Chapter 1610: Mother star, mother star!

Before the fleet scanned the gate of the abyss, we first contacted the ancestors on the other side.
Nowadays, the connection between the shore and the opposite shore has become more convenient. As the Starring Federation has continuously launched several high-power relay stations on the critical layer of the abyss at no cost, and the ancestors have improved their communications after arriving with the Empire equipment on the opposite shore The system is better compatible with our equipment, so the cross-strait contact can only send some text intermittently from the beginning, and gradually developed to be able to transmit larger data packets. Now, almost instant messaging can be carried out. It can be said to move forward Taken several steps. However, some problems that are limited by the void structure cannot be solved, such as the communication delay between the two sides of the strait-even if we increase the computing speed of the decoding equipment to the limit, the degree of signal compatibility between the two sides of the strait is also increased to the limit, and the delay problem still exists. This is It's determined by that particular void structure. However, this situation has also eased. After using all kinds of technologies, the delay on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has been reduced to a tolerable level, and simple dialogue is still no problem.
This is the first time we have contacted the other side in nearly a month since the departure of the fleet. Prior to this, the ancestors on the other side did not even know what happened when we set out to find our hometown. This is because until there is no definite result, Sandora does not intend to worry too much about the ancestors, and to be honest ... Before today, we all have no idea in our hearts. It is actually a chance to find our hometown. Only after we arrived at our destination did we dare to mention this to the other side. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The ancestors have been looking forward to this day for too long. If you want to give them a real surprise, it is not good for the elderly.
Tavel quickly set up a communication channel with the opposite bank. This highly encrypted + high-intensity broadcast system can be said to be one of the most sophisticated gadgets in the Admiral (the other high-profile gadget is the abyss Healing Box). The communication signal was transferred to the communicator on the officer platform. The holographic projection in front of everyone's eyes shook, and then gradually became clear. The kind of clutter unique to the other side faded away, and then a figure appeared on the screen, accompanied by a slightly distorted female voice: "Here is the watchman Stop, watchman Luo. "
On the holographic projection is a young woman with short hair called "Luo". It was also one of the ancestors who arrived on the other side, and was the maintainer of the ecosystem on the ark that year. I was not familiar with her but also knew her. Luo is still wearing that empire uniform. Obviously even the ancestors on the other side have never forgotten where she came from, and the look on her face is slightly tired, and she seems to be on duty for a long time.
In order to be able to receive contact here at any time, and shoulder the general responsibility of being an "ambassador", the ancestors did not relax their work at all across the shore, and they repaired the deep submersible with the help of the Starring Federation. A watch station was set up directly on the ship, and people were on standby in front of the communicator 24 hours a day (capital time scale). Luo is obviously on duty.
"Old ancestor!" Qian Qian was really a candid girl and greeted her happily on the spot, but her voice did not fall for a moment (counting the delay time), and the short-haired woman opposite the communicator yelled frantically: "Don't call it the old ancestors! If you want to call it, call our old captain. I'm still young. And I'm not married yet!"
The biggest difference between female ancestors and male ancestors is that they are more active, and it seems that they generally care about the age at which they can scare the protoss-the youngest of the ancestors in the ancestors can be the grandfather of Bingtis. The world of the gods is also known as the Pantheon of the Old Man Alliance and the group of old antiques around the Father God (reminder maliciously: including Gaga) can overwhelm their ancestors in age.
This is really one that cannot be delved into. Think about the scary story.
I held my shallow head to prevent this girl thinking like a bungee from messing up, and then tried to rectify her expression, trying to tell the current situation as easily as possible: "Luo, guess where are we now?"
Bettis glanced at me silently: "... is it appropriate for you to speak like this on such a serious occasion?"
My face remained unchanged and my eyes remained motionless, but the spiritual connection reluctantly explained: "No way, the facts are too impactful. Let's pave the atmosphere first to prevent the ancestors from the opposite side from being stimulated. I suddenly regret it at this time. The ancestors were 'surprised'. You said that the joy was enough, but wasn't the 'surprised' a little harder? "
Bingtis sneered in the spiritual connection, and he didn't help to make a clearance, but Luo snorted a bit: "Guess where are you? You made a special trip to this channel. Just to make a joke for me ? "
"We're in the hometown world," Sandora suddenly stepped forward, and I hadn't figured out how to start the conversation. Her Majesty the Queen's fierce and aggressive side, and asserted, "the fleet set off a month ago, but did not inform you because we are not sure whether it will be successful. Now we have successfully reached the home world, and ... ready to start the bridge operation here."
Luo's face did not change at all, but it was not calm, but she was completely stiffened. She looked at it timidly and asked tentatively, "You ... are worried that we are bored here, So decided to make this joke? "
"Where would she be kidding, and what topic is suitable for kidding?" Bingtis squeezed Sandola aside and looked at the communicator with a grin. "We really found the home world, really, do n’t believe it. We will transfer the video signal to you. "
Luo lowered his head and groaned, then slowly tilted in our eyes, and slipped out of the picture silently.
Everyone was shocked: "!"
"Don't look at your good deeds!" I jumped up over a meter tall, and then pointed at Sandora and Bingtis angrily. "You think you are as tough as the spirit apostle." Or as indifferent as the Protoss ?! "
"The Protoss don't lack eyes and minds!" Bingtis even refuted it seriously. "The body is just crooked and cannot represent other people."
As a woman, can you not be adorable in this situation?
"Luo! How are you ?! Wake up soon!" We can't help the other side here, we can only look at the empty communication screen and worry, the older sister shouted several times before I saw the communication A hand suddenly appeared on the device, and then the hand touched the table edge. After struggling hard, Luo Cai crawled up in a panic. The "old ancestor" who lost her image (when she couldn't hear her, read it a few times isn't it guilty?) The first thing to get up is to take the whole Body fluttered over the communicator: "What you just said is true !?"
Sandora didn't speak, but just silently transferred the video signal from outer space, especially focusing on the faint halo across the universe. Because the hometown world is in a stagnant state, it has remained basically the same for so many years. Therefore, this universe and the starry sky in it are still the scenes remembered by the ancestors when they fled. Perhaps the starry sky is difficult to recognize because of different viewing angles, but the magnificent cloud belt is borne in mind by every Ark survivor. To the soul.
Opposite to the communicator for a long time, Sandora added: "If you think this aura is not the only feature of the home world, then we can pass the observation data to you."
The opposite side of the communicator remained silent, but just when I thought Luo was going to faint again, a terrifying scream came from the communicator and it was a shock: "Captain! Anna! Commander! Everyone! Come to people! Come! Hometown world ... They have found our home! Found! Found home! "
The next few minutes were completely chaotic. The shocking minutes, the fearful minutes, and the rescue of each other—because the old ancestors across the communicator were more excited than each other, and I was worried about whether they rescued each other enough in time and whether the first aid equipment at hand was powerful But in the end everything was safe: the ancestors just fainted. But woke up tenaciously.
It stands to reason that a trained soldier should not be so morbid, but we must know two things. First, not every ark member is trained by soldiers, although they are all soldiers. But there are also civilians such as the eco-zone administrators and archivists. You can't use the standards of the Imperial Army to demand that these are both mortal and civilian. (And to be honest, when I first found this universe, not even Sandora was excited. Has it been a long time?); Secondly, the meaning of the hometown world to each of the spirit people and the spirit apostles is too great. This is far beyond ordinary events. In this situation, it is normal for the ancestors to be excited.
After the ancestors calmed down, Sandora and I slowly marched on this month's voyage.
Anthers listened to us quietly, and the excitement on his face slowly calmed down. He took a deep breath and smiled slightly: "It looks like we can't just leave like this. We have more important things to do now Anyway, at least go back home. "
"Leave?" I froze for a moment, seemingly heard something terrible? !!
"Ah. I haven't told you yet," Anthes was still smiling, and the wrinkles on his face spread out, a bit like the helplessness hiding a little secret but suddenly found by the younger generation, "In fact, we all planned to We have left the Starring Confederation, and we have arranged everything here. You and the Starring Confederation can continue to study the bridge, and we intend to go out ... and walk. "
The ancestor never mentioned it before!
"Going for a walk?" Sandola gaped. "Where can you go?"
"Whereever you go," Anthes nodded. "We feel that our role in staying with the Starring Confederation is not great. Now the two sides of the strait have been linked. Data exchange and language decoding have gone smoothly. All the camps on both sides of the strait work together in concert. There is no need for good offices. We stay here and seem to be a messenger. All of us are nesting here and it is a waste of time. So we plan to set sail again and go to the void. Find a new world undisturbed in the depths. A new ecological factory was built on the spacecraft. We also carried a sample of the original crew of the Ark and a seed bank of various life in the portable space, although there was no way to resurrect the original person. Come here, but can still create a new ecosystem ... "
"Do you plan to rebuild a 'hometown world' on the other side?" Sandola broke Anthus's idea.
The old ancestor didn't plan to hide it either. He smiled frankly: "Yeah, it's too homesick, but homesickness is useless. You have to do something by yourself. When you had a new home in the Empire, I do n’t think, but everything is strange to the other side. Although the people of the Starring Federation are good, after all, this is not their own home. It ’s a bit unbearable after a long time. We are worried that we wo n’t be able to go back in a short time, or even forever. I ca n’t go back ... It ’s not that I have no confidence in you, I ’m just so worried. So we are going to find a new world and create a place similar to our hometown. Maybe we can also rebuild a Heroine star and Greek side on the other side. Spiritual civilization. Anyway, we are no longer dead, and there is enough time to make mother star creatures from ecological factories, and then slowly teach them knowledge, which seems to be a time-consuming thing. "
I listened to it in shock, totally unaware that the ancestors were planning such things these days. But although it is unexpected, it is not inconceivable. Perhaps any civilized survivor will have this idea. As long as the conditions are sufficient, who doesn't want to rebuild his hometown?
They should have borrowed an ecological factory from the Starring Federation (the original deep-submersible ship was not a colony ship, which had an ecological cycle system, but no ecological factory for large-scale species creation). And it's normal for them to have biological samples of the parent star in their portable space. These biological samples were originally collected from the ark. They are dead and cannot be resurrected. However, if you force the material together based on these samples, you can still create the same creatures. You can say that they do not have the "soul" of the mother star. Just an empty shell, it can be said that this is a resurrection in another sense, which is the same for ancestors anyway. Just ask for a memorial. Tavel used these samples to restore several parent star creatures, but we did not continue because we did not plan to reconstruct a fake origin star, and it now seems that the ancestors intend to launch this on the other side may be time-consuming Long work-as Ansels said. This "seems to pass the time", they need to pass the time.
"Aren't you going to leave without saying a word?" Qian Qian suddenly thought of something and jumped to the front of the communicator. "I've watched many novels and TV shows, you must have planned this way ?! Why did you say it now! "
"Actually ... a bit of this plan," said Luo, scratching his face next to Anthes, looking a little embarrassed. "The captain said you would definitely not agree, and he said that you might not understand this" meaningless "and risky It ’s too big, so we ’re going to set sail directly. But we ’re not leaving. We ’ll contact you after we set sail. There is a communicator on the ship, and the Starring Federation has also established for us. A dedicated broadcast tower for a long time. Will it be okay to keep in touch by then? "
"Would you like to have some confidence in your own descendants?" Abyss Xi Ling floated over with a helpless expression on his face. This group consciousness is quite respectful when facing the ancestors (in theory), We will not understand your idea of ​​rebuilding your homeland. In fact, when you raised this matter in the Empire District, everyone would help ... well, I said this seems inappropriate ... "
This guy finally remembered that he was actually the commander of the Abyss, and could not control the affairs of the Empire.
"It's not necessary to investigate this now," Bettis waved his hand. "Then you don't plan to leave now?"
"Of course not," Anthes nodded slightly awkwardly. "We still plan to go home and see, maybe we can rebuild that place. Thanks to your early contact, in fact, we will start in two days ... "
I suddenly had a cold sweat: fortunately, I didn't wait for two days to contact!
After finishing the communication with our ancestors, we have finished the last thing we want to do. Then ... just go to that gate.
It didn't take much time to scan the door of the abyss. In fact, it was like the rhythm of Liliana. It was very striking in the desert. It was the largest source of information in this old world. The information entangled around it was like a blowout. The entire universe is shining brighter than the lighthouse.
The fleet leaped near the gate of the abyss, and the ancient fissure, which only existed in legend, appeared before everyone.
"That's it ..."
Looking at the scene shown on the holographic projection, Sandola murmured to herself, but couldn't say anything in the second half.
As the memory of the ancestors ~ ~ This archaic gate is different from any abyss gate we have seen. It is a large and narrow crack, shaped like an eye, the length of the entire crack At five light years, it has far exceeded the size of any normal celestial body, and of course the size of any abyss door. Since the fleet is directly transmitted "up" to the gate, we can face this amazing and magnificent fissure from a bird's-eye view-the atmosphere of darkness and depression is overwhelming, filled with the fury and danger of the abyss, but as expected Like that, this is the inert abyss.
It is still deadly to ordinary things, but it is just a bit bad for any extraordinary product. The Empire Fleet will not be affected by this gate of the abyss, and even fragile units such as single fighter planes can land directly. On the gate.
It is a pity that the former spiritual civilization was only mortal, and they were still swallowed up by this inert gate.
The light of the Abyss Gate is twisted and twisted, and it is not the kind of distortion caused by the ordinary gravitational field. The starlight is entangled near the gate in a chaotic polyline manner. Looking at the distant space through the edge of the Abyss Gate feels like Look at the kaleidoscope. This reminds me of the strange scene at the core of tranquility, and it seems that there is something in common between the two.
"According to the plan, we started to collect data. If the test passed, we will set up the startup end. The other two to six teams are now starting to build a quiet energy well to prepare for recharging." The mission came, but she was interrupted by an exclaim in the command area as soon as she said half of what she said:
"Your Majesty! Mother Star! Mother Star! Mother Star is still !!!"
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