Chapter 5176: Vengeance of the Broken Arm

Chen Xiang came to the outside of the barrier, and he asked Sister Xiaojing to try it out. Although the barrier was very strong, it took sister Xiaojing a long time, but in the end she managed to pass through the barrier smoothly.
"This place is indeed not the same as before." After Chen Xiang came in, he could immediately sense that the atmosphere of Tiangu Xing had changed a lot.
"Yeah! The power of creation here has become more concentrated, and it seems that they are all gathered, and there is a strong blood of purgatory blood in the power of creation." Sister Xiaojing also sensed it.
"Can we find those guys?"
Chen Xiang looked around, then closed his eyes and sensed the place where Tianguxing's powerful breath was released.
"Brother, why don't you wait for them to come find them!" Sister Xiaojing said with a smile, "We should be able to lead them out."
Chen Xiang thought for a while, and felt that this was not bad, then he took the Six Paths Divine Mirror and flew to the sky over a wasteland.
"Start!" Sister Xiaojing directly controlled the Six Paths Divine Mirror, bursting out the power of the star core.
This force burst out and directly penetrated the stratum and entered the inner core. As long as time and humans were in the inner core space, they could sense it.
Sure enough, Chen Xiang didn't wait long before several people appeared, hovering around him, surrounding him and the Divine Mirror of Six Paths.
"Who are you?" a silver-haired woman asked.
Chen Xiang looked at the silver-haired woman, as well as several other young people, they also all had silver hair.
And their appearance is very young, they look like they are in their twenties.
The woman is tall and hot, wearing silver soft armor and holding a broad sword.
It can be seen that this woman is a small head, and those young people are her subordinates.
"I'm Chen Xiang, the person you want to see!" Chen Xiang said, "Is it the person you want to see me?"
"So you are Chen Xiang! They said they don't know where you are... I didn't expect you to appear." The silver-haired woman sneered.
"You guys want to see me, what's the matter?" Chen Xiang asked: "I don't know what your Excellency is called?"
"I'm Xuanyuanling, and I'm looking for you to bring you back." Xuanyuanling said, "It was explained above that I would take you back and imprison you first. As for what I'm going to do to you, I don't know."
"Captivity?" Chen Xiang frowned.
He now understands why Lingxu didn't let him meet with Shi Tianren. It turned out that Shi Tianren really had bad intentions for him.
"A smart guy like you will only create a lot of chaos, so you must be imprisoned, otherwise, chaos will always appear." Xuanyuan Ling said.
"Isn't the chaos caused by the Temple of Time? Besides, the presence of your time gods here will bring chaos to everything." Chen Xiang snorted coldly.
"In this world, everything is born based on time! And we are the spirit of time, above you, everything we do, even if we create chaos, it is our business, and you don't need to worry about it. "Xuanyuanling said.
"What if I don't go with you?" Chen Xiang already understood that this group of time gods didn't reason with him.
"You can see that you are very dissatisfied with me? Tell you, the world is created by time! And we are above time! You create chaos to add chaos to the world. And we create chaos, that's what we do to save the world. It was done as a last resort.

Xuanyuanling was furious when she saw Chen Xiang's expression that she didn't want to talk to her.
"Yes, yes, everything you say is right." Chen Xiang spread his hands and said, "Since you are so powerful, then quickly clear up the chaos in this world."
"Bastard!" Xuanyuanling was furious and shouted, "Take him!"
Also at this moment, a young man suddenly flashed to Chen Xiang's side, while the other three young men released a strange power, which immobilized Chen Xiang and made him unable to move.
Chen Xiang's arm has been grabbed by a young man.
"This is the price you pay for contradicting our eldest sister."
The young man grabbed Chen Xiang's left arm, smiled coldly, and then vigorously tore off Chen Xiang's left arm.
Chen Xiang's face twitched, although it was very painful, this kind of pain was nothing to him, and now he was more angry in his heart.
Time Tianren is really strong, and several of them shot together.
"What's your name?" Chen Xiang asked coldly.
"Xuanyuanfeng! I'm from the Xuanyuan family, one of the three major families of the Time and Heaven. Are you thinking of seeking revenge from me in the future? It's just you? Hahaha, stupid people also want to kill us, the Time-Heaven?" Xuanyuan Feng laughed loudly. : "Stupid man, come back with us honestly, otherwise, I will tear off everything that can be torn off on you, hahaha..."
"A Feng, tear off his two legs and the thing between the legs now." Xuanyuanling sneered: "This must have some dirty fantasies about me."
Chen Xiang's just torn arm was squeezed by Xuanyuan Feng and injected a burst of energy, and then shattered it.
"Xuanyuan Feng, wait for me!"
After Chen Xiang finished speaking, suddenly a short blue dagger flew out, it was the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword.
This knife condensed Chen Xiang's powerful fate, and instantly pierced Xuanyuan Feng's eyes.
At this time, the killing red dragon soul in the knife broke out a very strong soul attack.
The Divine Mirror of Six Paths revolved, shaking out a powerful force that shook all the people around.
"Come back!" Xuanyuan Ling realized that something was wrong, and immediately grabbed Xuanyuan Feng back from the sky.
Chen Xiang hurriedly took back the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword, and then the Six Paths Divine Mirror also took him into the Heavenly Jade Space.
After entering the Tianxuan space, he entered the depths one after another until he entered the third space.
Chen Xiang disappeared!
Xuanyuanling frowned and looked at the place where Tianxuan's space was opened just now, and then shouted loudly, only to see that the space there was distorted.
"Come and help me!" Xuanyuanling shouted.
Several young people also went over to release their divine power together to help open the cracks in the space.
After they opened it, they found that there was a small space inside, and Chen Xiang was not in it.
"He took advantage of this space to escape!" Xuanyuanling was furious, then punched the inside and closed the space.
The Tianxuan space was bombarded by the violent divine power, but it was not shattered. Xuanyuanling and the others also realized that the space was not simple, because it was difficult for them to maintain the open state.
Chen Xiang was in the third-layer space, and controlled the Tianxuan space to slowly creep in the deep space. As long as they left the position just now, they would not be able to find the Tianxuan space even if they opened it again.
"These are really no different from the time monks."
Chen Xiang looked at his broken arm, and then absorbed the divine power of the life orb to regenerate his arm.
"Brother, we have to drive them away." Sister Xiaojing was also very angry and said, "Tiangu Xing was formed because of you and cannot fall into their hands."
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