarily unnecessary and unable to learn.
After shaking his head slightly, Wen Wen put away the map in his hand, turned his attention back to reality, and walked in a direction that seemed to have been decided temporarily but had already been selected.
The unofficial customized travel map records a lot of interesting information known to the locals. There are old-style small restaurants that have focused on a class of food for decades and are affordable and delicious. There are unnamed but very pleasant spots .. Word of mouth urban legend-
It's the kind of "N Incredible Incident" in many places.
However, the urban legend of Duwang Town is different from other places. In this wonderful town with multiple "arrows", many incredible legends are actually related to ambassadors.
The amazing phenomenon caused by the special ability of a avatar is naturally extraordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, but this kind of thing is obviously not worth investigating by tourists such as Wenwen. Her goal is not directly related to intelligence and avatars. Relevance, but it has deep research value at the level of soul science.
That is the "ghost alley that must not be turned back" in urban legends-speaking, this place is also the ultimate soul destination of the original script Ryuji Yoshiyoshi.
How difficult it is for the awakened killer queen "Cheng Bin" to be profoundly experienced. This place can completely destroy the possibility of the killer queen's soul carrier continuing into the future, pointing to what potential connection there is with the killer queen.
"But ... how the is this going in?"
Standing on the sidewalk, Wenwen glanced at the map marker on his hand, then raised his head with a headache and looked left and right to the shop in front of him.
On the left hand side is a convenience supermarket and on the right hand side is a pharmacy. The walls of the two houses are connected, and there is only a small triangular open space in the middle of the store. There is a common fire cabinet.
The urban legend about ghost alleys has lasted for more than ten years ~ ~ The original origins have not been tested, although in various versions of rumors, "the passing laneways that will always stay behind when they turn back" The saying "beautiful female angel" has noses and eyes to find common ground, but the way to get into it is mixed.
Fortunately, Wenwen is not an ordinary person who looks like that. Looking for this kind of spiritual phenomenon does not depend entirely on fate and luck.
"All the mysteries in this world are derived from the power of the soul. If it doesn't work, scan it with a ripple exhaustion ... If it can accommodate living entities, the power of the ghost alley may involve the structure of space. Maybe you should explore space and time first. Where the curvature is abnormal, unfortunately it is too difficult to use gravitational waves as ripple energy carriers ... "
With such thoughts, Wenwen packed his things, turned around and walked into the next convenience store-there is a row of small tables and chairs inside this store, you can buy some food and drink and sit for a while.
Directly investigating the curvature of space-time is slightly beyond Wen Wen's ability, but the gravitational anomaly brought by the bending of space-time is quite well detected, and it is just a matter of slowly investigating some quality small things ...
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