Chapter 849: Destiny skills: existence

in the dark.
Gu Qingshan stood on a circular disc and faced the body of the abyss.
He has already seen the strength of the other side of the iceberg.
Just facing the unresponsive body, Gu Qingshan has determined that he will never be able to defeat each other.
Do you really want to be the devil?
Gu Qingshan sighed and asked at the revolutionary interface in the void: "Even if you evolved to the stage where the devil came, would I be able to defeat the abyss monster immediately? This is not realistic."
Doomsday Online: The revolution responded: "After gaining your intelligence, I have checked the current world environment and determined one thing: among the weapons belonging to the Terran, only two weapons have the power to fight the abyss monsters.

"Which two?" Gu Qingshan quickly asked.
"Six reincarnations, slumbering dragons."
Gu Qingshan recalled the scene in which the King of God was killed by the Soul Screamer. He said: "The six reincarnations have been shattered, and the abyss monsters are wary of this. They must monitor the six reincarnation fragments."
The revolutionary road: "Yes, so I must evolve to the stage of the devil's coming--in that evolutionary level, I can transform the body of the sleeping dragon into a demon weapon."
Gu Qingshan recalled the dragon's longing for the abyss and said: "The sleeping dragon seems not to be loyal to the human race, and it is not necessarily the opponent of the abyss."
The revolutionary road: "But it can withstand the abyss of the abyss to a certain extent, and strive for a glimmer of life for you."
The revolutionary summary said: "So, please be sure to get the body of the sleeping dragon."
Gu Qingshan smiled bitterly.
Just kidding, this is almost impossible.
The Sleeping Dragon is a shrewd and awkward guy who has long had his own mind.
It will never sacrifice its own life, and desperately fight with the abyss.
So it must be alive.

Is there any other way?
Gu Qingshan asked.
"There is no other way." The revolutionary road.
"Then we must first get the body of the dragon."
Gu Qingshan chanted and fell into meditation.
The Sleeping Dragon is so large that it is strong enough to compete with the Abyss monster.
Judging from the situation that I understand, the abyss has caused a lot of casualties to the human race.
The Terran has nothing to do with it, and it can only exile its soul and force it into a state of death.
Then, as a weapon guarding the body of the abyss, the strength of the sleeping dragon is inevitably extraordinary.
- even in the very ancient times.
For such weapons, is there no means for the Terran to restrict?
It should be there.
Gu Qingshan thought about it again.
From a human point of view, any weapon that is out of control will bring great panic.
So - there should be a means to restrict the dragon.
Gu Qingshan no longer communicated with the revolution, but turned down and took a circular disc.
The circular disc made a sound: "Hello, boy, if you have no other instructions, do we have to return the same way?"
"Don't worry, I have two questions to ask you."
"please say."
"The first question, what is the most remarkable ability of the Abyss Weaver?"
"Destiny skills: exist."
"What is existence?"
"When it wants to be a certain existence, it only needs to be said to be exported. There is one more existence in the world. It was such a way of invading human civilizations a hundred years ago."

Can you give an example?

"For example, the leadership of the Terran had seven people. The Abyss and the Weavers said that there are eight people in the leadership of the Terran. Then the leadership of the Terran will immediately change from seven to eight. The whole process is reasonable and there will never be anyone. I suspect that there is a problem."
"Does it become that extra person?"
Gu Qingshan thought about the situation, and a chill in his heart continued to rush.
This ability is too strange, and combined with the terrorist strength of the stalker itself, it is simply impossible to prevent.
"Don't you expose it?" he couldn't help but ask.
"There is a way, that is, someone will travel through time and space, seeing the changes before and after the timeline, and discovering what changes have occurred in fate to know who is the abyss."
Gu Qingshan is speechless.
Even if the ancient people are stronger, how many people can do this?
They started three coins, and the time-lapse of the time has broken through the limits of the world, attracting horrible monsters.
In this way, the abyss is almost insolvent.
Gu Qingshan decided to set the and continued to ask:
"The second question, when the Terran was building this abyss detention center, what methods have been left to restrict the sleeping dragon?"
The circular disc immediately said: "The more powerful the weapon, the more it can't get out of control. The Terran naturally has the means to destroy the uncontrolled weapon, but this is the core secret of the Abyss Detention Center. You must prove your identity again before you can get it. confidential."
"Do you want to get this secret?"
"I need this information."
"please follow me."
After the round disc was finished, he took Gu Qingshan all the way back.
When they flew out of the metal gate, Gu Qingshan quickly let the circular disc close the metal door.
At this time, a little accident can not be made.
The circular disc flew Gu Qingshan all the way to the darkness of the darkness until it reached a starry dark sky.
"Now you will be scanned in all directions."
A circular aura appeared at the foot of Gu Qingshan, rising slowly toward his head at an extremely slow speed.
The circular halo disappears.
An electronic sound rang:
"Identity has been confirmed, although you are very weak because of malnutrition and lack of exercise and long-term use of the brain, but it is indeed a real human."
Gu Qingshan said: "The middle sentence can actually be said."
"The Terran has disappeared for a long time. You are the only ethnic boy who has appeared in the long years, so I will report to you how to destroy the Sleeping Dragon."
"Please prepare 12 kinds of aggression soul devices, which are set in the command center of the detention center. The command center will directly use these 12 kinds of offensive spirits to directly seduce the sacred curse hidden in the soul of the slumber dragon. The soul of the dragon."
Gu Qingshan asked: "Where is the command center?"
"Look up, you can see the command center."
Gu Qingshan looked up and saw the scorpio that flashed with faint starlight.
This is the command center.
"Do you have an aggressor?" he asked again.
"That is, I need to bring twelve soul devices to activate the command to destroy the soul of the dragon?"
"No, the dragon is dead, you don't need to kill it again."
"If I insist on doing this, can I still start the kind of death spell?"
"If the soul of the dragon still exists, it is ok."
Gu Qingshan nodded and no longer asked.
- Twelve offensive spirits.
Hell, time passed for hundreds of millions of years, where to go to find the 12 kinds of aggression soul devices in ancient times?
At this time, the sound of the circular disc sounds again:
"You seem to have some doubts about the death of the dragon. Do you need me to check the body of the dragon again?"
Gu Qingshan immediately said: "No, I don't doubt this at all, you don't have to check it anymore."
- Although I don't know what method the slumber dragon used to trick the detention center's command system, it is already dead.
If you let the command system check it again, it will immediately know that there is a change.
At that time, only once again escaped from this era.
Two consecutive escapes from the era of ghosting will surely cause doubts about the Light Man and Luo Bingli.
This is not a good thing to do now.
The emotionally sound metal sounds again:
"So, what are your requirements?"
Gu Qingshan said: "Please send me out of here, if you can, please put me in the evil world."
A light curtain enveloped Gu Qingshan.
He quickly disappeared from the Abyss Detention Center.
When it reappeared, it has reached the evil world.
At this time, Gu Qingshan was just a common demon, so although it suddenly appeared, it did not attract the attention of other demons.
There are too many techniques for transmitting classes, and the devils are accustomed to this.
Gu Qingshan stood on the street, looking for a place to stay quietly for a while, sorting out the ideas, but seeing the devils in the entire street are flying in one direction.
Although he was too lazy to pay attention to the evil demon world, but for the collection of intelligence, he still grabbed a demon and asked:
"what happened?"
The devil was pulled by someone, and it was a bit uncomfortable, but before it broke out, there were already a few cold swords stuck in his body.
The devil was in a stiff, and immediately revealed a flattering smile. "This adult, the two evil-skinned kings, got up. This kind of scene is rare. Now everyone is rushing to join in the fun."
Gu Qingshan couldn't help but say: "Two evil bones kings? Are you fighting again?"
The devil laughed and said: "Yes, don't worry about adults, you said that their two brothers are the rulers of the evil devil, and the evil king is just a beggar."
A huge shadow cage on the heart of Gu Qingshan.
This is not right.
The evil bone devil has only one.
In the early days of another era, he once managed the evil world and merged with the evil spirits.
Until now, I still clearly remember that there is only one ghost king in the evil bones.
Gu Qingshan tried to keep calm and asked: "When did you start, there are two ghost kings in the evil spirits world?"
"They are brothers and have always ruled the evil spirits together."
The devil takes it for granted.
Almost involuntarily, Gu Qingshan quickly remembered the ability of the abyss.
Destiny skills.
Gu Qingshan’s heart gradually sank into the bottom.
Yes, because I am from other time and space, knowing the truth before and after the timeline, I was not blinded by this skill.
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