Chapter 1571: Legend of Tenjin Forge

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"Boss" is a woman who looks mature and beautiful. I was surprised when I saw it through psychic vision, but this kind of "prejudiced" accident was immediately met by Her Majesty Queen Sandora. The basic meaning of a vomit is what happened to a woman. Why can't a woman lead the overall situation? Why can't a woman be a leader or something like that? Sandora knows that I don't have that much meaning, she's just idle.
The terror caused by the "horror disaster" almost destroyed the minds of all the people in the underground base. If it wasn't for Sandor's hand in time, I'm afraid that a living person here would not stay, and even if Sandora didn't kill her, "the leader" When I woke up, I was groggy and hardly know where she was. The wind and grass around her made her inexplicable, but it also brought us a lot of convenience: the other party ’s mental defense has been crushed by fear, even now it is just When a child comes to interrogate, she will recruit all.
Sandora was in charge of interrogation. She could more accurately control the remaining fear in the other person's heart, and could ask more things, and I wandered around in the underground palace at this time: this place seems a bit interesting.
Messaging technology products can be found everywhere in the palace. Electricity lighting, simple closed-circuit monitoring, and communication equipment are obvious. This obviously does not meet the technical regulations of Lost Theology, nor do they know how they control the entire world in Lost Theology. Under these circumstances, the technical blockade of Lost Theology does not seem to be as high as expected. You need to know that many technology products are not available when you dig them out of the ruins. If you want to use technology products to arrange such a large area of ​​a base, then you need to know how to keep them running, you need to know how to maintain them, and Manufacture the minimum replacement parts, understand the principle of most equipment and can modify them with the materials at hand (because most of the relics are actually unusable), and you even have a matching production line to make basic parts. The production line must exist, and of course it will be elsewhere.
It seems that Lost Deities have not completely controlled the world ... Perhaps the limit they can do is to delay the technological recovery of this world as much as possible. Once civilization exists. It is not so easy to completely "solidify" in a certain state. Even if Lost Deity was originally established by a group of tree elves with a life span of tens of thousands of years, it may not completely control the technical revival of the short-lived race.
In some small rooms in the underground palace, I found a lot of "baubles" that looked like antiques dug from the ground: pieces of equipment, unidentified alloy blocks, deformed mechanical parts, etc. These gadgets They are sorted and placed on shelves, and some fragments are placed on clean benches, which seem to be being processed and studied. It reminds me of Celine's bench in the church. What this mysterious organization is doing is obviously similar to the part of Lost Theology: collecting ancient relics and studying them.
The difference is that they seem to intend to reproduce these technologies and use them to establish a new
In a small room with bright lights, I found a lot of neatly arranged books. Next to this small room is a neat and feminine room, so I guess this is the "boss" study. One of the most noticeable things about these books is that half of them are very good quality prints!
Basically all technical books: electricity, physics, chemistry. Natural textbooks, of course, also have mysterious "textbooks" such as alchemy and magic theory. These books were carefully made with a lot of annotations and marks, and there were learning cards sandwiched between the pages of many books. Juanxiu's handwriting on them undoubtedly came from the "boss". And I found several thick notes on the book case at the corner. Not only are there well-documented learning experiences, but also the small machinery that the owner himself tried to design, even ... a model of a radio device, although simple. But apparently the note owner designed it independently based on the knowledge he learned.
"A diligent and horrific female leader of a terrorist organization ..." Looking at the books and notes in front of me, I said to myself with a strange expression, "This learning spirit ... if you were born in the normal world, you might be well-connected." Read."
The traces of study in this room make me look more and more stressed. When I saw the end, I couldn't help but think of my guilt-ridden junior high school career: If we had a third of that sister's hard work, maybe ... oh, it seems useless, I haven't had time to enter the college entrance examination battlefield As soon as he showed his strength, he was smashed by the empire falling from the sky.
Of course, in these notes, I also found some information related to the "organization", basically some communication records and diaries. I don't know why the leaders of every secret organization are used to doing this. The dead thing is at hand, as if someone is afraid that no evidence can be found after the accident. Maybe it is the leader of the Royal Sister who has no time to destroy these things? In short, based on these things, I completely determined the nature of the "organization", just as I imagined: the technology revivalist.
Most of them are hidden in the barren mountains and wild forests far away from the crowds, and a few are hidden as secret associations under the eyes of the Lost Deities. Dongxi, trying to rebuild civilization, they are researchers, warriors, archeologists, grave robbers and "social progressives". Of course, they also make guest appearances of terrorists if necessary. Their size is unknown, but it is estimated that they cannot be underestimated, and they call the Lost Deities "pagans" and "zombies" in a contemptuous manner. Obviously, these tech revivals believe that they are the masters of truth and progress.
It would be better if you acted mildly.
Yes, the technical revivalist style is not very pleasing, as Sandorah said, the apostate minority always feels confident that he is excluded because he has the truth, so he can use justice and truth. Violence against the majority in the name of the United States, and the unreasonable part of the world is that the minority can really carry out this kind of violence against the majority: the technology revival organization that calls itself "awareness" uses various methods to attack the lost theology, Every attack always injures civilians by accident. Although it seems that their leader has an effort to restrain this behavior (as can be seen from some notes and briefings), this is a must-have for a leader of a large organization. The subordinate cadres in the delay organization are making waves outside.
Just like the man in black did: Let the giant beacon antenna out of control, and let the innocent villages and towns be exposed to lethal high-power microwaves in order to trap the adventurer under the town's protective cover (although Celine's bold style and rich experience Make his plan unsuccessful), the other party must firmly believe that this is for "the justice of knowledge." You just hang this lunatic on a ceiling fan, put a charcoal fire underneath, and turn it on for a day at high speed. He still believes that he is for justice.
The scale of this underground palace is not very large. Although there is a deep corridor underground, there are basically few forks. I left the boss's study and quickly found a place similar to a warehouse. I found more and larger ancient buildings here. The equipment, and apparently newly manufactured machinery, confirmed a conjecture: the tech revivalists were able to delve into some ancient techniques, and they had production lines.
These mechanical devices should not be made by this small base. They need relatively large machine tools and metal smelting equipment to make it, but I have no interest to pay attention to the size of this organization. The planet is wasting limited resources and population on meaningless things, and it also involves The "remains of history" of the old empire, and Sandora should resolve these problems as soon as possible. Of course, you must first understand the real reason for the Lost Deities' storage technology, and also find a way to contact the Empire.
As I was about to leave the warehouse to meet Sandora, a metal sign on the warehouse wall suddenly caught my attention.
This metal plate also looks like a few years old, but its forging process and exquisiteness are obviously not ancient relics. They should be "modern antiques" decades or hundreds of years ago. I don't know why such a metal plate is placed in this warehouse full of ancient equipment. Maybe it is some kind of decoration or has any other meaning? In short, it has some inexplicable lines of text written on it:
"Silence, silence, don't make a sound. Let civilization fall into silence, let technology enter the harsh winter.
No one can hear where we are, and from then on the cage will become a barrier.
The forge burns, its flames allow all things to enjoy the grace. The flame of the forge does not die, and the shelter will protect the peace.
Wait for the Tenjin Forge to reopen and the cage to collapse with the barrier. The harsh winter will end, and civilization embarks on a journey again.
But before that, be silent, don't make a sound! "
Suddenly, Sandola's voice came from outside: "Ajun! Are you inside, Ajun?"
Before I even spoke, I saw a golden light ball floating in, followed by a few seemingly unconscious figures: Sandora used the mind control to change the "boss" and the couple Members of the organization brought in.
"I just found something," I raised my finger on the metal sign on the wall. "Look at this. I think this is about the technical blockade of Lost Theology. It seems to mention the reason."
"Don't make a sound?" Sandora circled next to the metal sign. "Is she being chased by something?"
"These words vaguely explain that the purpose of the" technical blockade "is to hide itself, but what exactly will the technology develop?" I muttered as I put that metal card into the portable space. It will be discovered when you rise up? Is there a way to track other civilizations by detecting 'technical values'? "
"Maybe there are, but I'm more interested in the forge mentioned in it," Sandora seemed to be thinking. "Is this a symbol of worship illusioned by the lost gods out of thin air or something in fact?" , Do you guys know what the forge is? "
The second half of Sandora said to some of the captives behind her, and the leader who had entered a state of mental breakdown and brainwashing stumbled and said: "The of forge ... everyone knows that it is better than the of technology Both the of magic and the god-given furnace built by the ancient Supreme God, forged the first technological and magical products for this world. The fire seeds in the god-forge fell on the earth, and mortals gained sacred knowledge. "
"A bunch of deities have little useful information," Sandora said with dissatisfaction. "What's the use of this forge? Is it related to the lost deities storage technology?"
"Since mortals abuse knowledge and induce disasters, God has blocked the forge, and mortals can no longer approach it, nor can they get Mars in the forge, but there is still flame burning in the hearth. The power of God continues to be calcined there. Some taboo things purify the evil in the universe, but this process has nothing to do with mortals, "the" boss "said slowly. The sequelae of the terror disaster made her hardly know what she was talking about and why she was wrong. The stranger obeyed and obeyed, "The flames in the forge of God continue to disperse the evil forces watching the world. As long as the flames are still burning, the evil forces cannot capture the present world, but mortals have been isolated from the grace of God. The of technology and magic God has compassion in his heart. He puts a test on mortals. As long as the mortals pass the test, the furnace of the forging furnace will open again, mortals can regain knowledge, and civilization will move on. Those foolish pagans misunderstand the test Meaning, they thought that forbidding the study of knowledge would be forgiven by the two gods, but they did not know the gods. We want to test the wiseness of mortals when facing knowledge. We must correct these mistakes, bring knowledge back to the world, and use our own actions to prove to the gods the will of mortals! The God of Forge will surely master the technology that leaves the earth. It will be reopened afterwards. Pagans will eventually be wiped out! "
Even when shivering under the suppression of the terror of the disaster, the leader was still frantic when he brought up the technical revival. It seemed that this frenzy had temporarily given her the power to fight the disaster. Next, Sandora asked her a lot of questions about the Tenjin Forge and the revival of technology, but the other person's answer basically consisted of those contents: Tenjin Forge is a real
. Both the lost deities and the tech revivalists firmly believe that the "flame" in the forge shelters the entire world, and that the gods have isolated the flame of the forge from the mortal world in order to punish mortals, and since then mortals have lost the power of technology and knowledge . People look forward to civilization through the winter. On the day of returning to the road, here is the difference between the lost deities and the tech revivalists: the former believes that the test of the gods is to seal technology and "redeem" through the primitive people's lifestyle. In this way, the forge will be reopened, and the latter believes that only through their own efforts to re-master ancient techniques can they pass the trial of the gods.
Anyway, it seems that this "Tenjin forge" is very important.
"But then, where is the God Forge?" I looked at the leader ’s eyes, and I could see in the eyes of the other party the fear that had not faded away and a little religious fanaticism (these technical revivalists looked as if they were more lost The religion is like a cult), "On the land of the lost religion? Or is it buried somewhere else on the planet? Is it an ancient ruin?"
"How could the Tenjin Forge be so superficial!" The leader suddenly raised his voice, and then she was startled by her own voice and shuddered again. "Heaven ... Tenjin Forge is not on the land of mortals, it is in Heaven ... Above us, in the eternal mysterious kingdom where the gods live. Mortals can't peek into the shape of this forge. If you are any other small denomination, I advise you not to try to break the secret of the forge, that is the lost god. An area where teaching dares not dabble in easily. "
"It looks like the duration of the" horror disaster "has come, and she dares to talk to us about the threat," Sandora shook the leader, "Ajun, how do these people deal with it? Will it be given to Celine? It looks like Sai Lynn is even the top person here. "
The technical revivalists must be proper class enemies in the eyes of Lost Deities. It seems reasonable to hand over the people in this stronghold to Celine, but I thought about it and shook my head slightly: "Don't do it for now. Regardless of Lost Deities Still, the tech revivalists are in a dazed state. They are absolutely immortal to each other. Although at least half of these extremists are guilty, the remaining half will not be dead and will definitely be lost by the gods. Death, this is not appropriate, so that people on this planet cannot continue to waste people on stupid things. "
"Then send it to the Imperial Admiral and detain it, and then let the locals liquidate whether they are guilty or not. It is not ours to judge them," said Sandor, who flashed the ball and agreed with my opinion. Arayer just emerged from a white light: Angel sister's staying in Leon was so long (for several hours you dare to believe ?!) Needless to say she almost forgot that she still needs to come back (not the first Second time), Sandora was also very polite, and hit him on Araye ’s wing and ordered, "Take a hard trip again and teleport all the people here to the Empire's prisoner-of-war camp. The automated system takes care of these guys. By the way, they have just been attacked by a terrorist disaster. Many people have brain damage or soul damage. Let the automated system treat them. "
Aliyah just fainted when he appeared, and he had to return to the spacecraft before staying in front of me for five seconds ...
Then Sandola sighed: "Well ... life in the Imperial Prisoner of War camp is getting better and better these days ~ ~ Old Empire ..."
I couldn't help but give her a white look: "In the old empire, you hardly need a prisoner of war camp. Ninety percent of the prisoners of war collapsed on the spot."
Sandora: "Hey ..."
Do n’t hesitate in such a serious matter, it is easy to be criticized and despised human rights!
"Then the underground stronghold can be brought to Celine, so that Celine can find a way to deal with each other. Let's say that the mysterious person was found to find this place." I look at the underground palace, which has little value around, every corner here. The crickets have been holographically scanned, and the collected information has been collected. "As for the whereabouts of the personnel, let the lost gods guess. By the way, is Sandora interested in finding that forge?"
"You have a clue?"
I grinned and pointed to the top: "Space ragged, theoretically." (To be continued ...)
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