Chapter 36:

Before things became uncontrollable, Song Yan said in time, "This is Dr. Xu."
Lu Jie stopped immediately, and as soon as he calmed down, he realized that he was suddenly abrupt.
Lu Jie was thinking about how to turn around, when someone in the corridor shouted, "Dr. Xu?"
Xu Qin put his hands in his pockets: "I'm going first." Take a look at Song Yan, "You have a good rest, don't talk too much."
Song Yan: "..."
Lu Jie: "..."
Xu Qin left, Lu Jie touched his nose: "I'm so excited."
Song Yan took the matter over and said, "Your boy, I haven't seen you for a long time."
After hearing Lu Jie's words, his eyes were a little wet, and said, "I always thought you were dead. Where would you think you could meet in this place? At that time ..." Obscure past, should not be mentioned here and now,
He looked at Song Yan up and down and changed the topic, "What's wrong with this? Also come to the rescue? Was it badly hurt?"
Song Yan was obviously much calmer and calmer than him. He looked at him with a smile, and answered, "Aftershock, he was hit by Fang Liang."
"Not serious?"
"I can't die."
Lu Jie nodded and asked, "Which unit are you in?"
"Fireman." Song Yan said.
Lu Jie looked slightly surprised, hesitating for a second or two, and asked, "At that time-" he asked half of what he said, looking at Song Yan's attitude.
Song Yan raised her lips and smiled, the wind was light, and she shook her head: "It's over."
He didn't want to mention more, and Lu Jie put it aside. Men have a good face, and they have scars that they don't want to uncover.
Lu Jie glanced at the door, Xu Qin left the direction, now empty. For a moment, he almost blurted out: Was the one just now?
But he didn't.
Perhaps vaguely realized that this is the knife when asked.
At that time, the two were really close, and I was really happy to see them at the moment, but it has been really helpless to spend so many years in the years.
Lu Jie sighed, and suddenly felt sad for his own destiny.
He looked back at Song Yan.
On the hospital bed, Song Yan was staring at his military uniform and was found, asking: "Armored troops?"
Lu Jie: "Eh."
Song Yan smiled for a while: "Your kid looks good in this body."
Lu Jie also laughed, a little sour.
There was not much time left for them to reminisce, and the intercom from the waist rang and the superior gave orders.
Lu Jie had to go: "Give me your contact information."
Song Yan reported the department, phone number. Lu Jie also exchanged information: "Let's contact again later. Be sure to contact."
Song Yan: "OK."
Lu Jie hurried away, the ward returned to quiet.
Song Yan was lying on the bed, holding the warm glass bottle in her hand. He looked at the ceiling, his eyes empty. Lu Jie suddenly came out and opened a small gap in his sealed past.
The body was still in pain and weak, and the person was faint, and when he fell into a lethargy again, his thoughts flew into the distance inadvertently.
This earthquake, it seems that soldiers from all walks of life are coming, airborne troops, special forces, artillery, armored soldiers ...
In the gap between saving people, he will also unconsciously pay attention to other soldiers passing by.
After all, during those days, although he never recalled it, he never forgot it for a moment.
At that time, when he was halfway through the military school, he took the initiative to apply for military training. The teacher said that he had ambitions and ideas, but when he learned that he was going to the border special forces, he persuaded him that he wanted to be promoted to ordinary troops. Suffering is not where people go.
At that time, he was too ambitious, dreaming to stand out, and looking at her photos, people would be crazy.
What he wants is not gold plating, but real gold.
I went there and realized that it was really not a place for people.
Training for 18 hours a day is just the basis, 30 kilometers of weight-bearing zippers are just a piece of cake, 13 hours of carrying wood logs, 10 kilometers of wading and mud, no matter how dirty and smelly water is poured into the nose, the whole body is soaked and wrinkled Two days have to continue.
Not to mention that extreme fighting is worse than black market boxing one by one. The skydiving skydiving coach of the tower directly kicks the person down and kicks the person down. The endurance trainer binds his hands and feet and throws it into the water. At rest, play drums to pass flowers and pass real grenades. Bricks are also really hitting people's heads.
The cold, fever, and cracked skin were swollen and twisted, and they were not hurt.
The flesh-and-blood men were tortured and screamed all day long. They cried father, screamed at their mothers, scolded their ancestors, ancestors, and swearing out.
Song Yan didn't know how to get through those days. Every day, he felt that every minute and second was stretched endlessly and painfully, like a ghost who was fried and tortured in hell.
Once he was doing anti-torture training, the instructor forced him to confess, whip whip, electric baton, a needle of poison was injected into his arm, people were suffocating and twitching to death. He couldn't stand it anymore, so weeping, weeping, his eyes were bleeding.
In the end, he survived with a bite. It became the best among those students.
If it were not for her ...
If it wasn't for going back to see her, she would just meet her ...
The sun shone into the window and spilled on Song Yan's sleeping face.
How young he was that year.
Glory and sweat, ambition and ambition are still vivid in him; but in this world, it is just a grain of sand that disappears in time, no one knows it, and no one remembers it.
In the following days, the disaster relief work in Wangxiang was still heavy, and Song Yan and Xu Qin did not speak. He was not sleeping when she came; she was busy when he woke up.
Once she came, it was sober to meet him. But the doctor is examining him. She stood outside the door and waited for a long while. Before the doctor left, she left because of an emergency.
The two looked at each other from a distance.
Instead, the glass bottle on his hand was exchanged, and it was always hot.
After getting out of bed, the doctor let Song Yan walk around the medical center from time to time. Once passing the hall, he saw Xu Qin sitting on the ground and fell asleep with his head against the wall.
He hadn't approached yet. The wounded outside was brought in. She was awakened and immediately got up to pick up.
More often, he saw Xu Qin in a hurry.
Song Yan also went to see Xiaoge and they were all thin, even the dogs were thin. At the end of the disaster relief, everyone had a short break.
Li Cheng, a little fart boy, still thought about social networks, and was moved to tears when he saw the earthquake events reported by the media.
Xiaoge said: "The baby we saved that day was famous, and Dr. Xu who saved him was also famous."
Both are reporting on doctors and babies, and the voices of firefighters are much weaker, but no one minds.
Song Yan asked: "What about the kid's dad?"
"I am still a soldier. This time I am also in disaster relief. When I was in an accident, I was carrying out orders and I could not save his wife. You see." Li Cheng showed him the video. The newborn baby wept bitterly. The reporters on the side were also wiping tears.
Everyone sighed a little.
Song Yan was silent, and took a cigarette out of the cigarette case, but had not put it in her mouth. Tong Ming snatched it over: "The body is still in good condition and he cannot smoke."
Song Yanding looked at him, and when Tong Ming felt hairy in his heart, he almost returned the smoke. Song Yan let go: "Come on."
Several people exchanged glances.
Song Yan: "How?"
Li Cheng: "Captain, you seem to have a better temper after the operation."
"..." Song Yan asked, "Where did this cellphone come from? Looking for a fellow? Want to be careful, I will punish you."
Li Cheng raised his hand: "The nurse Xiao Nan lent it to Tong Ming."
A bunch of men cheered: "Oh--"
Tong Ming flushed.
Song Yan glanced around, understood, and smiled slightly.
Yang Chi got close to him: "Brother, when you were buried that day, Dr. Xu was there."
Song Yan was slightly surprised: "What is she doing there?"
"Looking to you. I looked like I was crying."
Xiaoge Bangqiang: "I met her at the door of the hospital, so I'm in a hurry."
Song Yan didn't say anything, she had something to worry about.
Yang Chi: "Brother, she seems to like you."
Tong Ming also whispered: "Firefighters and doctors are very good."
Song Yan raised his eyelids, his eyes sharp, and all the boys shut their mouths.
Say goodbye to Xiaoge and return to the medical center.
Song Yan received a glass of water next to the drinking fountain. He thoughtfully, standing in the corridor while drinking water, and footsteps heard from the side.
He turned his head and saw Xu Qin rubbing his forehead into the corridor.
Just thinking about her appeared, Song Yan was stunned for a moment.
She stood still rubbing her eyes, so sleepy, did not see him. After rubbing her eyes, she lowered her hand, slowly lowered her head, stood for half a second, and suddenly the person fell forward lightly.
As soon as Song Yan froze, like a conditioned reflex, she quickly hurried over and stopped in front of her.
She planted his head on his shoulder and fell asleep.
He opened his arms slightly and stood there with a glass of water, neither in nor out. The whole person could not move, but the throat knot rolled up and down.
He glanced at her head, and freely moved his hand. He wanted to pat her, but her hand was not close. She suddenly woke up, and the person stood straight and looked around, thinking who asked her to work.
She blinked and saw Song Yan's face in close proximity, so close, she was taken aback and hurried back. This retreat knocked over the glass in his hand and the water spilled out. She immediately wiped his sleeves with tissues, and he was in a hurry.
Song Yan lowered her head and calmly watched her series of movements. After she recovered from the wake, she asked, "Tired?"
"Fortunately." Xu Qin said, could not help but turned around and yawned while covering his mouth. When he turned back, his eyes were misty and looked at him.
Those eyes are black and bright, because of the water, they are a bit ignorant of innocence.
Song Yan: "..."
His eyes briefly moved back to her face: "Go out and walk."
She nodded and wiped her face: "Blow a wind to wake up."
Next to the medical center is the school playground, and rows of resettlement houses for the victims are built, and the room is dark. Late at night, everyone fell asleep.
There is a large open space beside the playground. Hundreds and thousands of soldiers are lined up and covered with uniform camouflage quilts. They are sleeping in the wind and dew.
There are not many resettlement houses and you can only sleep on the spot. The soldiers were exhausted and unable to take care of them. At the moment, they were shrouded in the quilt, as if they could not feel the north wind at night.
Xu Qin looked at it, and was touched.
A team of special forces took their jobs and passed by.
Song Yan looked back at them unconsciously. Xu Qin just happened to see it, and inexplicably thought his eyes were too complicated and difficult to distinguish, but she could not figure out for a moment.
She asked, "When did you become a soldier?"
"Eighteen and nine years old." Song Yan answered.
"Oh." She didn't feel strange, and said, "I heard people say that there is a universal and lethal attraction for men, except for cars, which are military uniforms."
Song Yan smiled: "It can be said." After a pause, "there is actually the same."
"What?" Xu Qin turned to look at him.
Xu Qin: "..."
The wind blows in the winter night, clear and refreshing. It is rare that there is a full moon in the sky, the moonlight is bright and quiet.
The two did not speak for a while.
Looking at the moon, Xu Qin thought for a long time, and finally decided what to say, but when he spoke, he turned a corner:
"Wangxiang used to be beautiful."
"We came here for a spring tour, remember?"
He remembered everything with her.
The most profound memory of that spring tour was that they walked across a long suspension bridge. He deliberately frightened her, shaking the suspension bridge high, like a swing. She screamed at the iron chain and her skirt fluttered in the wind like a flower. Recalling at the moment, he still remembers the sun shining on the water at that time, sparkling and shining like a silver mirror.
Xu Qin looked at the ruins around him: "But now it is like this."
Song Yan said: "It will be rebuilt."
She was stunned and turned her head to look at him, and he looked at her too. At night, his eyes were dark, dark and quiet.
She moved her heart and suddenly wanted to say something, but she hadn't spoken yet and saw Xiaoxi running out of the medical center.
"I have to go."
Farewell again.
Xu Qin walked quickly to the gate and looked back. Seeing that Song Yan was still in the moonlight, her heart moved again, unable to suppress her. She took a breath and suddenly shouted, "Song Yan!"
There was a soft echo over the empty town.
He looked back at her.
She ran towards him.
She ran to him, her cheeks flushed and gasped, her eyes bright: "Song Yan."
He looked at her: "Huh?"
"Wait back to the Imperial City, see you again."
"Okay." His answer.
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