Chapter 71: Return to Outland 2 World

斌 Cheng Bin drifting to outer space of Mars at a wandering speed, staring at a planet a few circles smaller than the earth in front of him, raising his hand and reaching out with his five fingers, as if this beautiful dark red planet was floating in his palm—
When will he have the ability to pick stars and moons?
宿主 "Host, are you sure you want to go to Outland II World now?"
嗯 "Huh? You actually confirmed to me repeatedly ..." Cheng Bin retracted his palm, looked at the little black cat floating around, and opened and closed his lips silently: "What on earth do you want to say?"
"This system must remind the host in advance. When you reach the second world of Outland, starting from entering the sphere of influence of the holy relic, until the host obtains the shard, the interfered system cannot start the traversal program to make the host return. . "
The weightless space far from the surface could not stop the system from simulating the stroll of the little black cat. Its eyes stayed on Cheng Bin's face, and the sonic vibration transmitted by the mind sounded directly on Cheng Bin's eardrum: "At that time, the system will Like other worlds in the domain, you cannot reach the host in the low-dimensional world, and you will lose your way back completely. "
"Breaking the boat?" Cheng Bin smiled, "The world's capable people will never be strengthened to the point where they can manually manipulate the earth, right? My ability to myself, to your ability to the system are still very good. Confidence."
"But the system, can't you really tell me the specific situation of Outer World No. 2? Although you always say that you can't know the specific situation of Outer World at this time, I always think you have something to hide from me."
"... Some things about the Outer World No. 2 world are still prohibited for the current host." The system did not deny that he had something to hide from Cheng Bin, "but if the host successfully obtained the relic piece, It will not take long to become qualified to know some of the truth. "
"Qualification to know the truth?" Cheng Bin sighed and looked at the system's black cat camouflage, which is infinitely close to the real, "If the meaning of your system is unknown, it feels unfriendly ..."
总 "Anyway, after knowing this, are you sure you want to leave now?"
"Hey, does it make sense to ask me this question?" Cheng Bin shook his head and said, "In the inner domain, what choices will I have, aren't they all within the system's expectations?"
"Well, it's just the most probable," the black cat tilted his head, "hosting your high-dimensional information body not only covers the world in the inner area ... then, start?"
Cheng Chengbin adjusted his spirit, the panorama and electromagnetic warfare were fully functional, and he was prepared to deal with various dangers that might exist in another world.
"Let's go, I hope everything goes well ..."
In the silent vacuum, the figures of Cheng Bin and the black cat disappeared instantly.
Uh ...
Outer World No. 2 World, or the former Outer World No. 2 World.
In the same silent vacuum, Cheng Bin's figure appeared instantly.
A large amount of high-energy radiation came from the direction behind him. The panorama seemed to be an ocean of light. Cheng Bin looked back and saw the dazzling red day curtain covering the entire field of vision. This is the light weakened by the transformation of the panorama. Signal.
The infinite expanse of the sea of ​​light made Cheng Bin speechless. In the interference of wild radiation and the wave of particles, he could hardly judge his distance from the sea of ​​fire, nor could he confirm the size of the sky curtain. The system chose a crossing point for him. .. Not everywhere he is familiar.
But when you think about it, you should know, where is he besides the sun?
Before the departure, the system mentioned that the relic fragments that had settled should be near the earth. All those affected by the relic fragments should be able to feel its existence, so Cheng Bin cannot be thrown by other stars outside the solar system.
After all, Cheng Bin's ability seems to be very strong now, but in the vast universe, the sky is so small that it is not worth mentioning, traveling across the star system for interstellar travel or anything, just think about it in your dreams ... but complete the primary electromagnetic warfare body Cheng Bin, it seems that he can no longer dream.
"Is the interference of that relic piece really big? The system actually dropped me by the sun ..."
Cheng Bin looked at the flame canopy in front of which he could not see a sphere or arc, felt the terrible charging speed of the electromagnetic warfare in the huge amount of light radiation, and admired with admiration: "But this is really spectacular! It is indeed the supreme existence worshipped in all ancient myths of the earth. "
Appreciate the magnificence of the sun from afar. Even if Cheng Bin is not interested in touching the large fireball whose surface temperature is as high as 6,000 degrees Celsius and conducting nuclear fusion all the time-his little electromagnetic warfare energy conversion power, The stellar power just barely drank in front of him, just casually stunned him to make it fly.
不过 "But as long as I move on, I can touch the sun and even control its power ..."
After completing the mind-war battle, there are few strong emotional fluctuations that were stimulated by the magnificence of this star. Cheng Bin pressed and held the tide that has not been surging for a long time, and finally glanced at the flame sky, and turned and flew away from the sun. from.
Observing the faint starlight almost obscured by the sunlight, Cheng Bin compared with the star map recorded in the panel, trying to confirm his position in the solar system.
However, Cheng Bin, who is staring at the various star maps of the panorama and comparing them with the real situation ~ ~, suddenly receives a high-energy alert behind the panorama--
A horrible sundial that is dozens of times larger than the earth, like a giant fire dragon with Zhangya dancing claws, soars from the surface of the nearby sun, and accompanies the terrible magnetic field towards Cheng Bin.
Although the speed of the Sundial Fire Dragon is not too fast, the volume is too large and too large ...
Cheng Bin, who was in the third part of the sundial orbit, didn't dare to return. When he accelerated, he flew towards the nearest safe area with all his strength.
In an unobstructed vacuum, Cheng Bin's speed soared all the way, and at a super speed that could not be controlled when his thinking accelerated to the limit, Cheng Bin quickly passed through the diameter of ten earths, avoiding being able to turn him into Sunken terror sundial.
Looking at the sundial sweeping behind him, the light curtain covering the sky that looks the same as the sun, Cheng Bin was afraid for a while-this system would not be intentional? How can there be such a coincidence, the transmission point is directly in the center of an upcoming sundial ...
Now the system can't show his face due to the interference of the holy things, and Cheng Bin, who is in pain, can't question it. After only recognizing the position, he slowly walks around in the direction of the earth.
到底 What has changed in this world? Why with the ability of the system can he only be thrown near the sun?
With questioning in his head, Cheng Bin flew slowly in a silent vacuum.
At the current relatively stable speed, he estimates that he still has to fly ... about two weeks or so to get close to the orbit of the earth, this is still regardless of the position of the earth and the dangerous goods on the way.
Although I have experienced it once when I flew to Mars, Cheng Bin still wants to say--
的 The long flight in this silent vacuum is simply torture.
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