Chapter 1581: prison

When the disaster erupted, plague and destruction raged everywhere, and the entire empire district was plunged into the waves of destruction. Before the end of equality, all races, whether strong or weak, ended, and the former protectors became butchers. The homeland has become a magic cave, the fire of civilization is gradually extinguished, and thousands of worlds are dying-not those who have experienced the disaster in person, I am afraid that it is impossible to imagine the tragic and panic when the disaster struck, even if more history is discovered in the future The materials and ruins are also difficult to restore the horror scene of that year.
In the strong winds of the last days, except for a small group of lucky people who escaped from the polluted area due to timely response or the empire's desperate rescue, most of the races had no time to resist and had to be destroyed, but some were still trapped in the empire. The race in the area survived: they fell into the sight of Abyss Schilling, who hadn't gone completely crazy, so the group of guys who didn't know whether to be lucky or unfortunate were protected.
It is not possible to send these survivors out of the Empire. The borders have been closed, the gates to all the worlds to the distant borders have been shut down or blown up by the local guards on the last trace of Qingming, and the pollution has been completely out of control. Sending more survivors out of the Empire Zone means that the chances of pollution spreading are also multiplying, so Abyss Hilling did the last thing she could do: bring these surviving survivors of all ethnic groups together, All were sent to the last untouched world in the polluted area, and then she "buried" the world deeply under the ruins of the old empire. Although the disaster was nothing, the Abyss Spirit was after all the most intelligent consciousness of the entire empire, and at the end of the disaster she had completely controlled all the resources on the spiritual network, so she successfully built something like a protective layer, so that The entire universe was isolated, as if invisible in the void-she won, and the abyss did not spread to this refuge.
This protective layer is the strange layer of interference that Sandora and I encountered. Facts have proved that the workings of the protective layer laid out by the abyss Xi Ling with the last consciousness are not bad, and it has not affected it for tens of thousands of years.
However, it is not enough to just arrange a protective layer, and even the strict defense can be easily broken from the inside. In addition, no one knows when the unprecedented pollution in the Empire District will dissipate. I hope that this pollution will dissipate one day), and mortals have a short life span, a change in nature, and it is particularly prone to inheritance and historical distortion after many years of inheritance, so Abyss Schilling deliberately ordered the survivors to live before leaving. The longest three longevity species: tree elves, white elves, and high elves. She asked these longest-lived races to find ways to control the behavior of other races, in short: to hold their breath.
The three elven races finally carried out this mission by establishing the "Lost Deity" to this day.
Extinguish the fire of civilization and usher in the harsh winter of technology. All races must be dumb and silent. They are the last cubs carefully hidden in the deep caves by the female beasts. So they must learn to live in the cave, because even if they just look out of the cave, it will cause 100% of death. So they extinguished the fire. Close your mouth and even seal your own intellect, and then start desperately digging deeper into the cave-we haven't found life elsewhere in this universe, we only found some sporadic space facilities, the reason is simple: After many generations of planned populations naturally decayed, these survivors succeeded in reducing the total population to the point where they could survive on a planet. They abandoned the once-established alien colony, and all returned to the planet they originally landed on.
"The establishment of the Lost Deity has gone through many twists and turns, and it is the plan we finally decided after trying various methods," Bishop Gale Feng is the oldest person in the field. Now over 70,000 years old, he was one of the most respected commanders of the tree spirit in the old empire. He had accepted the mission delivered by the abyss spirit in front of a data terminal. No one was interested in the history of the lost religion. He has more say than him. At this moment, the old man's spirit is shaking. Tens of thousands of years have slowly melted away on the old wrinkled face, and he finally solidifies into a pride and openness. "The most extreme solution, but ... nothing Choice. Initially, we tried the republican reunification of all ethnic groups for 20 years, but it resulted in inefficient ruling system, various supervision measures were full of loopholes, and we could only rely on the people ’s horrible memory of the great disaster and let them control their own consciousness Words and deeds; then we tried for 30 years of high-pressure centralization, efficiency has improved, and regulatory measures seem to be tighter, but it brings a depressed and unbearable social atmosphere. Although small groups still keep in mind 'forbidden to touch Touch the special technology 'agreement, but involuntarily pass the dissatisfaction to the rulers who maintain this social order, that is, the elves tribe; again We tried federalism and tried to make each nation maintain its own country. The yuan capital of each country fulfilled its mission as a member of the 'Greater Union'. As a result, this attempt almost caused even greater disaster. There are more and more groups researching taboo knowledge for various purposes. Many people naively think that as long as they are absolutely careful, when they study the basis of the universe, they will not mislead or cause information leakage. Dangerous signs have also appeared within the Elven Tribes. In addition, some short-lived races have begun to be replaced, and some have even been updated to the third generation. The younger the younger the more they despise the warning about disaster, and even ... … In short, the federal system also failed in the end. It can neither solve the problem of inefficient regulatory loopholes, nor can it make the social order slightly better. "
When the gale referred to the "Federal Age", his expression was helpless and bitter, and I couldn't help wondering about it. Another archbishop next to him actively explained: "Some of the first period of the Federal Age The so-called 'innovation organization' formed by the third and fourth generation of young people, who were born and raised in an absolutely safe environment, but think they are experiencing the worst 'era of oppression'. They have only seen about it in textbooks and videos The abyss and catastrophes are almost the last century for the short-lived race, so they lack awe of history. These young people occupy a considerable social share, and due to federalization, the survivors We develop independently based on race, and these young generations have the opportunity to grow and even become ruling classes in their respective federal states. These innovative organizations finally set off a rebellion. What to say is to 'throw down the rotten and dark elders' and establish 'freedom' The new age of breathing ', I also remember what they had a slogan ...' The world should be younger than fourteen To save the girl '...... Well, eventually they brought only chaos, which might have aroused end of the world. "
"They didn't know how to find a Void Engine. Although they didn't know what it was, they resolutely tried to start it-because they believed it was used to open the door to the new world. Fortunately, the EFF "The second leader killed the young leader," the archbishop sighed. "A sixteen-year-old ... many races have completely destroyed a generation."
"We educate. They say we brainwash, we propagate, they say we preach, we purge the media, they say we don't breathe. So in the end we decided-really do what they say: completely remove modern technology," Lie Feng continued Off topic. "After several failed attempts, we have realized something: the mortal race is fragile and changeable. And we can never guarantee absolute unity or eliminate selfish desires. Even our long-lived elves are just like this. No matter how hard the mortal race is like, Like the Apostles of the Spirit, the lunatics always exist, and only a few lunatics are enough to destroy everything. Whether it is a republic, a federal system, or even an imperial system. It is impossible to fundamentally change people ’s hearts. No matter how strict the system is, it takes time to execute and attract The end of the world may only need to press a button, under the premise that the cost of doomsday is so low and the doomsday is so fast. It is impossible to rely on supervision to protect the world. So instead of trying to constrain people how to use it properly Technology allows them to identify safety knowledge and taboo knowledge. It is better to seal everything up, so that at least the seeds of civilization can survive, no matter how long they are buried, there is always a chance to germinate again. "
"We should be fortunate that we were awakened in time, and did not wait for all the races except the Elves to be renewed." A fat bishop who had never spoken smiled, and he remained closed. The eyes are actually blind. "If you are really procrastinating then you may not be able to complete the transformation without going through a world war. Because most races are still sensible and can realize the necessity of this decision, so 'knowledge The 'Huahua' movement was completed in a relatively stable state, which lasted for hundreds of years, but nothing happened. The world has become like this after the knowledge has faded, because even the elves can not get too much contact with technology and higher education. Magic, so in order to ensure that everything is under surveillance, we even gave up the interstellar era, and the high-level knowledge is no longer retained within the Elves. All math-rate equipment and equipment related to void technology are destroyed or sent to the gods. Forge-the outer area of ​​the place is a big cemetery, and the remaining facilities have become so-called ancient ruins. Tens of thousands of years have passed, with the exception of us old guys and the little ones who came to inherit the mantle after the old guys died (when he said this, he slightly tilted his head and 'looked' towards the only young bishop present) No one knows that the depths of the sky were once our home. "
"Pressing science and technology back to the era of animal farming, so even if there are revival groups, it will take hundreds of years for them to regain access to that knowledge, and we will have a reaction time," Bishop Liefeng added, "rather than work hard to think of ways To stop people from detonating bombs, it is better to just destroy the bombs. We have this idea. "
"You have not only erased advanced technology, you have also erased the truth about the disaster, and even replaced the true history with religious legends. Most people, including most of the lost theologians, do not know how to seal them. The true meaning of technology, they just obey the church ’s orders, "I look at that fat bishop," Is this necessary? Keeping the truth about the disaster does not conflict with the storage technology. You can let the people know why storage technology Ah, this will add another layer of deterrence, much stronger than those ambiguous legends now. "
The fat bishop shook his head: "The civilization formed by mortal races is easily distorted by time, and the higher the degree of civilization, the more dangerous it is. A group of primitive people may just blindly trust in gods when facing pressure, but a group of people have Knowledge has the power to enlighten human beings when they are under pressure but may overthrow the entire social order, which has been proven in the federal era. So the more ignorant races are more likely to maintain stability, even if a lie lasts for thousands of years, no one will question it. The goal of Lost Theology from the beginning was to make most short-lived races 'ignorant'. Passivate people's minds, reduce their knowledge, and let them shift their attention from investigating the truth to three meals a day. In this sanctuary, people who have more knowledge and the truth are more dangerous. Those of us who have experienced everything personally or have been selected are fortunate to say that the most feared thing is that they have a complete understanding of history, and their action and self-confidence are unprecedented. Inflated young people. "
"That's what the tech revivalists are?" Sandora said suddenly.
"Technical renaissance is one of them. It has appeared in this millennium, and similar situations have occurred more than once in the past tens of thousands of years," said Fat Bishop, frowning slightly. "In fact, we are also guilty of these organizations. In order to protect this refuge, short-lived species have been sacrificed a lot. Most people in the tech renaissance group should have become the leaders of civilization and the pillars of civilization if placed in a normal world. But in this world, they can only be suppressed. But the road has been set. We have to go on. We reached a consensus with the leaders of those short-lived races tens of thousands of years ago: they voluntarily shed knowledge, and the obscurity of future generations At the cost of securing the shelter, our task is to work harder to live longer and maintain that order as the only informed guardian. "
"If I'm not mistaken ... the members of the tech revivalists will eventually be absorbed into the church again," Sandora said suddenly in a profound tone. "I scanned every corner of the city. I found some interesting ... places. "
Bishop Gale laughed: "It's true. There are more than one technical renaissance organization in the world, and there are more than one of them in the world. Some of them have been successfully suppressed. We try to capture members of these organizations as much as possible if they They are strong enough to tell them the truth. Those who can withstand the truth will become a group of special monks in the church. The outside world calls them 'coverers'. They are the execution forces wearing masks for life. After knowing history, these 'coverers' 'The monks take the initiative to deal with other revival organizations, and they are more enthusiastic than ordinary monks. This is not a bright means, but sometimes it takes a little shadow to protect the world. And whether or not they can become cover members and know the truth, members of the revival organization Will be closely controlled by the church, those who convert will be under surveillance, and those who cannot bear the truth will be placed under house arrest for life and must not leave the city half a step-we try to avoid killing these people as much as possible, because everyone is helpless, Everyone bears sin, including us. "
"The revivalists are fearless because they are ignorant and think that they are very motivated to save the world. But after knowing the truth, they have to deal resolutely with their former colleagues, and they can't reveal the reason for their 'betrayal organization'," Sandora said. The voice was quite lamented, "You should cover up the truth about the abyss, and you should also prevent a major collapse."
"Ignorance is blessing," the fat bishop sighed. "The truth of this world is not very good. It is an extreme despair. The entire universe may be wiped out at any time. All of us can live an extra second because of luck. Mortals cannot resist, and there is no place to escape. The legends we make at least make people believe that civilization will slowly recover, people believe that the of technology and the of magic will slowly forgive humans. There are many things, but if the people know the truth? They will realize that civilization cannot be recovered at all. There is no of technology and magic. As soon as civilization progresses, it will immediately lead to destruction. There is no hope for our future and we will go in any direction. Moving forward is a dead end-the fact that most people will not accept it, and we have a lot of hard evidence to prove it. Only those with the strongest will can become the covert. Most members of the revivalists are either crazy after learning the truth of the world Becoming more extreme, they can only be housed in mountain caves all their lives, because they want to Rush out and tell everyone the truth, and let everyone suffer the same pain or simply pull the world to ruin. The members of these revival organizations are already extraordinary men. They are still like this. Ordinary people? Can accept this hopeless world. "
"Instead of dying in despair ~ ~, live ignorantly, so that at least I can enter the coffin with a vain hope. Before the end of the day, one more day is a day," said the old, hoarse voice of the wind. Aspiration, "We old guys have experienced strong winds and waves, just let us stand by. The others ... just as if nothing happened, it is better to live in peace."
I suddenly realized that this world was a huge cage, as the elf warning said: the cage will also become a barrier, in fact it should be understood in reverse: the barrier is the cage. Everyone is trapped in a prison without a way out, but this prison is large enough, so most of them are unaware of the railings standing in the distance, and the Elves are the first prisoners to come in. They are in the center of the prison. A small piece of home made a small home as delicate as a building block, and then told other prisoners: This is the whole world!
Lost Deities have used "ignorance" and "obscurity" to create invisible shackles, making the prisoners unable to reach the end of the cage, and using religious legends to create a false sky, so that when the prisoners look up, they will not see the dark cage top As long as the railings are not visible, the prison does not exist-so most people in this world thrive with peace of mind, generation after generation, never doubting their "whole world".
But now, this cage is finally open. (To be continued ...)
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