Chapter 49:

Outside the building, the fire sirens were getting closer.
Xu Qin walked through the corridor, glanced through the window, and saw the red fire trucks lined up to the hospital compound.
She speeded up and walked out of the building.
The fire truck had stopped, and several firefighters jumped from the tall car. In the pile of uniformed men, she saw Song Yan at a glance, just a back view, and soon flashed over, blocked by the fire truck and the crowd, and disappeared.
She didn't approach the crowd, standing at the door of the emergency building and looking up. The outpatient building is 21 stories high, with two people standing on top, waving their arms, very excited. It seemed to be shouting, but the Fengtai Building was too high, and the crowd downstairs was full of people who could not hear it.
Song Yan walked downstairs and looked up at the person on the top of the building. The two of them stretched out their hands and feet from time to time, causing a crowd of onlookers downstairs to exclaim. He withdrew his eyes and asked the person in charge of the hospital: "What's the situation?"
"Medical trouble, jump upstairs, colleagues above are persuading, do not listen, and are not allowed to approach."
Song Yan: "Tong Ming, Xiao Ge, you two go to the top of the building first." Instructed specifically, "Do safety measures."
Looking back again, "Old Dong, ascend the ladder, take him down."
The old Dong got on the train and the ladder on the fire truck was slowly raised. He just raised his head and hadn't started to ride yet. There was a fierce cry from the top of the building.
Song Yan looked up and squinted. The two men waved their hands and feet, they didn't know what they were shouting, and they couldn't hear anything.
But Song Yan quickly raised his hand, and the old Dong immediately stopped the operation.
The walkie-talkie in the hands of the person in charge rang, and the colleague from the top of the building said: "Don't move, this person is emotional, and he said that if you climb the ladder again, he will jump down.
The intercom also faintly accompanied the man's scream: "My wife and children are dead, and I don't want to live anymore. I don't want you to save! Don't think that saving me will be fine!"
Song Yan squeezed her lips tightly, thinking about her eyebrows.
The person in charge looked at Song Yan and was tricky: "Captain, what can I do?"
Song Yan: "Yang Chi, a few of you go for an air cushion. After arriving at the building--"
The person in charge said busy: "No, if he saw and was excited, he jumped down."
Song Yan: "Go to the back of the building, take the ride and take advantage of them when they don't pay attention." After that, walked into the building.
When Xu Qin saw that the cloud ladder was not going up, several firefighters went to the building with air cushions and guessed what was going on.
The two people upstairs were more and more excited; there were more and more people downstairs and traffic jams.
I ’m afraid that if I continue to toss like this, firefighters can only find a way from the top of the building, then ...
She put her hands in her pockets and walked across the crowd to the outpatient building.
Beside, the lively people gathered to discuss:
"It's pitiful to be forced to jump off the building."
"I heard that his wife was pregnant and was killed, and his son was gone."
"Is it still possible to die during pregnancy? Is this doctor's book read from the ass?"
"Now things are so big, see how they clean up. They have to make trouble, no one cares."
Xu Qin entered the outpatient building and went to the top floor.
Normally, the door on the top stairwell was locked and now pryed.
The roof was originally empty, and the ground was covered with asphalt gravel. There are no railings on the edge of the roof, only a step less than half a meter above the sand.
The pair of mother and son stood on the steps, at the foot of the 21-storey abyss.
The wind above the tall building was so loud that the two men's down jackets screamed and listened to seep.
Several directors and doctors persuaded to stand ten meters away from them,
"You come down first, let's go talk in the conference room!"
"Don't talk, there's nothing to talk about!" The obese woman in her fifties interrupted rudely, "What a nice daughter-in-law, filial and diligent, will make money, and you have been killed. My son has been killed If you lose a family, you will have nothing to talk about without losing money! "
Her 30-year-old son shouted, "If you want to talk, just talk here, and say you don't lose money!"
Director Liu also tried to turn around: "Now it is a society ruled by law. You must be reasonable. If you have any dissatisfaction with finding a lawyer to fight the lawsuit--"
"You are rich and rich, you must buy the court." The man shouted. "We have no money and no power, but you can't sue you. Then let the people who look downstairs judge it!"
On the other side, several firefighters turned a blind eye to the disputes on this side, did not stand in line, nor evaluated, silently and seriously took protective measures, and tied safety ropes to their bodies.
Song Yan looked calm, glanced at the position of the two standing, and then looked at his feet, and quickly judged that the distance was about six or seven meters.
He was able to rush to grab him within two seconds while the man's attention was removed, tipping him off the steps and lying on the ground.
But-there are two people over there.
The uncontrollable rate has greatly increased.
He couldn't catch two at the same time, and the two players rushed over. I'm afraid they are inconsistent, leaking time gaps, and there may be four people colliding together and having an accident.
Thinking about it, the police came,
The troubled man and his mother were even more excited when they saw the police:
"You are a gang with the hospital. If you want to solve it, you will let the hospital lose money. Don't take the lives of ordinary people seriously. Well, I jumped today, and everyone here is watching. Your hospital is over. I ’m going to die and let everyone see how your hospital hurts! The last time I warned, if this matter is not resolved, I really jumped! "
He said he moved outside the steps.
The doctors and policemen on the rooftop suddenly changed their faces, and when Song Yan and Tong Ming were about to rush up to pull people, there was a mockery in the wind:
"Jump quickly, so much nonsense."
Xu Qin put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, his expression cold.
She walked towards them, her eyes calmly looking at the pair of mother and son, not anyone else.
"What the are you talking about?" The man couldn't believe it, and withdrew his body back, scolding, "Sure enough! People in your hospital want me to die!"
"Yes," Xu Qin said flatly, "Go die."
"You--" The man's face was distorted, and he was about to scold, seeing Xu Qin approaching, pointing, "I warn you, don't come over, you come over again--"
"If you come over again, you will jump." Xu Qin had walked only three or four meters away from him. He looked up at him on the steps and said, "You jump."
"You--" The man's legs shivered and pointed to the policeman. "Did you see? The doctor here wanted me to die and caught her." Then he rushed to Xu Qin and said recklessly, "You have kind, you want to kill Me? Haha, I really want your uncle to jump, and you ca n’t take off the relationship, do n’t you want to work here! "
"Yes, I forced you to death. I'm not a doctor in my life." Xu Qinhan said, "You jump right now!"
The man was shocked, and the face of the woman in front of him was extremely ruthless in the cold wind,
"I won't give you a penny. You jumped down and fell into disability. The doctors here will not save you!"
The two were stunned and guilty of evil. Looking downstairs, the air cushion was put up. The man's eyes rolled, what to plan,
Xu Qin: "It's useless to have an air cushion. The building is too high. If you fall down, you'll break your hand and break your leg. Then come to a high paraplegia. Jump."
The man shuddered without fear. His mother blushed, pointing at Xu Qin and cursing: "Your bitch, the hospital sent you? Want to kill us, ah? Just lose some money. How much sloppy money did your hospital charge and how much did you make? ,what?"
Xu Qin Liangliang looked at her with a trace of disgust in her eyes, determined to say: "Do you know why the hospital can't give you money?"
This time the two were in unison: "Why?"
"Given the money, this became Dr. Li's stain."
The two didn't understand at all, and they didn't care.
"Dr. Li is the most promising obstetrician in the hospital. He has been studying medicine for more than ten years. He has studied and studied everywhere and step by step to where he is today. Indeed, some doctors work only to support their families, but some doctors are kindhearted People who are human-minded have a belief in the pursuit of the science of medicine. Dr. Li happens to be such a person. His study of medicine is to save lives and heal the wounds. You're such a waste.
Do you know how much it will cost a school, hospital, country, to train such a doctor? Of course the hospital can't give you any money, after all ... why should his future be destroyed in your hands? "Xu Qin stared at the man and asked.
"You say my son is a waste?" The woman was violently angry.
The man also witnessed a fierce glare, his face flushed, as if his face would explode in the next second.
"People don't need to be alive to be aloof, but to be self-reliant and not burden the society. But look at how many public officials are being fooled by you. Look at the firefighters who are here to save you. They also choose to do this job. Not to kill you! "
Her chest undulated, saying one word at a time,
"A man in his thirties has no responsibility or ability, your wife married you blindly, you were killed, you do n’t say, you still rely on her to swindle money? You are not a waste, you die early. . "
"You stinky bitch!" The man finally took the bait, was stimulated to lose his sense, jumped off the steps, and flew towards Xu Qin.
And Song Yan rushed over in an instant, but was a strong woman on the steps.
The woman's attention was drawn to Xu Qin long before, and she noticed that someone had attacked and could not escape it.
Song Yan rushed to her and grabbed her for a second, and then suddenly flipped her off the steps, throwing it on the ground and squeezing her back with a twist.
The police swarmed and subdued them.
Song Yan quickly released her and looked at Xu Qin.
As early as he was dispatched, Tong Ming and Xiao Ge rushed to the man. The man had not yet met Xu Qin, and found that his mother was accused, and that he left the stairs and lost the advantage of threatening to jump off the building. But the retreat was blocked, and Xiaoge and Tong Ming quickly caught him.
The man roared and struggled, kicking his legs, kicking Tong Ming's legs, kicking back with a big step, Tong Ming stepped back, his calf hit the steps, the whole person fell back out of control, and immediately turned over the steps and fell downstairs.
Xiao Ge screamed: "Tong Ming!"
Everything happened so fast that Xu Qin and others had no time to react, and they saw that a touch of orange disappeared and fell to the building.
Everyone's face was pale, and blood was suddenly lost.
Song Yan's eyes were fast and he threw himself up to grab the safety rope that was sliding fast on the ground. The fast-moving rope dragged Song Yan to the steps, and saw him pulling the whole person out of the building.
Xu Qin screamed in horror: "Song Yan!"
Xiaoge rushed up to grab the rope and stopped Song Yan's body that was about to be taken out by inertia. The directors and doctors all pounced on the rope.
The madly moving safety rope was stretched straight under the clenches of men, and suddenly stopped.
Song Yan and others lay prone on the ground, sweating coldly and breathing heavily.
Xu Qin's heart was beating wildly, and his legs were soft.
The pair of mothers and sons had lost their eyes and sat paralyzed on the ground and were taken away by the police.
"Tong Ming! Are you okay?" Song Yan shouted down.
"Low back pain--" Tong Ming called out painfully.
Several people pulled him up, and the person in charge of the hospital stepped forward immediately: "Hurry, go check."
While the silhouette was moving, Xu Qin's eyes were fixed on Song Yan, and a heart was still beating in the panic just now, but did not recover.
She saw blood stains on his hands, scratches on her neck, and bruises on her head that hit the steps.
He was negotiating with the police, and Yu Guang noticed something and glanced in her direction.
Looking at her, his eyes were deep but restrained.
After a short second, it moved away.
Xu Qin was quickly called away by the leader. Before walking into the stairwell, she glanced back. Song Yan was talking about the business with the hospital director and the police. This time, she didn't even have time to look at her.
Xu Qin turned and left. When I went down the stairs, I realized that my feet were still soft, and there was cold sweat behind my back, and my palms had already been deeply scratched by my nails.
The leader didn't praise Xu Qin, but he didn't criticize it. He only asked those present to keep it secret. After all, the doctor said "go to death" to the doctor. If this word spreads and is grabbed and made a fuss by someone who is interested, it can be inexplicable.
Colleagues all promised to keep secrets, and privately thank Xu Qin for their bad breath. What is even more surprising is that she has never been in contact with people, but did not expect to help her colleagues this time.
Everyone asked her to change her contact information, and said that her colleagues would call her in the future.
Xu Qin responded indifferently, and then walked away on the grounds of work.
When I went to the emergency building, I saw that the fire truck was still parked in the yard. The onlookers were all scattered, and several firefighters were taking air cushions.
Did not see Song Yan.
A moment ago, there was a vocal yard, and the cold wind blew at the moment.
Xu Qin returned to the emergency room, somehow, the whole person was a bit depressed, and the person felt a little tired. I don't think I usually work. The confrontation on the rooftop really cost her.
Or maybe there are other reasons. But she didn't care about it anymore.
Working until twelve o'clock at night, Xu Qin took a taxi home and leaned back in a daze.
The car stopped at the intersection of Wufang Street. Wufang Street is a pedestrian street with roadblocks.
Xu Qin got out of the car and glanced at the deserted street where the shops were closed in the dark night, and sighed softly. But in a blink of an eye, I saw my uncle standing on the side of the road.
She was stunned and walked over: "Uncle? Aunt?"
"Qin Qin is off work?" Aunt smiled.
"Why are you here?" Xu Qin wondered.
"The alley is dark, you can't worry about walking alone." Aunt said, "Yanyan is in the team, so I will pick you up with your uncle."
Xu Qin's heart suddenly warm, followed them to go home.
Uncle took the aunt's hand and walked aside. From time to time he said a few words and discussed the TV series he watched at night. Xu Qin listened silently and looked back at the road he had just walked.
On both sides of the road, the door was closed tightly, and weird graffiti was painted on it, which was a bit strange at night. The ancient streets are empty, the light is dark and deep.
If you leave alone, it is really scary.
"Turning, what does this child see?" Aunt said, reaching out to hold Xu Qin's hand, and Xu Qinton felt a warm and rough rice in his hand. "Oh, this kid's clothes are too little, his hands are cold."
The aunt put her hand in her pocket and led her through the narrow and dark alley of the night.
At the end of the road, the lights in the courtyard are warm.
Xu Qin sat at the table and ate glutinous rice in a bowl.
Uncle Auntie accompanied her to eat supper together. Auntie said: "Qinqin eat a little more, don't be afraid of being fat. You are too thin, tired of work, you need to eat more to be in good health, you know?"
Xu Qin nodded.
The aunt sighed again: "Yan Yanyan, too, had no regular time for his work, and turned upside down. He was also thin."
Xu Qin listened, and licked his lips silently. The sugar juice on his lips lost its taste at this moment.
She thought of the moment Tong Ming fell from the upper floor, the moment Song Yan was dragged out by the rope.
Even when I think about it at this moment, a heart yanked,
"Well." She put down the spoon and said, "I think his job is too dangerous."
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