Chapter 93: Sensory data manipulation

"Let me see how these machines trap humans in the virtual world."
Cheng Bin, who floated in front of a translucent cabin, controlled the perspiration into the cabin.
Fortunately, humans in this world do not have a high-dimensional information body that can connect to parallel space-time, and there is no interference with mindfulness. Cheng Bin smoothly penetrated mindfulness into the body of the person in the cabin.
The human body in the cabin is embedded with a lot of electronic connectors in the surface body, and the extended large and small lines are connected to the cabin.
Little is known about the technology of this world. Cheng Bin can only guess the function of these circuits based on his knowledge reserve. Most of the small circuits embedded in the limbs and trunk muscle tissue may be used to stimulate muscle movements and manipulate the human body. Can play a role in maintaining the vitality of the body.
In addition, there is a pipe that is inserted into the stomach from the mouth and a pipe that connects the lower three channels. Obviously this is used to maintain the biomass circulation.
After looking at all types of pipelines, Cheng Bin focused his attention on the line deeply inserted into the back of the human body. This is the key point to connect human consciousness with the virtual program world.
The thoughts gathered toward the back of the black man in the cabin fed back the situation in his head to the panoramic picture. After Cheng Bin's gaze, he glanced around the inner wall of the cabin.
That line plug is not the same as Cheng Bin thought at the beginning, the electrical signal is connected to the human brain signal through direct contact. The plug that penetrates the human brain, in addition to cutting off the signal transmitted by the human brain along the spine, is actually careful Avoid direct contact with other important parts of the human brain.
The tip of the plug is essentially a very precise electromagnetic generating device, which is interconnected with the dense electromagnetic devices in the human cultivation chamber. There are countless points outside the point. The plug and the cultivation chamber together form a weak electromagnetic field that changes at a high speed, which can not only reflect indirectly. All electrical signal changes in the human brain can also achieve electromagnetic interference anywhere in the field by way of fixed-point superposition of the electromagnetic field.
"Then, in the movie, plugging a pipe into the back of the head to connect the virtual world is bound to be problematic." Cheng Bin was thinking about this precise and complicated electromagnetic field operation with his mind record, "I am in the real world now, Well, in this script, the so-called Zion, which is the base of the human resistance group that is out of the virtual world, is really in another layer of the virtual world, and the identities of the technical staff in Zion are very suspicious. "
After driving his mind to accelerate long-term observation of thoughts, Cheng Bin slowly figured out the process of interconnecting and transforming human brain signals and electromagnetic signals.
The first to clarify the law is the process of the five senses of the human body being replaced by external electromagnetic changes. After all, Cheng Bin has a lot of experience in the transformation and optimization of the five senses of the human body. He quickly learned how the complex instruments in front of him format the data. Information such as screen sounds changes the electrical signal changes of the corresponding nerves in the adult brain.
This extremely accurate process requires extremely high computing power, keen induction, and extremely accurate operations, but for Cheng Bin, who has written the rules he has discovered, these are not a big problem.
After so many careful attempts of "Originally", Cheng Bin sighed at the familiar ideology panel that appeared in front of him. This time, the panel and panorama in front of him were no longer included when calling the system attachment. It is made by the visual interference module, but it is made by transforming the binary picture data into changes in the neural electrical signals in the brain through a complicated process.
Seems like the same result, but the difference between knowing it and knowing why it is so big.
"The realization of the system and the panel should be realized through this process." After understanding the essence of a function that has been curious since the first day of getting thoughts, Cheng Bin was a little happy, so he continued to observe the experiment In addition to vision, other sensory transformation processes.
It has been a long time since all the sense transformation rules of the human body have been proved and integrated by Cheng Bin.
Complete the data integration of human perception. For Cheng Bin itself, it has no use except to lay the foundation for the operation of memory. But it can also be regarded as a magical art that controls the five senses of people. Qi computing power, learned how to mechanically connect the human brain, using electromagnetic or mind Qi to simulate the real fantasy in the ordinary human brain is no problem at all.
After clarifying the process of inputting the perceptual information into the human brain, Cheng Bin quickly figured out the process by which the human brain outputs signals to control the body. This knowledge was already involved when the mind-war transformation was completed. The neural signals sent by the human brain to every corner of the body correspond to the data format that the world mechanically accepts and transforms.
Next is the most important memory conversion problem. The protagonist of this world, Nio and his team, can obtain extraordinary combat skills directly through memory implantation in the virtual world. Apparently, the intelligent program that controls everything has the ability to convert binary data into human brain memory. Information ability, and most of them can simulate the human body's various conditioned reflexes that do not pass through the brain.
This is a very important step, and it is also Cheng Bin ’s main purpose to come to this world. If he can figure out every step of the generation, storage, and recall of human memory, Cheng Bin can directly insert the massive knowledge stored in the panel into his own brain. While omitting a large amount of study time, his wisdom may also undergo a transformation in the process of cross-association of various knowledge and memories.
However, unlike the five sense nerves that Cheng Bin is more familiar with, independent of the brain, memories are stored in the brain's neural network in the form of fragments into countless basic information units. The same elements contained in different memories are actually reusing the same information. Metadata is not a complete information file, but an index directory pointing to different basic information elements in various locations of the human brain.
Each information element is associated with other information elements according to different indexes of connection weights, forming an extremely complex information network in the human brain. For example, the information element "red" is associated with "blood" and "cow" through different neural connection strengths. Information elements such as "day", a large number of basic information elements and different connection strengths constitute an astronomical digital combination mode to save a large amount of memory.
According to the knowledge of the binary data format, the intelligent program meticulously modifies the tightness of the connections between the neural circuits of the human brain information element network. This super complicated process can be understood by Cheng Bin without just looking at it casually.
"It seems that a complete memory implantation process must be observed ~ ~ Whether it is the binary data before implantation or the neurological changes after implantation must be completely recorded for effective comparative analysis."
Cheng Bin, who was standing in the air, pondered for a while, and copied the visual signal changes of the black man in the cabin he had been observing, and found that it was a 20th century rice-style vulgar bar scene.
After shaking his head, Cheng Bin flew around the mechanical cylinder, quickly switching the human visual images of the cabins along the way in front of his eyes. Various scenes of the twentieth century from one place to another before him, students, white-collar workers, and workers countless People in various identities live unknowingly on the twentieth-century earth virtualized by the program, and live a seemingly ordinary everyday life.
After traveling around ten metal cylinders in a circle, after looking at the different perspectives of hundreds of thousands of people at a high speed, Cheng Bin looked shocked and found what he wanted.
In the visual signal of a white man, Cheng Bin saw a metal environment consistent with the current style of his space. There were a lot of scenes and objects that were incompatible with the style of the twentieth century.
"Very good, it's you"
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