Vol 2 Chapter 612: Interval-the endless obliteration and the emotion between the battlefield

[...The first-level distortion of "time-varying history" is detected, the intrusion of the virtual world is detected, and the source of the abnormality is located...]
  【...Error, interference interface is abnormal, virtual world projection confirms to be out of control, reverse erosion of projection connection is detected, and countermeasure program is executed...
   [...Failed-a change in the peripheral real-world line is detected, the fifth level of infection is confirmed, the crisis level is updated...]
   [...Start the World Line Ring Belt Isolation Program, start the process of killing and destroying the life network, correct the mission of the core tester, start the final war plan...]
   The sky above the White Land, the pure white ball of light that to some extent represents the magnificent power of the Lord of Infinity, suddenly changed drastically.
   The original existence of the sphere of light, which was abnormally illusory and indistinguishable from common sense, suddenly became "real" at this moment
   quality, volume, height, color, brightness...
   The distorted spherical outline visible to the naked eye, as if it will fall at any time, and the texture is getting heavier...
In the eyes of Cheng Bin, who has witnessed the shocking change, the big ball of light at this moment seems to have been forcibly injected into various physical quantities he knows, a kind of world law level change, through this bizarre injection, it is distorted and extended between heaven and earth. .
   Cheng Bin has no way to understand what happened, and there is no time to react—
  As an ordinary human being, the body is too weak, and the disaster that strikes is strong enough to tear time.
   He only read the last word in the stream of information connected with the Lord of Infinity-obliteration.
   Then he "dead" without resistance.
   Amazingly, he saw the process of his death with his own eyes, the very chaotic process of death
   At the moment when the mutation happened, Cheng Bin seemed to be out of his body, his perspective was detached from the back of his head, and he "eyes" saw his body infinitely decomposed into nothingness in a geometrically beautiful manner.
   But this is not over yet
   is like a thread ignited from the middle, and the burning fracture quickly spread to both ends.
   Cheng Bin, from a bizarre perspective, saw his back from one second in the morning and one second in the evening, and also saw the process of their sudden obliteration.
   Then I was one second earlier and one second later...
   Then, in the same second, in different poses...
Cheng Bin’s vision is free from the shackles of human beings. Numerous scenes of obliteration appear in front of him. The pictures originated from different times and even in different parallel worlds constitute a chaotic picture that is difficult for ordinary people to recognize, but he can be here like cracks. Everything is clearly seen in the glass-like vision of endless time and space.
   Cheng Bin, who has recovered from the shock in the vision of losing meaning at this normal time, even has free time to sort out his emotions and analyze his situation
"I was obliterated in some scenes, and the posture in my memory is right... Looking at this situation, I have seen me returning to infinite space with other world lines at other times? But I did not Get other memories of mine..."
   From the perspective of transcending time and space, watching the pure white ball of light and the bald youth twist and die in thousands of different forms, a strange thought arose in Cheng Bin's heart: "Why am I... so calm?"
Speaking of it, since the beginning of the return, I always felt that something was wrong with my spirit. At first, I thought it was because of the overlap with the spirit of the main body that stayed here, but now I think about it... and I have encountered such an astonishing situation. Also...
   Is it because there is no emotional mechanism supported by the original human body? What am I thinking about now? What the hell...what happened to me?
   When his attention shifted to the carrier of his current soul thoughts, Cheng Bin suddenly felt a little "space for activity" under this irresistible disaster-a feeling of bending and moving fingers in a half-dream and half-awake period.
   Give up using thinking and rationality to capture, simply following the subtle feeling, Cheng Bin subconsciously raised his hand.
   The arm that has always had a human-like structure and is covered by a dark red metal layer with sharp edges and corners appeared in the chaotic view of time and space.
   "Huh?" Cheng Bin, who was inexplicably stunned, suddenly reacted, "...this texture?"
   If Cheng Bin re-looks at the chaotic time and space, if he understands it-no wonder the scenes originating from the endless time and space are all revolving around the unified perspective that exists behind the original body.
   Isn’t this the fantastic perspective of the substitute that usually floats behind the carrier?
   Cheng Bin looked at his strange death figure frozen in time, and moved his head stiffly
   After understanding his own situation, he felt as if he had touched some switch, and the brand new sensory connection was online, and the hand and foot physical touch that was different from that of humans appeared in his mind.
Cheng Bin lowered his head and saw a body that seemed to be composed of countless red and white fine mechanical components. If it weren't for the anti-joint shape under the knees of the legs and the touch of the inside and outside, he is currently like a man dressed in science fiction. Human knight in red armor.
   The inexplicable inspiration touched Cheng Bin-he suddenly felt that his current body, color and structure were a bit similar to the demon in the game called Diablo that he had contacted in the original world.
   At this moment, the invisible power followed this trace of inspiration, tearing Cheng Bin's soul in the name of Diablo, and branding a burning name in his mind
   Crimson King·Soul Song.
The unspeakable and unbearable pain erupted at Cheng Bin’s "eyebrow". The "Cheng Bin" in the thousands of time and space fragments dissipated at this moment, turning into nothingness that did not even exist and did not exist from the beginning. .
   As if the "hook" was roughly torn off and gradually separated from the world, Cheng Bin's time and space vision collapsed with countless processes of being wiped out, and the body and mind that had just adapted fell into darkness once again.
In a battlefield in an extremely remote, infinite space, drawing away from the body of the declining monitor lizard that had devoured the galaxy demon gods to sustain the "reverse entropy cycle", the young man in a white coat suddenly cast his sights on the chaos beyond the deep stars. in.
The young man who noticed that a certain part of his low-dimensional body was wiped out sighed: "So, the original'I' really wasn't all the second fool. This is to cheat others, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must first Have you lied to yourself? This is very interesting."
   Another voice containing complex emotions that humans cannot understand and distinguish, echoed in the monitor lizard close to the conceptual level: "...you deliberately?"
   "How is it possible?" The white coat shrugged helplessly, "I'm so anxious--don't talk about those battlefield matters, I haven't talked about it with you, why bother to add to myself?"
After a pause, the young man said with emotion: "Although he accidentally exposed his feet, he just grabbed it and carried out the conversion from'him to me'. He was so courageous that he didn't know how to write the word polite. Are you afraid of being poisonous?"
"You are the brave person, right? Cheng Bin..." Another unconscious snorted, "You acted too ostentatiously... The Lord of Infinity is not so foolish. You are really not afraid of this fire. Burn it all the way along your past?"
"The fate of the God Eater, no one can escape..." Cheng Bin, or Dr. Cheng shook his head, "...Since the official start over there, the Lord of Infinity will soon be busy. , It’s not suitable for us to drag on any longer, to collapse this battlefield for indirect contact, let’s face-to-face, and finally talk about it-immortal evil lizard."
"Hehe, Cheng Bin... The survival of the fittest among the infinite selves, the leap and adaptation of life levels, this is the ultimate embodiment of the evolutionary path. I am born with the essence of'adaptation and evolution', and I look forward to this feast. You will become The final "victory" and "fittest"? I will wait and see..."
  :. :
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