Chapter 592: The Green Emperor and Reaper 13

Although Naga's appearance is more than two meters tall without the tail, there is definitely not so much space in his body to squeeze a large green material into it.
Like the blue-and-white figure that instantly wiped out the laneway, the green long cord that ran into Cheng Bin's body from the pale banshee also had the unique texture of a substitute. This weird parasitic thought was related to its special ability.
After the green cable entered the body, Cheng Bin, whose mind was as empty as possible, felt an inexplicable force disturbing his own spirit, and that force was trying to guide his mental operation.
However, because this guidance method seems to be designed based on ordinary humans, it has little effect on Cheng Bin, which makes him have to try to actively interpret and cooperate while maintaining some of the mental emptiness.
The spiritual change is only instantaneous.
In the short time before the laneway disappeared, Cheng Bin felt the world in front of him suddenly "dim"
Just like reversing the previous process of adding details to the world through observation and thinking, everything from the vast sky to the earth full of buildings becomes blurred from the smallest point.
Color, sound, texture, weight... all the information channels that support the existence of things are completely distorted, and the lifelike illusory world completes the degradation from clear photos to distorted ink paintings to distorted mosaics in an instant.
As if detached from the canvas and reached another parallel level, Cheng Bin's body was not erased instantly like the laneway, but overlapped with the twisted and integrated buildings after the lane disappeared.
However, this overlapping scene is rapidly fading, and the blue-and-white human body double and the entire world before it are completely faded and disappeared in Cheng Bin's senses.
What's more amazing is that after losing all external senses, what Cheng Bin is welcoming in is not the pitch black in the normal world, but the pure white that melts everything. The appearance of the Naga that he temporarily simulated and constructed is also in this pure white that erodes the senses. Slowly disappeared.
When the power to guide his own spirit disappeared, Cheng Bin was shocked and took the initiative to recover.
I don't know when, he has recovered the appearance of an ordinary young man when he first entered the world.
After bending down and sitting up, Cheng Bin looked down at his hands thoughtfully, then cast his gaze into the distance.
The place where he is currently is a small oasis in the desolate Gobi. The sand and gravel in the distance are dotted with a handful of plants. The lower edge of the setting sun has touched the distant horizon, and the red light is slanting to the earth. , Drawing out countless long and narrow shadows on the undulating ground.
After taking a look at the sunset, which was almost the same as reality, Cheng Bin retracted his gaze and looked to his side.
A crashed old-fashioned monoplane was lying quietly in the vegetation beside it. The nose and lower fuselage with propellers were seriously damaged. Judging from the damage traces of the vegetation and land behind the tail, it should have experienced a lot of toss. Crash landing.
On a clearing with no vegetation beside the crashed plane, a simple bonfire was built among a few large rocks. Beside the bonfire, a green figure was sitting quietly on the rock with his body on his knees, one hand on his knees, and the other holding dry branches. Fiddle with the campfire.
Obviously a humanoid creature with a stand-in, with a small amount of exoskeleton-like white hoops on the surface, and its transparent skin is filled with surging fluid, and the light green brilliance like a night pearl is constantly emitting from the fluid in the light and dark with ripples. Outside the body.
The glowing cantaloupe...It's really vivid.
After staring at the avatar and observing it, Cheng Bin looked sideways at a few empty dusty sleeping bags beside the campfire, then stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks and back, and walked slowly to the campfire and chose a random piece. The stone sat down.
After Cheng Bin sat down, his eyes stayed on the bonfire, and the green avatar, who seemed to be in a trance, came back to his senses. He tilted his head slightly to look at Cheng Bin, who stretched out his hand to warm the fire.
The green double does not have a mouth. The lower half of his face is completely covered by a respirator-like closed white exoskeleton, but this does not affect his speech. When Cheng Bin turned his gaze to meet him, he was mature and gentle. The man's voice came out of thin air: "Even if I do tricks, you can wake up immediately, shouldn't it be called Cheng Bin?"
I faintly noticed some unfriendly taste in the other party’s words. Cheng Bin smiled: "It sounds like you are very familiar with me... I was brought here by you without knowing anything. Can you tell me about your side? Situation and purpose?"
"Unfortunately, based on the bad behavior of'Cheng Bin' in the past, the rebels have not yet reached agreement on various issues about you," the green double shook his head slightly, with a rather complicated tone, "I am also waiting for news. In fact, it is better for you to lie down for a while."
"Resistance Army?" Cheng Bin glanced sideways at the sun whose afterglow was gradually hidden by the earth, and then turned to stare at the green double body and asked, "An organization that rebels against the dominator of this virtual world? What happened in your world?"
The green substitute turned his head and looked at Cheng Bin with crystal-like yellow eyes, with unspeakable emotions in his eyes.
Sorrow, hatred, pain, regret... the intense and complex negative emotions were finally overwhelmed by the deep calm.
"Our world...My name is'Green Emperor', or you can call me the name of human beings'Huajingin Dianming'," the green avatar turned his head, lowered his eyes to stare at the campfire, "according to your habit , In other worlds, there should be information related to me, right?"
Cheng Bin nodded silently-regardless of the script information or the information collected in the human society before, there was a mention of the person of Huajingyuan Dianming.
He was one of the companions who died in the battle against the Dior forces when Joseph, Jotaro, and Polunaev crossed half of the earth to expedition to Egypt.
According to Cheng Bin’s observations and estimates, the actual time of this world should be similar to the world he was in before. It seems that the Huajingyuan in this world survived the battle with Dior, but I don’t know what the other people’s conditions are like. .
The Green Emperor briefly recounted his battle experience with his companions against Dior. Judging from his brief narrative, the development of related events in this early world is highly consistent with Cheng Bin's original world.
But after the brief narration, it is the key event that affects the entire world.
"...During our journey to Egypt, we plan to take this plane across the Gobi." The Green Emperor looked back at the crashed plane among the broken vegetation. "But an enemy stand-in messenger beyond our imagination got on the plane. And it directly caused us to make an emergency landing here."
The green emperor turned his head to look at Cheng Bin and sighed in a deep sigh: "At that time, apart from my companion on the plane, there was only one baby whom we kindly brought to the doctor... Can you imagine? A baby less than one year old , But a stand-in messenger with mature thinking and terrible malice?
"That's an extremely terrifying genius. He has the substitute "Reaper 13" who dominates the dream. When we fall into the dream without the protection of the substitute, we will become his toy without any resistance. In, the incarnation of Death 13 is almost God...
"What's more terrifying is that all the damage we suffer in the dream will be synchronized to the actual body, and when we wake up, we will completely forget everything we encountered in the dream."
Recalling that battle with no visible gunpowder and almost no trace, the green emperor sighed with lingering fear: "If it wasn't for my rush, I left a message by hurting my body in my dream, if it wasn't for luck to find a substitute, The way of dreaming, I am afraid we will never have the chance to embark on the journey again..."
After saying this, the green emperor was silent for a long time before continuing: "However, as the dream disappeared, except for me who brought the double into the dream, everyone else forgot the existence of the enemy, plus that the enemy was indeed A young baby less than one year old...I never mentioned it to other people in the end, and failed to make up my mind to destroy him completely. It was just a small punishment and a big warning."
The green fists clenched unconsciously, and the green emperor said with a trace of regret: "But my pity this time has brought endless troubles...
"Everyone is dead...Joseph, Jotaro, Polunarew, Abdel, Ikky... Before the decisive battle with Dior, the resurgent Grim Reaper 13 descended like a nightmare..."
Halfway through the words, the Green Emperor couldn't go on any longer-that real nightmare, always haunting his spirit, just recalling that experience was a torture.
Cheng Bin was silent and speechless—Ordinary humans couldn't sleep forever, even Jotaro, who was physically strong enough to surpass the average substitute, was a deadly threat to any ordinary person.
Even considering the profound influence of the double on the growth process of the carrier, a mature double messenger who is less than one year old is also extremely terrifying, and the degree to which such a double messenger will have more growth time is really Unimaginable.
After waiting silently for a while, Cheng Bin asked the Green Emperor: "Everyone is dead... How did you survive?"
The green emperor gave a wry smile. He looked at his green arm, and then sighed: "I don't know if I am a living person... Maybe at first I was able to survive only because of death Take revenge on my punishment of him..."
Cheng Bin recalled the smiling Grim Reaper who shaded the sky before. Looking at his attitude when announcing the mission, it was obvious that the "glowing melon" green emperor was the main goal of the hunting festival, while Cheng Bin, who was more important at the reward level, was only incidental. It can be seen how deep the grievances between the two sides are.
Thinking of some of the details mentioned in the script, Cheng Bin asked curiously: "The so-called punishment...what did you do to him?"
The green emperor turned his head and pointed to the open space beside him, and said calmly: "I was here at the beginning. After I woke up from a dream, in order to teach him a deep lesson...forcibly fed him his own excrement."
Literally feed Cheng Bin coughed lightly and turned his eyes away-this can be called hatred as deep as the sea, don't blame others for chasing revenge.
After so many tragedies, the Green Emperor looked back on the incident, but he couldn't see even a hint of pleasure in his heart. He sighed again: "Perhaps because of that experience, Reaper 13 left a deep psychological shadow...
"In this world supported by countless human dreams, where countless subconscious minds and memories converge in common, this fragment of memory scene is also something that Grim Reaper 13 subconsciously wants to avoid, so I will bring you here. Here, here, it takes a lot of effort for the enemy to find and attack us."
Where does the underlying consciousness and memory converge?
Cheng Bin chewed on the words of the Green Emperor, and then asked: "What about after that? Death 13 is the ruler of this dream world, right? How did the world gradually become the way it is now?"
The green emperor looked at Cheng Bin and snorted unhappily: "This question, you have to ask you'self'!"
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