Chapter 343: Woman with a scorpion

Chapter 343 A woman like a scorpion
The woman was tied with a long scorpion and hung on her chest. After she jumped into the air, she fell down sharply. When she was about to touch the ground, the white jade feet just touched the ground gently, and they stabilized. Stop standing.
This blue-eyed and icy beautiful woman looked at Shen Xiang with a hostile look. The tail of the scorpion hanging in front of her chest had a purple hook at the end, which looked very dangerous, like the one on the tail of the scorpion. The same kind of poison hook.
"Have you learned the magic of the town?" The blue-eyed woman asked coldly, and her eyes, which had a pattern of purple eyes, picked up a breath that made Shen Xiang feel very uncomfortable.
"Yes!" Shen Xiang’s voice fell, only to see the woman’s jade and foot swept away. The speed was as fast as lightning. It was such a beautiful jade foot, but a force full of destruction broke out. The sweep was on Shen Xiang’s cheek.
Shen Xiang only felt the hot pain in his cheeks. He was struck by a very terrible force. The body flew involuntarily and slammed into the wall, knocking out the uneven stone walls in the mountain belly into a pit with many cracks. .
"Hey!" Shen Xiang spit a blood, the woman's strength is beyond his imagination, he guessed at least the ultimate realm, he did not expect to break the stone, actually broke the seal, let out such a powerful guy.
If it wasn't for the town's demon gods told him to do so, he would not hand to smash the stone, which made him regret it.
"Do you only have this ability?" The blue-eyed woman asked in a cold voice, leaping gently, as a light smoke, drifting toward Shen Xiang, appearing in front of her body in the blink of an eye, only to see her feet flying continuously , kicked in Shen Xiang's body.
Shen Xiang has been set on the stone wall at this time, and the body is suffering from the terrorist attack of the woman.
"Little skin, don't challenge the uncle's bottom line!"
Shen Xiang was angry, and the infuriating temper suddenly burst into the body, as if all the pain in his body had been swept away from the body. His bones swelled with the infuriating smoldering sounds. It’s full of power and full of power.
He reached out and grabbed his hand. The palm of his hand shot like a power, grabbed the blue-eyed woman's bare feet, and vigorously pinched it, only to hear the woman making an angry drink.
Just when Shen Xiang was about to crush the delicate foot of the woman, he only saw the long scorpion with a poisonous tail, and the sharp purple hook shone with the evil light. His chest.
The blue-eyed woman’s long squat is like her flexible hand, controlled by her handy!
When the sharp purple hook at the end of the scorpion looks into the chest of Shen Xiang, Shen Xiang sighs and slams the woman vigorously, otherwise he will be stabbed by the purple hook. He thinks that the purple hook is The most dangerous place for this woman is like the tail of a donkey.
"I told you to let you out. You and my mother are not grateful to me. I have to kill me. You are a ungrateful woman. It is best not to let the old man catch it. Otherwise, I will get rid of your clothes and dry up. You are a hundred times!" Shen Xiang rubbed the blood of his mouth, his heart was in the fire, roaring in a rude language.
The blue-eyed woman’s face is frosty, and she trembles: dirty human man, actually said such disgusting words to me.

Said, Qian Ying flashed, once again drifting toward Shen Xiang.
This woman's body is very strange, and it is very light and fast, so people can't catch it. However, Shen Xiang is practicing the Shinto, and the gods are released. The situation around him is in his grasp. He saw the blue-eyed woman jumping to the right and attacking him. He smiled and looked at the woman she was coming to. In an instant, it’s a slap in the sky.
A loud bang, the ground cracked immediately, and the whole rock shook.
But this palm made Shen Xiang very surprised, because the woman was not as shocked as he imagined, and there was no injury.
Shen Xiang glanced at the passage he came in. He knew that he had just used the metacarpal palm. The mysterious bones of the bones did not have any use for this woman. He knew that the disparity in strength could only be the best policy.
"This is the metamorphosis of the palm, who did you learn?" The blue-eyed woman's voice was full of surprises. She saw Shen Xiang going to run, and the jade hand waved, a black light shot from her palm, hitting the passage of the passage. Above, I saw that many stones fell, and the hole was blocked.
Shen Xiang did not answer, this is the white secluded to teach him, at the beginning he promised to be white and secluded to be confidential, and death can not be said!
The blue-eyed woman saw that Shen Xiang did not answer, and did not ask again, and launched a rapid attack. The offensive was very overbearing, and the fists and feet were used together. From time to time, the sharp purple hook went to stab the sinking chest.
The strength of this blue-eyed woman is getting bigger and bigger. Shen Xiang estimates that this is the reason why she slowly recovered after she broke the seal. This made him unable to fight back. He could only use the Xuanwu Luotian cover once and for all, but it didn’t take long. It will be smashed into water.
The most important thing for Shen Xiang to scruple is the purple hook on the scorpion. He has no doubt that if he is hit by this purple hook, his heart will be hooked out!
Shen Xiang began to fight back. When the blue-eyed woman was out of the palm, he punched a punch and knocked out the hail konjac. Last time he used this trick to completely defeat the strong enemy Xiao Qiu.
"Ice konjac!" The blue-eyed woman exclaimed, put away the attack, stepped back, and used the cold blue scorpion to force Shen Xiang: "White secluded to you?"
Shen Xiang stunned, and the blue-eyed woman actually guessed it from the hail konjac.
Seeing Shen Xiang’s look, the blue-eyed woman sneered:
She didn’t die!

Said, and continued to attack Shen Xiang crazy.
As the strength of the blue-eyed woman has recovered more and more, Shen Xiang has become more and more difficult to resist. He knows that Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou have a powerful enemy, that is, the enemy has abolished them. He suspects that this woman is in front of her. It is their enemy!
Shen Xiang could have resisted hard, but now only the beatings, the strength of this blue-eyed woman is getting stronger and stronger.
"Small fart dragon, lend me strength, I will spare no effort to leave a deep memory for her!" Shen Xiang shouted in his heart, this time he felt his arms hot, white secluded infusion of strength.
Although the strength of Long Xueyi will make him very painful, he is now extremely angry.
Feeling that the left arm is full of strength, Shen Xiang is like the of the gods, roaring, one hand is lightning-fast, grabbed the blue-eyed woman’s chest, and grabbed a large and soft And the meat is full of elasticity, he is holding on to death.
The blue-eyed woman was shocked and gave a shy anger, then shouted: "Take your dirty hand, I will make your hand like a meat sauce."
Speaking, she kicked and kicked Shen Xiang crazyly, but Shen Xiang did not let go without letting go, and kept squirming fingers.
Suddenly, a blue-eyed woman’s hand had a red knife like a crescent moon. When she saw that Shen’s arm was cut off, the white secluded cold shouted:

Hearing the white faint voice, the blue-eyed woman paused, and Shen Xiang also took it back. Although it was very painful, the feeling just made him feel hooked.
Long Xueyi saw that Shen Xiang borrowed her power to do such a sinister thing, secretly despising him, but she was also very addicted, because she can feel that feeling.
"Hey, ruthless princess, it really is you!" The blue-eyed woman’s voice still carries an endless anger. She is screaming at Shen Xiang, and the blue scorpion is full of fierce light, as if to sink a thousand knives. Oh, that's it.
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