Chapter 579: give up

After the owl actually spoke, the look of Jiliang Jiying fell into a deep obscurity.
He just stared at the monster outside the window, his spirit seemed to be immersed in the incredible "why" before, and there was no sign of answering the owl question at all.
And the owl outside the window, or Cheng Bin, who had not entered the world for long, did not expect the other party to answer his own question.
Even after entering the WTO, and the accumulation of local mysterious knowledge is not rich, relying on the ability to master the ultimate life kaz, Cheng Bin can also obtain a lot of desired information from the observation target through various subtle changes.
From physiological reactions and micro-expressions that could not be completely concealed, to unusual energy surges similar to ripple consciousness, Cheng Bin interpreted a lot of things from Jiliang Jiying, and even surprised him a little
How to say ... The man named Jiliang Jiying in front of him seems to have undergone quite fine adjustment and transformation mentally.
This made Cheng Bin feel an inexplicable strong sense of sight when he observed from the level of ripple consciousness
Is like encountering a new and unknown encrypted file, but you can guess the password based on the habits and tendency of setting passwords in the past.
A tacit understanding across time.
"From the future, from other timeline's own gifts? Even if most of the data read is ambiguous, many theoretical conjectures in the general direction can also be determined by reference ... At least this proves that the soul and ripple energy are at the essential level I do n’t know if the avatar can also be included in this system ... Jiliang Jiying ’s experience can probably determine the subject. The general methods should not be useful to him ... "
The consciousness hidden in the owl's body, when quickly thinking and verifying various conjectures and applications based on the ripple consciousness, Jiliang Jiying's broken string in his heart finally managed to recover.
As the towering building blocks were pulled out of the foundation, a huge and abnormal pressure gradually spread from the depths of Jiliang Jiying's soul. With sweat and sweat, he endured the terrible pressure of the sky collapsed and rolled down inch by inch. Focus your attention on reality.
-Now I can no longer summon the killer queen and use the loser's food?
Under the inexplicable understanding, Jiliang Jiying, who knew that there was not much time, stared at the owl outside the window, reluctantly repeated the previous question again with a dry voice: "I saw that you were completely destroyed with the elephant , How could you still be alive? "
"Elephant ..." The owl tilted his head and looked at the edge of the window. He stretched out his wings and opened the unlocked window. He even jumped into the house, stopped on the back of the chair, and stepped on the coat of Jiliang Jiying After pondering for a while, he thoughtfully said:
"... that is, the beginning of the time period covered by your intelligence, was it when I eroded the elephant in the form of" blood eagle "?"
After a pause, the owl's hard beak twisted slightly, and a smile oozed out on his face: "It seems that your source of information is not so reliable ... but since you can touch it here, then you Continue to find the source of my true birth ... "
Lifting the right wing and pointing the feather tip to the Yoshiyoshi shadow supporting the body against the wall, the owl said sincerely: "If you want to really kill me, you have to work harder a little bit-
"When I was the most vulnerable, I actually abandoned most of my body in space to change orbits, and broke through the atmosphere in a state of" blood crystal "full of aerodynamic beauty ...
"When I fell to the stratosphere at a very high speed and started to change the shape to slow down, I fully recovered the observation ability and I consciously approached the birds near the altitude of 10,000 meters, preferentially capturing the parasites that are closest to me. ...
"The blood eagle you saw and destroyed did indeed carry my consciousness at that time. Before that, I didn't have a deep understanding of my own abilities. I differentiated a small number of tissue cells to spread and erode other contacted lives just to Just in case, in poor condition, I did not expect that the blood eagle will be abruptly destroyed, but my consciousness was awakened in other child bodies and continued intact ... "
After smiling, the owl sighed and shook his head: "Since entering here, I have thought about what might happen to this place where the mysterious power involves the timeline and the parallel world, and make preparations and plans. Thinking of this extreme 'in case' really happened. "
Ji Liang Ji Ying's lips were tightly silenced for two breaths, and then he relaxed and closed his eyes to take a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "If ... if I can find a way to go to the stratosphere or even space, I can really kill You?"
"In terms of your current performance, it's a little difficult." The owl lowered its head and trimmed its feathers with its beak, and then thought, "From the parasitic differentiation, it's difficult for you to blow me out of the net. , The slowest speed is a few kilometers per second ...
"If you return to an earlier time, work closely with national organizations, or find some special mysterious forces, it is not without hope to synchronize the speed in space orbit and seize the carrier of my petrochemical state. In that case, it is not familiar. I, the ultimate life force, may be really cool. "
Yiliangji's face slightly moved, it seemed to really think about this possibility, but in his slightly opened eyes, he didn't have the seriousness of struggling and hard work, and some just gradually expanded hollow.
Or ... collapse.
I do n’t know the pressure of the gradual presence of Jiliang Jiying. The owl looked at the strange look of the other party strangely. Then the words turned and said with an undisguised bad smile: "But, but!
"Even if you can overcome all difficulties and do all that you can kill, it's just me on this world line, this time line-as I said before, the current body of ultimate life , Just the carrier of my consciousness ...
"Neither the guy who sent me here, nor" myself "can accept the possibility of absolute zero. There are always so many worlds in which I will break through all the interceptions and obstacles and come to the world ... One thing, I am very sure.
"Since the mysterious elements here involve time and parallel worlds, then I, who has come successfully, always have the opportunity to go to other parallel worlds and time points, to the world where‘ I ’was completely killed by you ...
"You who are enemies against me, there is no possibility to get rid of this endless vortex and return to the peaceful daily life-give up."
give up!
The jokes of the owl are like an iron hammer that crushes everything.
Could no longer think, refute, and can no longer stir up the strength of struggling and moving forward. The terrible power erupted in Jiliang Jiying's soul, instantly crushing and crushing his last line of will.
The owl that sensed the threat of terror burst into hair instantly, and its wings and claws flew backwards at the same time.
Then through the eyes of the owl into the ripple consciousness ~ ~ is the terrible vortex that suddenly tears the reality behind the blond man in front.
The deep and dark vortex is like a black hole. Everything in the room trembles and falls between the twisted gravitational forces. The Yoshiyoshi shadow that is almost close to the vortex has no time to react and is captured by this mysterious and terrible vortex.
When Kang Pan looked back, Ji Liang Ji Ying was horrified to see that countless pale arms were stretched out in the center of the dark vortex. These strong arms that seemed to extend from the body extended out, greedy and hungry. Grasp the body of Jiliang Jiying.
The dense arms almost obscured the sight. In the pain of being gripped by the cold fingers, the last thought flashed in the broken soul of Jiliangji
These hands ... these hands ... is his own?
Even if the consciousness collapses and blurs, even if it is only seen for a moment, as a patient with deep hand fetishism, Jiliang Jiying is sure that he has never misread it!
In addition to the paleness and coldness of the dead, the muscle distribution and the texture of the skin are so familiar that he does not need to distinguish at all!
However, Jiliang Jiying has no chance to think about the cause and effect.
Body, soul, consciousness ... Jiliang Jiying and the ghost image of the killer queen emerging from his body were torn into pieces by countless arms in the blink of an eye, and were dragged into the core of the deep vortex.
In the next moment, the fragments of Jiliang Jiying accompanied by the retraction of countless arms completely disappeared into the world together with the vortex.
Unknown to the moment disappeared from the timeline, the crimson brilliance flooded the world.

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