Chapter 1577: Those fragments? !!

The "Energy Guided Bridge" had been completely shut down, and its internal energy response was zero, so Sandora and I both safely and boldly connected the work boat to the end of the "Energy Guided Bridge" to provide energy for the latter. By the way, the structure of this facility can be scanned through the crystallized pipe network to determine its function. But I do n’t know if it ’s my fate or evil ... Even this kind of place has to be a little unexpected: The three-kilometre
abandoned facility
turned on all of a sudden, and the energy that had been extinguished on its surface The veins suddenly brightened, and the silver-white alloy shell was full of phantom energy. Fortunately, Sandora and I have now come outside through the fracture of the long bridge, so I can look at this huge facility with peace of mind. Waking up as fast as a resurrection, and blowing up our work boat after a surge of energy.
"What's the situation !?" I finally reacted quite quickly. I didn't care about the small loss of the unmanned spacecraft for the first time, but immediately scanned the energy flow in the "Guided Long Bridge", and was surprised. Found that it did not know where to get the energy supply, and is now restarting at a very high speed!
"I'm afraid this thing is not just a fragment like we imagined ..." Sandora suddenly released a large number of golden lines from her body, condensing into a huge arrow in the air, the entire "human" was like a mouse pointer In a certain direction, "Ajun, look at the fracture surface."
I stared dumbfounded at the large pointer next to me before reacting. Now is not the time to pay attention to this: Sandora points to the place where the conductive bridge is "cut off", around the oblique section that seems to be cut by a sharp blade. Are showing obvious spatial anomalies! The space within 100 meters around the cross section is rippling like the water surface. The blue veins of energy directly extend from the armour plate of the long bridge to the space, keeping the shape of the spread on the armour plate. Only half a kilometer gradually faded away, at the same time on the empty side of the section. Some phantoms flashed from time to time under the radiance of phantom energy, and I knew at a glance what was going on: it was the part of the long bridge that was "cut away"! In fact, this thing is not cut off at all?
"This should be related to the weird spatial structure here. The" Guided Long Bridge "has not been truncated. The other part of it should only be located in a certain space fold. The two seem to be separated. But in a higher dimension Connected together,
Sandorah analyzed professionally,
the phantom is cross-dimensional, so when the phantom flows again, this 'separation' is temporarily neutralized, and those phantoms we see It should be an image of the Long Bridge in another dimension. This was originally a very simple phenomenon. However, the space encryption here is weird, I didn't expect this just now. Ajun, look ... these veins of energy are elongating, and It seems to be expanding in all directions. This is probably the shape of the 'conducting long bridge' part that was cut off ... No, that should be the main body of the building. What we see in the current space-time is only the sharp corners exposed by this building. It's like an awl head pierced in a pocket. "
I flipped back and forth in my head three times or more, and barely established a model of space that was not well understood, and then clapped my hands (of course, I couldn't make a sound): "So we can follow the context of these psychic energy to find that person. Encrypted space? "
"It doesn't seem that easy," Sandora trembled restlessly. "The research crew of the engineering ship is cracking the keys here with the highest power, but these keys have been deep into the 'frequency' of the phantom ... This conductive long bridge is not accidentally exposed in this space, it seems to be an tentacle. What is in the design, its activation does not affect the integrity of the entire space lock ... we better go and feel it in person. Ajun, you protect Good me, the defense of the spark of the mind is not as good as my own body, and if it is blown up, it will have to create a new one. "
I quickly hugged the Sandorah ball and protected both of them with a shield. Then I approached the shining "conducting bridge" carefully, and plunged directly into the light-flowing turbulent section, thinking See what's changed here.
The strong energy is pulsating all around. I think my position should be exactly an energy node. If the
conducting long bridge
is restored, it will probably be the hub of the crystallized pipe network or the position of the energy regulating valve. The scientific research crew carried by the engineering ship cannot crack the complex space encryption here. So I can only try to see if my strange little ability can be bypassed, but this process must be very careful: I am directly injecting the power of the void creature into an old antique equipment that has not been maintained for tens of thousands of years. Here, although the Empire equipment has always been resistant to manipulation, the phantom node is like a heart. If it is not good, it will explode.
I'm not afraid of getting hurt. Sandola probably didn't mind recreating a spark of mind and letting me play, but the antiques exploded but they were gone.
Spiritual power carefully expands along the torrents of psionic energy flowing out of space, shifting my "perspective" from a perspective familiar to human beings to a broader direction. I began to feel that I was moving along the energy, around It's space ... space ... space ... the wreckage of the workboat ... oh, run backwards and change direction.
I sensed in another direction, and I finally made sure that I "see" something vaguely: in a chaotic and weird space, so complicated that the psychic veins that can make any intelligent creature go crazy are entangled, pulsed, diffused In some kind of planet-like system. This continuous flow of energy does not see the damage caused by tens of thousands of years of sleep. It seems that a "giant facility" with huge energy has been operating continuously. In the outer space, these facilities have been down. However, the core of this group of remains is intactly hidden in a different space, beating slowly and forcefully like a dormant heart.
I can only
the energy distribution in that different space by sensing the flow of psychic energy, so what I see is just the energy context, which is equivalent to seeing only one person ’s vascular system. You can sketch out through this network Human form, but do not know the face of the latter-this metaphor looks a bit scary? Anyway, probably a meaning.
From the context of the energy, I judge that the hidden planet in the alien space seems to be an artificial planet, or a star warship in the old empire era? Or was it another "Green Star" ark that the tree elves fled when they fled? Or even more bizarre ... is the glory starship?
I'm not sure. I can only see the psionic energy entangled into the shape of a planet, but with my knowledge level, I can't determine the model of that thing. Presumably Sandora couldn't, it was too complicated.
I just do n’t know what ’s going on. The twisted and entangled psychic veins just form a thick
, but its core is empty. It seems that there is something I ca n’t understand or say I ’ve never seen before. Enveloped in context. Despite being integrated, it can be clearly discerned that it is not a system ... Is this encrypted space not for protecting the artificial planet inside it, but for protecting something more valuable in the core of the artificial planet? Double insurance?
At this moment, I suddenly felt that the psionic energy flow around was more turbulent. It seemed that my long "immersion" was destroying the stability of this system. I knew that the power of this void creature was actually a big bomb that was not controlled. I hurried Take back your mental energy to prevent the entire system from blowing up. When my eyes focused, I saw a glittering daughter-in-law floating in front of me: Sandola's ball was almost on her face.
"Ajun, what did you see? Your expression was very serious just now!" Her Majesty had no idea that she had completely sprouts naturally, and asked me about the situation with a dull appearance and a serious tone.
"An alien space is the size of the sun, and a suspected planet warship is parked in its center. It may also be the second green star ark that the exiles took. I can only see the energy flow in the artificial planet, so I dare not Determine its model. In addition. There is an undetectable area in the core of the planet. It does not look like the structure of the artificial planet itself, it seems ... it is cargo. "
While explaining the scene I saw, I used the word "goods" cautiously. Among the many "legacy issues left over by history" that touched the old empire, the word "goods" was always exciting. It means trouble. And in most cases it means a business trip-but now that Sandora and I have been forced to travel here, so nothing seems to matter?
"Is it really a big thing, maybe Tenjin Forge really is it?" Sandola floated away. "No, I can't be sure, this is basically a guess. What's the reason for this 'Guo Nengqiao' suddenly? Started? It seems to be the "pendant" of the artificial planet you mentioned, and it has been turned off. Is it because we forced it to "external power", what alarm did it trigger? Unlikely, I haven't seen it yet The defense forces rushed out. "
Sandola ball floated into space, sighing with disappointment on the Spirit Channel when she found no defense forces present.
Anyway, you are disappointed at this time! Do n’t be so wary if you only have one ball left? !!
"If there is a defensive force rushing out, we have at least a chance to analyze it or something," Sandora explained. It turned out that it wasn't all the factors of war in the bones of the Spirit's apostles at work. "If we don't go in, we can only hope that something is coming out-but now it seems that this is not reliable."
"It seems that the encryption space here is the handwriting of Abyss Hei Ling, even if she did not do it herself, but also some kind of equipment that she left to the fugitives to build this encryption space." I looked at the scene in space, except for us. In addition to the "Energy-Conducting Long Bridge" becoming more and more bright, various abandoned facilities in the distance are still dead, and I don't know what this complex of buildings built by a large number of races is doing. Its core empire facility has stood the test of time and has been running to this day. "That guy really has her everywhere ... but at least it's not all bad. Wait! Sandor, what do you think it is?"
I was surprised to point in the distance: the charge of the conductive bridge has reached a certain critical value, and its end is now emerging with a huge, gate-like structure. This huge ring-shaped structure emerges out of thin air Come out, stand at a height of hundreds of meters above the end of the energy-conducting long bridge, and have a diameter of more than ten miles (which is far beyond the size of the energy-conducting long bridge). The inside of the ring begins to show a circle of ripples. The door to space far to the distance, and possibly even to other worlds, seems to be open, but it is not the same as the door to other worlds we have seen-it is completely incapable of leaking from the circles of ripples Breath from other worlds.
When Sandora and I scanned this weird portal curiously, a large piece of something that looked like some wreckage appeared suddenly in front of the portal! The wreckage has a slightly curved edge, and the surface is black. It seems to be a piece of debris falling from a huge circular facility, and its ends are uneven. There are traces of metal tearing, and you can also see the violently damaged pipes and lines inside.
Before I have time to look at it one more time, this huge debris of debris that looks like a wreckage passes through the newly established portal and disappears completely in this universe. The portal then disintegrated and dissipated again in space, and the blue light on the surface of the long bridge of energy conduction quickly dimmed. All of this disappeared faster than it appeared, and it was over in ten seconds: the quirky "door of the world" more than ten kilometers returned to a certain encrypted space, and the long bridge of conducting energy was restored to a dead look again. Just like what Sandorra and I saw when they first arrived.
"What was the situation just now?" I turned around and looked at Sandora. "It turned out that the Long Bridge was recharged for such a long time to open the door to the world and send something out? It has something to do with our actions. What? "
"That doesn't seem to be a simple gate of the world ... It works differently. I can't even sense where it leads," Sandora's surface was filled with an unprecedentedly bright light, as if to express herself I was surprised, "It seems that we really think too much, not that our activities awakened the energy-conducting long bridge, it just woke up at this moment and sent away something according to a certain procedure. You and I just happened to catch up with this scene ... But then again, don't you think the wreckage just sent off is familiar?
I shook my lips and said that even if we were bizarre, I could only admit that I had seen something like this: "It looks like ... is the shard of the ring of Viskar? We seem to have collected 99% of the shard of the ring, But there must be something missing. "
Yes, Huesca's ring of stars is broken! The star ring is the weapon pendant of the Huska Wall Star (the moon). There were originally two. One of the star rings was blown up into numerous pieces. And they also caused us a lot of trouble in the early days of the establishment of the new empire (many incidents were caused by those fragments). For several years, we have been cleaning these dangerous goods wandering in the void and all realms, and almost took them Everything is cleaned up, but after all, it is something that has been blown into powder. There will always be fish that have not been found ... but I never expected to see a star ring fragment here!
And it seems that the star ring fragments are released from this world?
It's a bit premature to draw this conclusion now, but at least I just saw one of the pieces being sent away through a device suspected of being the gate of the world, just under my eyelids with Sandora!
"I just let the engineering ship fire a probe to keep up with the wreckage," Sandora would never drop the chain, even if something happened suddenly, she still responded, "but the probe lost after passing through the portal. It's connected-we still have to resolve the blockade of the universe first. "
"Now there are more and more mysteries. It's interesting, but it's also a headache." I looked at the conductive long bridge suspended in space. This three-kilometer-long metal "tentacles" has been restored again. Dead-hearted, a certain system in the encrypted space appeared to have interrupted the energy supply to this place, and she and Sandora were totally innocent to see the dazzling scene just now. This is probably the only situation in which our luck works: the chance of encountering an incident is particularly high.
If I am not mistaken, this conductive bridge is not accidentally exposed in outer space. I am afraid it stays here to calibrate the gate of the world. Maybe it will be activated every so often? Throw a fragment of star ring every time you start?
Or rather ... it's not just the star ring fragments that it threw out, what else could there be in that alien space?
None of this can be explained. The scientific research crew of the engineering ship is still trying to crack the space encryption lock here, but there is no progress at all. The abyss is worthy of the spirit of all the apostles of the old empire. The encryption system she left behind was in the old empire era. All belong to the highest technology, let alone let it be left now-inextricable!
"Oh ~ ~ finally found something related to the tree elf," Sandola suddenly floated over at this time, she was paying attention to the Denglong Bridge and the star ring fragment thrown out at the same time Multi-line operation, analysing the scanning results of other surrounding facilities returned by the probe, and now she finally found out, "Tree-elf-style equipment was found in some large buildings, which is the" original style "on Green Star. It's not the culture-savvy tree-elf style we found on that planet. There was a tree-elf in the race that built this relic. "
"It seems that I can only go back first, and see what the veteran cadres who have lost their religion said," I said while looking up into the deep space. "Speaking ... I have not found any other advanced civilization Planet? "
"No," Sandola's tone was also a little disappointed. "At least in this galaxy, only the planet we landed on first has a higher civilization. There are some planets in other places that have more primitive ecosystems, but they are worse than civilization. It ’s still far away. It seems that the homeless people who fled to this point failed to re-establish in their new home. They just found a planet to take root and then returned to their original life soon. "
It's another weird phenomenon, let's go back and ask someone who lost the religion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)
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