Chapter 1583: Oh, another one

We took the engineering ship again to the edge of the galaxy, but this time there were many passengers on board-dozens of elves, most of them were aging old ladies, and the two popes were walking with everyone.
In fact, the Pope has no real power in the Lost Deities. They are a spiritual symbol. Their true value is the key carrier. Even if the Pope is determined to know history, they are too young to necessarily assume the leadership of this sect. The great responsibilities of the Pope can only survive for more than a hundred years, and the short lifespan also makes it unnecessary for them to establish any real power. The true administrators of the Lost Deities have always been cardinals, that is, the super old people from the three elves. In addition, as the younger generation in the Cardinals is still far from being able to shoulder the burden alone, it can be said that the order of this world is completely supported by the more than 30 elderly people who have survived.
They have been working hard to train their successors, trying to get someone to replace their jobs before they die, but this is very difficult, and some things can not be replaced by education and training: the old people who have experienced everything and accepted the mission themselves are one Fortunes that cannot be replaced by pen, only they can fully understand the significance of the Lost Deities, and only they have completely experienced the evolution of the Republican era, the imperial era, the federal era, and the theocratic era. Difficult to teach to the next generation, the young elves-even the best-selected ones-are hard to have an unshakable mind like their fathers. This has nothing to do with personality, and is destined for the day after tomorrow. thing.
Without really experiencing the failures of the previous three eras, the younger generation is always blindly optimistic about the future.
Before Sandora and I came to this world, the cardinals realized this irreconcilable contradiction. Some people have even foreseen that the world will eventually slide to a dangerous abyss because the old people have died. Elves are no different from other races except for their long lives. They also have a mortal mentality, they will shake, they will be impulsive. Will be blinded, and will have differences and rebellious psychology in the generations. The former federation will be chaotic due to the replacement of short-lived species. The theocratic society will also crack due to the replacement of long-lived species. Protection has problems at its roots, and older people are unable to return to the sky. So it started hundreds of years ago. Someone in the Cardinals had despair-fortunately, Sandora and I didn't find it later.
Fortunately, the Abyss Spirit has a high degree of action. In such a short period of time, it is ready to build a bridge, and has promoted the division and reorganization of the abyss area. The acceleration of the historical process has put us in chaos in this world Was "blasted in" before.
History is so intertwined and exquisite. If you break a link, everything will be completely different.
The engineering ship broke away from the space-time jumping state, and the optical phenomenon shrouded around the spacecraft was immediately lifted. The external monitor transmitted the scene in space to the hall. The magnificent but deadly space building group appeared on the large holographic projection. The white elf (said to be the old white elf prince) exclaimed in surprise: "Look, that's what we put down a long time ago!"
"And our Locaron Fortress! The Elven Tree is on it. I haven't seen it for many years ... I was the commander of this ship when I fled, but unfortunately it was blown up by the reformists during the federal era. Two thrusters. "
"That was the fortress of the of the silver star dwarf. The council was on that fortress during the Republican era. I remember it."
As the spacecraft progressed, space relics appeared on the holographic projection, and the large relics were very eye-catching. The elves present could almost name each large relic. The crowd around them burst into exclaims from time to time. As the spacecraft approached the central area of ​​the building complex, the surprise calls around it slowly turned into emotions and a sigh.
The relics of the three elves (mainly white elves and high elves. The tree elves have not left any large facilities here). The relics are located outside the building group. Further, the remaining traces of other races gradually increase. The space fortress is smashing into space, and the dwarf's heavy starship has been polished by time and still has the same momentum. The Yash magical spacecraft is no longer shining, and the orc's deep space city is still painted with the tribal emblem-this emblem once represented an advanced civilization that mastered the truth of the universe, but now it appears more in refuges Doors to the rude and humble villages in the wilderness on the east of the planet.
The three elves still remember at least what they had, but the owners of these ruins did n’t even know what they had lost. They are now cultivating the fields with cattle and bowing, and hunting in the mountains with their bows and sticks, every night Looking up at the stars and asking for the protection of the of technology and the of magic, they didn't know that the sea of ​​stars they were watching--the place they thought was the kingdom of God--was their home tens of thousands of years ago. This is the result of ancient conventions. The ancestors of these races did voluntarily give up everything, but the elves who once walked with these ancestors are still unavoidable: the heavy cost of the deceased is now all over the life Person.
"The relationship we established when we fled together ..." Sandora's voice murmured loudly. "Look at what sin we made."
I patted Sandola: "At least there's a rescue now."
"Tenjin Forge" finally appeared on the holographic projection in the center of the hall.
It was exactly where the encrypted space that Sandora and I found was located-but now that the encrypted space has been lifted, there are a large number of buildings in the place. These buildings are different from the ruins in the outer area. The Empire Style facilities occupy a large part of them. They have everything, from small star ports to abandoned battleships. They are almost like a junkyard, and basically there is no energy response. (This is also the first two days I failed through energy induction. The reason for discovering these things), these wastes are orbiting a light gray artificial planet, and that artificial planet is our target: the ancient exile ark known as the "Tianjin Forge".
Its size is the same as that of Green Star. It is said to have been an ecological planet, but because of its long abandonment, the former ecological circle on the surface has collapsed and disappeared, and the forest has faded and the river has dried up and the atmosphere has dissipated. Today, the planet ’s surface is only covered with a thin layer of mixed residue. The artificial clay layer covers the planet ’s extraordinary alloy shell, which makes it appear rustic light gray in the soil. The planet ’s surface is smooth and there are no traces of impact. I don't think it has much chance of being hit here.
We also found the "Energy-Conducting Long Bridge" we saw on the day. It turned out that it was an independent facility located on the track. Its size was really large. Several energy-conducting long bridges combined like a strange star port. The long bridge is connected to the "Tenjin Forge" through a facility that looks like a space elevator, and it is not known why they choose a physical connection that looks backward. Maybe for reliability?
I have connected that commander to the mainframe of the engineering ship. Now I can directly contact the planetary host of the "Tenjin Forge" through the engineering ship console. The wake-up signal has been issued, and I am now waiting for the other party to respond.
Soon, the planetary host of the Tenjin Forge sent a response short message, and the detection equipment immediately detected that the light gray planet began to experience earthquakes and gravity imbalances of varying strengths. Strange magnetic fields and psionic radiation began to appear randomly on the planet's surface. The planetary landscape fed back by the energy radar seemed to be covered with a magnificent new clothes: the planet has been sleeping for so long, and now it is finally going to reach the first for tens of thousands of years It's a lazy waist. The size of this lazy waist is large enough. Fortunately, there is no one on the surface. Otherwise, who can bear the planetary vibration mode!
As the planet ’s gravity generator is being fine-tuned, the entire planet ’s gravity has also become chaotic. The "space junk" near the planet had no power at all, and now they have fallen uncontrollably to the ground, which can be lively now, because the high-intelligent host of the forge just wakes up, and a flat and straight synthetic female voice is right He said hello to us: "The" Tianjin Forge "carrier-based mainframe has been started and has performed a good self-test. During the automatic operation, the system log database is huge and is being uploaded to your ship in batches. Please ... 诶 Who hit the ship? 诶 诶 Why Someone smashed this ship? What is this, what is this? Why did I encounter a meteor shower just after waking up? Bullying this ship did not open the shield ... 诶 诶 There is no end! This is not the same as saying good! Why do so many things fall off the track ... oh. How did the ship ’s artificial gravity source turn on?

The vibration on the surface of the "Tenjin Forge" seems to be more obvious. The device detects that there is strong energy inside it that is turbulent. At the same time, its slightly out-of-control artificial gravity sources are also shutting down. I feel that the host of this starship is After scrambling for a while, I opened the planet shield, and the space junk crashed on the psionic shield and gave out a brilliant brilliance. The distressed voice of the carrier-based host came along: "Oh ... this is a ship, oops ... this is Xinggang, oops ... this is a satellite ... oops, it's all over ... but burn Burn it when you drop it. The old one does n’t go and the new one does n’t come. By the way, did you wake up this ship? The outside world is too peaceful?

Sandora and I: "..."
Why do I think this shipborne style is wrong! How could the old empire jump like this!
"Are you sure that the Tenjin Forge has never been opened in the past tens of thousands of years?" Sandora rushed to the front of a group of old ladies and old women. "How did it become like this?"
"It was like this tens of thousands of years ago," said an old high-elven old man, spreading his hand. "Although some people thought that the Tenjin Forge and other imperial warships seemed a little different at the beginning, at that time, no one cared about them. She works very well and fled here with us. It's nostalgic. I haven't heard her nonsense for tens of thousands of years. "
"This voice ... I can hardly hear who it is, but it seems to be an acquaintance." The carrier could observe the movement of our hall through the transfer of the engineering ship. She "glanced" at a group of old elves here, suddenly a little Surprised, "Why are they so old?"
"It's been tens of thousands of years, and the old empire didn't transform all dependents, and even the elves couldn't live too long," I finally reluctantly gathered up a little messy mood, and looked at the gray with a strange expression. The planet, "Are you a of forge? Why do you ... feel so weird? The empire ... not only in the past, even the ship-borne mainframes made today are not like you."
Oh, it can't be said that there is no one at all. The second lunatic is an exception, but other neurological diseases have spurred no two.
"Other hosts? Other hosts are responsible for this ship's fart. This ship is doing things for others as agreed, guarding the treasure house for that woman. The reward is to survive and have the opportunity to find the general." The more shocking it is, "Well, are you the new generation? Or the guy who survived that year? This ship told you that you must abide by the agreement no matter which one. There is an agreement in this ship's database. You dare to breach this ship. I blew up the treasure house. According to the discussions that year, my ship was here to wait for peace outside the world, and then you took away the contents of the treasure house, and by the way, removed the ship's restraint system. The empire goes, my ship goes to the general. "
"Wait a minute!" I finally realized I couldn't keep silent. Otherwise, this guy will definitely say nothing like the second lunatic, "You are not made by the empire !?"
"Of course, the Empire can't make such high-level goods as this ship. This ship was made by the general!" The carrier's tone was very proud, and it sounded familiar, but the latter words were not so imposing. "Of course ... the core is a man-made man. The body is indeed what the woman gave. Do you care so clearly? Okay, okay, wait for the ship to leave the planet fortress to you, the host. There are also propellers. This ship is not a big one to hit the road. Anyway, this ship is not afraid of death. Either die on the road or see the general. But if you can, I hope you can give this ship a transport ship. The main engine core is not exposed to the outside. Safety."
The other party seems to be ready to reach an agreement and turn around, but of course you can't just let her go! I hurriedly scrambled the data terminal: "Wait a while, is your general called Weis ... Um, this name is later, is it 75 ... This name is also later, yes she did not The name ... oh, found it! Do you see your general like this? "
I finally pulled out the data terminal and started the holographic imaging mode. Immediately, a little girl with a bright and smirking face jumped into the air and waved her hand to say hello to me. It was the image of Veska, and next to her stood the expressionless Pandora-this was the leader who led them last summer A three-second clip recorded while going camping, I used this as the boot screen. It's better than the original recruiting advertisement.
"General?" Carrier exclaimed, "Why do you have the image of a general !? Who are you? You are not ... You are not an empire. Only some people in the empire know the existence of a general. They should all follow that. The woman died in a big shock together! "
The exclaiming of the other side was a real conjecture. No matter how surprised I and Sandora were, I could only accept the facts. Sandola's ball floated up and down to appease each other with helpless tone: "Calm, calm, I may know what's going on ... The woman you said should be the abyss, and she didn't die ... Uh, I should say death The law is not the same as you think, and it is now alive again in the way of reorganization. The empire is not the same as what you remember. We have also split and reorganized again. Now it is the new empire year, oh, you should not care, The point is your general-she is with us now, our sister. "
Sandora was clever enough not to mention the title of "New Empire General", because she knew that Veska did not care what the Empire was, even if Veska became the emperor of a certain area, this group was not interested. Knowing what the emperor was, they were loyal to Huesca, and they were only loyal to her personally. At most, after Huesca found his family, he loyal to her family. So at this time, the relationship between us and Huesca was higher than that. The new identity of the person is much more useful.
"Sister? The general has no brother and does not know the light ball." The carrier seemed to be in chaos. "This ship does not know you, the general does not know you. Evidence, this ship needs evidence! Although the evidence has nothing to do with the task the ship accepts , But my ship is very concerned about this now! "
evidence? Where can I go to find evidence? The communication between the universe and the empire is still broken, and I can't contact my baby sister! Do you say that the video that usually lives together doesn't work? Well, videos can be faked, pictures can be faked, and all kinds of messages can be faked. Thanks to the advanced counterfeiting technology of the Hilling Empire. Since I first met them five years ago, I know that nothing in the world can be faked. I never imagined that life is really more exciting than the novel Nima, why even such emergencies!
"I'm right, I know someone," I suddenly remembered something. "Viska had a flagship. I didn't know what it was called at that time ~ ~ but she said that she was her main gun when she met everyone. , But in fact she was an aircraft carrier-do you know this guy? "
"Flagship! Oh, you said that lack of mind, flagship, of course, this ship knew each other," Tenjin forge immediately rejoiced, "At the time, this ship had a good relationship with her, she was responsible for bragging, and this ship was responsible for listening to her bragging ... … Do you really know the general? Not only are there pictures of the general, but also information of the people around the general ... OK, our ship believes you first. "
Trust came so suddenly, instead of daring to believe it, I questioned in confusion: "Do you really believe it? Don't order something empirical?"
"Regardless of who you are, no matter what you say, it's not false that you know the general." This ship-borne seems smart, at least not as indifferent as the second lunatic. "You are the clue! Ben The ship will definitely follow you to find the general. "
"That's good," I smiled. "Let's do business ... hh wait! Do you know about the ring of stars? The ring of stars."
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