Chapter 1607: Crash in the void

Information tide is a very broad term, and many phenomena can be called like this. We must first understand the "unification of information" theory of the Apostles of the Spirit, know the concept that everything is information, and then it is easy to understand what is the information tide. In the empty space, the information tide is the information that fluctuates violently and has a large range, and the void is zero. Then any information appears to be "non-zero" (this is why all things are lower than the void). The violent turbulence is the information tide, the genesis, the end of the world, the creation or collapse of large-scale order fields, and the remnants of the evaporating world. All of the above phenomena can be grouped into one category.
We are now on the verge of a wave of destruction, so naturally we are facing the last situation: there is an extra large and "evaporating" world debris appearing in the fleet's early warning radar, and visually it is about to hit.
"Wow, I didn't expect that the first cosmic wreck we found appeared in such a high-profile way," Sandora and I first transmitted back to the command hall of the Admiral, watching the central holographic projection display The scale of the world's debris, I suddenly exclaimed, "... is almost the size of a stellar galaxy, and it is a material enrichment zone, there may be celestial bodies in it, should we avoid it or ..."
"Crash into it," Sandora made the decision happily. "The fleet is very protective, with such a large-scale joint shield against it, it is not a problem to collide with the fragments of the world. Just take this opportunity to take a closer look Maybe you can know what the wave of destruction is. Tavel, get your team ready, all kinds of equipment are online, and we are ready to do scientific research. "
At this time, Bettis just fell out of the portal (I don't know what state she was teleporting to, anyway, she fell from the air anyway), when she heard Sandora's words, she jumped up: "Well, your scientific spirit is crazy!"
"Characteristics of the spirit, characteristic of the spirit," I could only rub my forehead with cold sweat and smirk with Bingtis. "So you're here too?"
"Crap, it ’s also a senior leadership cadre," Bingtis said. "How many people are behind, all come to see what the fragmented world looks like this time. Lin Xue said that the scale is quite large, and Very promising. "
Fitis's skin is still so incredible. This day wandering around the ecological zone and the city inside the ship. The guy who has not been here for ten days so far can say the words "Senior Leader" in front of Sandora and me. However, I am also used to this female hooligan. When I left and right ear left, I didn't hear it, which effectively controlled adrenaline secretion. At the same time as Bingtis's voice fell, several portals were also unfolded on the officer platform, and Qian Qian and her sisters got out of the portals one after another. Finally, there are four left in the protoss quintessentials ... This is the stuffy idlers who have been boring for a few days and finally found something to do, right?
"Finally there's fun! Finally there's fun!" Qian Qian walked around me twice as if he was stunned, and finally hung on my arm, "It's really boring these days, Ajun, you whole It ’s so boring to stay here and not to accompany others ... "
These days are really stuffy, and I understand it. It has been ten days since the Royal Fleet left the Empire. During this period, we did not even make a single stop. We went on the desolate road in the void. So far, I have only encountered a stunted, chaotic universe, and it has been an uninteresting world that has evolved to dusk. In the words of the little crow, "it is too narrow to drag back to the nest." The basic activities of the Imperial Fleet in these ten days were to set up outpost development stations while walking, and occasionally slow down some detectors, and then all experts and scholars sent half an hour to the noise returned by the detectors, and then continued on their way. Can you say that this can go wrong?
This kind of shallow can only be purely fun, but others still have to do business. One of Tavel's quality projections stands on the officer's platform, a mission that combines research and exploration. So Tavel, as the chief scientist, must also stand here as a consultant. She again proofread the signals from the various early warning radars and reported with confidence: "The course has been confirmed, and our fleet will collide with the debris of the world. The expected impact time is ten minutes later. This is an exciting research opportunity. Thank you His Majesty for his wise decision at this moment. "
Sandora smiled slightly. "I'm also looking forward to it."
Only Bettis was still thinking beside him, "Mom, you haven't changed your research style for hundreds of years. Is it too late to get off the boat now?"
"If you can still catch up with the big army. It's okay to jump now," I patted the female hooligan (I'm already a girlfriend, is it a bit bad to continue to describe this?), Then looked up at the big projection On the countdown. "Let the little crow go outside and look at the order field. Maybe it can trace the 'direction' of the fragmentation of the world."
The little crow is lying on the side railing and stretching his neck to look out. This girl has the habit of wild birds. She is a character who likes to fly around and does not want to be stuffed in a cage. Now I heard that there is a "fresh and fun big "Baubles" is about to appear. She was eager to try, and she was immediately excited when she heard me. I only heard a quack, and the bird was about to go out, but I held her head at the last moment: "Don't be busy, go to the Academy of Engineering and put on your 'armor'."
The armor I am talking about is the external equipment of the little crow. Before this silly bird can cure her astigmatism, an external radar is still necessary. She can carry several workstations to the outside of the order field for aerial photography. Crash shot.
The little crow reluctantly "quacked", but the excitement of being able to "fly out and play" still outweighed her unhappiness, she nodded to me, and then disappeared on the officer platform in a blink of an eye.
A few minutes later, a frigate ejection channel at the end of the Imperial Admiral's cross arm opened, covered with super equipment, and watched like a science and magic final crow rushing out of the ejection channel with a slip of purple light. The girl really launched herself like a spaceship. When she rushed out of the catapult channel, she specially created a slip of flame behind the tail, pretending to be the afterimage of the spacecraft's lights. It is optimistic to estimate that the bird's cognitive impairment can't be cured in her life. She has broken the boundary between biological and non-biological. Now she thinks she is a boat ...
And less than a minute after the little crow left the order field, the ship-borne broadcast issued a final warning before the impact: "Attention, confirm that large-scale information has contacted the fleet order field. The fusion-shock process has begun, and all members are ready to resist. Prepare for the shock. "
A dazzling brilliance erupted first from the front of the order field.
World debris is not the same as normal space debris. It is not simply a mass of matter or energy. For a world fragment large enough that has not completely evaporated, its structure is like this: its core is a normal region that persists, and the residual energy and matter of a universe are temporarily maintained in a small stable area It is a turbulent transition zone. The law that has collapsed is entangled with the material, energy and space that are undergoing severe degeneration, forming a chaotic storm surrounding the debris. The outermost layer is the "evaporation layer". Universe is assimilated at high speed in the void. It disappears like dry ice that sublimes rapidly at room temperature, but we are still used to calling this process "evaporation". This "evaporation layer" no longer has any solid information structure. It is not matter or energy, and sometimes it is not even chaos. It is just a large group of meaningless information. Like flowers but not flowers, like shadows but not shadows-this piece of information is an instantaneous intermediate state with a non-zero to zero drop, and it cannot enter the order field.
At present, the bright light erupting at the front of the order field is caused by the evaporation layer. World debris hits the order field, and the mathematical environment of the evaporation layer and the order field creates a fierce hedging, resulting in brilliant visual effects. However, this visual effect is mainly caused by the stress response of the order field itself. The evaporation layer itself is actually invisible to the naked eye in the order field. The ray of light can be said to be the last star candle to prove its existence.
"Although your research methods are crazy, it is really spectacular." Bingtis set up a pergola and looked at the scene on the holographic projection. Now that splendid light curtain is spreading rapidly, this oncoming feeling is really thrilling. The order field is a huge oval-shaped space, just like an oval bubble floating in the void, and now the front of this oval bubble is rippling with colorful patterns, and the inexplicable color runs along the order field. The margins spread quickly, as if the entire fleet was crashing into an immensely colorful vortex. And such a scene did not last long, after the world debris and order field contact, the evaporation layer will soon be consumed clean. Just a few minutes later, something ghostly appeared to us.
They look like huge meteorites, but their structure and shape are obviously more complicated than those of meteorites. These constant phantoms are only a few hundred meters in size, while the large ones are several kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers in size. They appear in the order field. He rushed towards the fleet. Soon I saw what these things were all about: they were actually shards of stars that were blown up.
Under the aftermath of the end of the world, a planet was torn apart and turned into a large group of newborn meteorites. This group of meteorites has been swallowed up by years, and has been swallowed up by a flood of information disorder. Now they have lost their entities. Becoming like a phantom, this phantom records the last minute look of a certain world-but they are still just phantoms.
"Some excitement?" Sandola suddenly remembered something, and gave me a mischievous smile, and then ordered the following instruction sheet, "Don't filter these phantoms, let them come directly."
So the next second I knew what Sandola meant by "something exciting". The overwhelming space boulder really hit the Empire fleet without any hindrance! Although they have no real body after all, and cannot cause any damage to the fleet, these unreal shadows penetrate the shield and armor of the spacecraft and sweep over without hindrance. They passed through the spacecraft and naturally passed through each of our bodies-well, this scene is really exciting, I feel like I'm rushing towards the Kuiper belt at sub-light speed, and the brakes fail to turn and fail, a straight line runs through Hundreds of asteroids!
In a short time, the Command Hall of the Admiral was swept over and over again by huge phantom meteorite. We were surrounded by fast-moving shadow boulders. They were so far away so I did n’t see them. They were so dense. Is it?
However, this thing just looks spectacular. Everyone in the field was trained by guns and bullets. One by one, the nerves are strong and almost reinforced with iron. The visual impact can only relieve us. Sandora certainly knew this. She just wanted to let this brilliant impact clear up the dull atmosphere that has been accumulated for almost half a month. It turns out that her simple and rude method of adjusting the atmosphere is quite effective-Bingtis With a meteor in a fierce attitude, he was ready to pounce on Sandora: "You are neurotic! It's fun to scare people, right?"
In fact, there was no scared expression on the female hooligan's face, and her movements just proved that she had regained vitality.
Female man eats too much medicine and feels fierce! fierce! Oh!
That's about it.
But after these phantoms floated past, they couldn't continue to play this way, because the collision had already entered the middle. The core part of the world fragment is touching the order field of the Empire fleet.
The core part is still maintaining the normal regular space-time, where there are a large number of celestial fragments and wild initial energy, and the huge power of the universe at the moment of doom will often be partially bound in this area-they are the impact process The really dangerous part is that many cross-border civilizations consider "encountering world fragments" as the greatest danger when exploring in the void, the main reason is that they may collide with these early energy. However, the combined shield of the Imperial Fleet did not fear even the end of the world, and naturally was not afraid of such an impact, Sandora ordered to increase the shield readings. The warships were ordered to make their own judgments to clear away the celestial fragments or energy groups that had hit them, while Tavel's expert group was staring at various induction devices and preparing to analyze the impact.
Bingtis stared at the scene on the holographic projection, and suddenly whispered, "Here it is!"
As her voice fell, a storm appeared in the order field out of thin air.
It was a fierce storm condensed by light and heat. The dazzling yellow-white "fire" light swelled from one point, and instantly formed a dazzling star in front of the Empire Fleet, and in this light, huge celestial fragments began to hit us like a heavy rain.
Light and heat are likely to be the forces accumulated instantly in the end of the universe, they may also be destroyed stars, or even the aftermath of the big bang at the beginning of the universe. In short, anything is possible. Because the doomsday will destroy the time and space structure of a world, all its "events" since its birth are mixed together, regardless of sequence, location, and it is not surprising what happens in the end. And even though those broken star fragments are just ordinary matter, they have also mutated in the information flood of the end of the world. They may be extremely fragile, or they may have the power of world origin and an unparalleled degree of solidity. It even became some kind of extraordinary matter: In fact, the original super matter of the empire came from this. In ancient times, the spirit apostle scientists discovered some super-strong products of random combination of information from the end of the universe. They got inspiration and kept on Mathematically, a perfect information structure was created, and finally created extraordinary alloys, extraordinary crystals and extraordinary XX who are widely used in various devices. This is why Tavel will study the collision with such enthusiasm. The end of the world is a disaster, but the fragments of the world after the end can often surprise people. Huge amounts of information are entangled by the doomsday, and the mutation results of random combinations of macro parameters often surprise the Imperial scientists.
However, in addition to studying the structure of the world's fragments this time, Tavel has a more important purpose, which is to determine whether this world fragment comes from the hometown world-this is an absolutely desolate area. We have confirmed that this place is 100 times more desolate than the desolate area found by other expeditions. There is not much universe to be seen here, and the hometown world is in this "direction". At this time, a cosmic wreckage floats in front of us ... It was mentioned, but no one said it explicitly.
I hope this piece does not come from the home world.
A group of work boats rushed out and intercepted a part of the material fragments. The energy predator installed on the top of the empire easily collected the samples of the initial energy, while other impactors were wiped out in the fire of the fleet. Spectacular.
Looking at this scene, my sister couldn't help muttering: "Well, is this the original group of debris reported by the expedition? It's so spectacular."
"Um, in fact, it's only that we have encountered such a spectacular scene," Sandora continued next to him, with a slightly subtle tone. "The probability of colliding with a fragment of the world in the void ... hehe ~ ~ The previous exploration team only scanned these wreckages with the radar fully turned on, but we ran into a head-on at once. This law is very low and cannot be used as a reference. "
"Anyway, there is a void creature present, any probability event can happen," Bingtis patted my shoulder smoothly. "Event vortex, probability beacon, walking halo launcher, magical species that can ward off evil when dead. ... "
I glared at this female hooligan: "No one takes you dumb without talking."
It seems that no matter how the relationship changes, I can't count on Da Bingye's morality and character.
The collision process lasted a whole number of hours, and the piece of the world we encountered really had a huge scale. However, no remnants of civilization were found in the debris of the world, and no other scientifically valuable items appeared, so after collecting some samples, the fleet expelled the remaining debris from the order field. The Tavel team of scientists completed the examination of the samples after a busy period.
With a trace of excitement, Tavel sent the test report to me and Sandora: "It has been confirmed that this piece of the world does not come from the hometown world, but we have found the weak information remnants of the hometown world in the fragment. Our Nothing wrong with the course! "
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