Vol 2 Chapter 605: Fear, and peace of mind to overcome fear

?  In the current history of the real world, before the blue-purple crack tears the sky.
   Inside a quaint castle floating in the deep starry sky, a tall man with long blond hair walked slowly out of the terrace.
  The golden trousers and the dark vest could not provide the slightest protection in the silent vacuum, but the man who stretched out his strong arm and knocked on the fence on the edge of the terrace didn't care about the strange surroundings.
   Listening to the sound propagating in the vacuum, the man named Dior grinned with sharp canine teeth, and then shook his head: "This is your dream... it's so crude enough."
The smiling Grim Reaper slowly faded into reality in the void outside the terrace. He restrained the giant scythe upside down and bowed to the man on the terrace to salute: "I'm sorry, Lord Dior, but I can only do this at the moment. Degree."
Rubbing the railings and feeling the rough and cold feeling, Dior didn’t say much—Reaper 13 is a child under ten years old in reality, capable of supporting a castle-sized dream world, partially simulating reality from all angles. At this level, I have already tried my best and cannot demand more.
Ordinary people can't even control their own scattered thoughts, let alone conceive a world with a complex structure and stabilize it for a long time, and can hardly rely on their own thinking ability to support such a dream, Reaper 13 has gone far beyond The category of general genius.
"That's why you need his help," Dior retracted his fingers touching the railing, holding his chest and looking at the stiff stars "distance" as the backdrop. "This kind of immersive dreamland can't completely deceive life. Sensory cognition, through the influence of consciousness, indirectly mobilize the soul power of hundreds of millions of lives."
"But the guy named Cheng Bin joined in, absolutely unkind!" Reaper 13 was a little excited, and the metal gloves squeezed tightly. "We don't need to change our plan based on his proposal. We are willing to give you countless lives. !"
"Oh~?" With a subtle voice, Dior leaned on the railing and turned his head to look at the Reaper 13 floating outside the railing. His slightly narrowed eyes were full of laziness, "You are also willing to give my life and Soul? You know, that means—even the traces of your existence in this world will completely disappear."
In the home court of the dream dominator, Dior said that he wanted to eat the other party cleanly, but Dior didn’t have any thoughts of worry—even if he didn’t bring the substitute into the dream, he was theoretically in front of the power of the dream dominator. No resistance.
   "Of course," the originally agitated Reaper 13, his voice suddenly calmed down, and he said almost piously, "It is my honor to be one with you and reach the other side together."
   may be because of the other party’s shelter and protection, perhaps because of being touched by the other person’s infantile vision and professor, or perhaps being conquered by his behavior style and pursuit of ideas...
  Reaper 13 does not resist, becoming an unnamed cornerstone that allows Dior to reach the top, conquer and dominate everything, and unlock all mysteries in the world.
   "Hmm~" Dior, who was leaning on the railing, tilted his head back, his whole body snapped, and then he relaxed, staring at Reaper 13, and nodded slowly, "I'm glad you think so, really, very happy."
After a pause, Dior suddenly changed the subject: "Humans are social animals, and the identification of others will have a very interesting effect on the human spirit. As far as I know, you still have no intention of giving yourself first name?"
"I don't need a name," Reaper 13 was a little puzzled, but still replied, "Always using the name of a substitute helps me adjust my self-perception. This is for me to try the things, about and substitute consciousness you taught me, Lord Dior. Methods like syncing, touching parallel worlds... should help."
   Hearing Grim Reaper 13's slightly uncertain answer, Dior held his chest with one hand and his chin with the other hand, with a rare expression of contemplation on his face.
  Reaper 13 didn't dare to disturb Dior's thinking, and floated there quietly, trying to maintain the stability of the dream content, while trying to figure out the other party's intention to mention the matter.
"As self-positioning, the name is still very important, especially when the soul is affected by external forces, and there are countless people with the same name in the world..." Not knowing what he was thinking, Dior sighed, and then he stood Straighten his body and wave his hand to Reaper 13.
   It was too late to think about the meaning of Dior's words. Reaper 13, who understood Dior's gesture and meaning, immediately removed the power to maintain the dream.
   In a banquet hall-like room where the windows are tightly shielded by heavy curtains and lit by dim cold candlelight, the blond man sitting on a high-backed stone chair with one hand on his face as if sleeping opened his eyes.
  The African-American boy in a decently small suit stands by the armrest of the high-back chair with his eyes down.
   The dark and empty hall is a little depressing, but the vampires and their servants who have sent a large number of people to move around the world and hate the sun have long been used to such an environment.
   After half the payment, the blond man who stood up suddenly raised his hand and shook his scarlet cloak curled up from sitting for a long time.
"You will understand later-go find that Cheng Bin," Dior, who turned and walked, stopped by the high chair, bent over and patted on the young shoulder of Reaper 13, leaning over his ear and whispered, "I I need you to help me make an "anchor"-even if I have to experience pain, even if I want to become a monster... this is an order."
  Reaper 13 shook his body, and then said with a firm face: "Yes!"
   Nodded with satisfaction and pity, Dior stood up straight again and walked into the pure darkness behind the high chair.
   seems to be an order, and a voice that seems to be talking to himself echoes on the edge of the darkness
   "Keep in mind everything that'I' has experienced, and extract the root of'I am me' from it. After that, no matter how the memory and history change, as long as the'anchor' is still..."
   The endless words were completely covered by darkness along with Dior's back.
  Pure darkness cannot block the sight of the vampire, Dior climbed up the spiral staircase, and his consciousness continued to extend along with his thoughts on the expansion plan.
   The golden humanoid double appeared silently behind Dior.
  Dior stopped, looked sideways at the strong human figure pouring out of gold behind him, and met his emotionless eyes for a moment.
   The substitute "world" slowly faded and disappeared, Dior turned back and continued on
   The journey of life is like this endless dark ladder in front of me, and the prowler in the spiral will always wander in the ocean of fear.
   derived from biological instinct, fear of hunger, disease, death...
  The fear of poverty, the weak, and the loss of fame and wealth originated from social connections...
   Unable to adapt to the environment that brings fear, he can only step on the fear and move forward-until his life is strong enough to overcome the fear and obtain a moment of peace of mind.
   What Dior, who was once humble and dusty, pursues is nothing more than this kind of peace of mind of victory and control.
  Only by constantly overcoming fear and gaining victory, until the person who stands at the top of the world without a trace of fear in his heart, can he obtain real and permanent peace of mind.
Dior once thought that he could gain victory step by step until he grasped the eternal sense of peace of mind, but as more and more things were in his hands and the accumulation of knowledge, he discovered that fear is endless— —
  World, is there a vertex? Is there a limit to vision?
   When humble and dusty, the fear of hunger and poverty is like a shadow. What makes Dior feel at ease is the abundant food and meager savings.
   But after standing firm in the footsteps of survival, after raising his eyes to look at the society, more fear came to his face.
   In the face of the magic of money and the force of the country, ordinary individuals are too weak. In this environment that may be ruthlessly crushed at any time, Dior is looking for a way to put himself at ease, and once again try to overcome this fear.
   Seize the opportunity to become the adopted son of the jazz, fight for inheritance unscrupulously, desperately study the dirty rules between power and rule, and try to integrate into the society from the starting point of the top students of the law system and the successor of the jazz.
  The accidental vampireization interrupted his efforts, which kept Dior away from the instinctive fears of some fragile humans, but it also brought new fears-there is such a mysterious power in this world.
   Or rather, an unforeseen threat.
  Dior decisively changed his plan, while working hard to research and develop the special abilities belonging to vampires, while paying attention to the dark side behind society, searching for all mysterious powers.
   Compared with the collective power with too much uncertainty, the mystical power that is constantly increasing and belongs to oneself is obviously more worthy of priority pursuit.
   Vampires, ripples, doubles, souls... Constantly strong, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com brought Dior an unparalleled sense of peace of mind. When this strength was strong enough to make him surpass all the forces of the world, this sense of peace of conquering all known fears came to the top, and then...
   was suddenly extinguished by the boundless fear from a higher level
   Do you think your power really belongs to you?
   Do you think your life experience really is your choice?
   Do you think you are you?
   The whispers of the devil showed Dior some of the truth behind the world in the depths of his soul.
   The existence of parallel worlds and parallel selves, the power and will behind the substitute, the gods that swallow all, the uncertain history and memory, the life chosen by external forces, the thought guided by competition...
  'S sudden broadening of horizons brought a suffocating fear that was completely beyond control.
   Dior, who has carved into the depths of his soul the way to face fear, overcome fear, and win peace of mind, there are not many choices he can make when he leaves the reassuring false haven and sees the storms outside the world.
   "Why do you think I will choose your side? Do you think that Dior will be threatened?"
   "Cooperation, always compromise with each other, anyway, I give up more, and compared to the other side that is destined to not coexist, you and my soul fragments have the most solid foundation for fusion"
  The greatest and eternal fear
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