Chapter 307.1 - Unexpectedly Has Workers

Chapter 307.1: Unexpectedly Has Workers
However, at this time, Yang Chen had been unable to consider the effect of the second grade Inner Sensing Pill, because the portal of the pure bottle medicine garden had undergone a complete qualitative change.
Perhaps it was precisely because of the space energy generated by the space fusion that the portal had advanced that much. Now, the looming portal of the pure bottle medicine garden had truly stood in the middle of the medicine garden.
The material of the portal was a non-gold non-jade, white door frame, without a seam. It revealed a beautiful engraved pattern on the top, but the centre of the door frame was black, and nothing could be seen. No matter from the front or the back of the door frame, it was the same, there was no positive or negative.
Where does this dark portal led was estimated to be unknown except to the immortal who had been killed by Yang Chen. He then took back the shuttle, found a safe place and entered the medicine garden.
Standing in front of the portal, Yang Chen was still hesitating whether to go inside. Getting trapped inside the portal in his own medicine garden would be a big joke.
The first layer of the medicine garden was known in the memory of his previous life, so Yang Chen was very relieved. However, now Yang Chen was not sure whether the second layer of the medicine garden left by the immortal was a trap or a bigger advantage.

While he was hesitating, Xiao Tian that had been playing in the medicine garden, suddenly twisted and went into the dark portal. Yang Chen didn’t even have time to block him. He saw a circle on the black portal, and then the figure of Xiao Tian disappeared without a trace.
Xiao Tian was an important partner of Yang Chen. Although he was only discovered inadvertently, Yang Chen did indeed cultivate Xiao Tian as a saviour in times of life-threatening situations. As soon as he saw Xiao Tian, had rushed in. He no longer hesitated and went into the portal.
It was all black in front of him, but it cleared up almost immediately. Yang Chen immediately saw a scene of familiarity. He was in a huge space again.
In front of his eyes was a patch of tidy medicine fields, with just random sweep, Yang Chen recognized that these were definitely the elixir that had aged for more than 10,000 years.
Ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, which was commonly found in the secular world, were precious medicinal herbs, and it was growing like crops here. Those who didn’t know the goods would definitely think that the nearby ginseng was actually radish. Who could think of all the ginseng here were more than Tenth Grade?
Not to mention any Vermillion Fruit, Arhat Beads or Grave Grass, crazy 10,000-year-old medicines, all neatly planted, like soldiers waiting to be reviewed.
You must know that Yang Chen in his previous life, had just found a Ten Thousand Years Vermillion Fruit and when Yang Xi saw the treasure, he killed the Young Palace Master of the Greatest Heaven Sect to blame it on Yang Chen. But now these things, no matter how much he wanted he could have, how could he not be stunned?
The figure of Xiao Tian, flashed over, and grabbed his arm. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Tian, he also felt relieved in his heart. He turned around and glanced behind, the dark and heavy portal was still there, which made him feel a lot better.
When he was going to take a closer look, suddenly Xiao Tian flashed in one direction. Yang Chen glanced, and his eyes immediately looked in his direction.

This servant greets the master!

In the direction of Xiao Tian, two faint figures of girls appeared. The two figures were now facing Yang Chen and prostrating, but their bodies seemed to be shaking nonstop.
Yang Chen was the owner of the medicine garden. He had entered with his body thus, he didn’t feel the need to use his spiritual awareness to explore it. At the beginning, he didn’t find the two girls, but Xiao Tian had made him realize their presence…
After his spiritual awareness swept around, Yang Chen suddenly understood that these two girls were not real people, but Tool Spirits of the medicine garden. It was estimated that this was why Xiao Tian rushed in desperately from outside. Tool Spirits were favourite foods of Xiao Tian. It was quite normal for the two girls to tremble in front him.
It was also due to the shock appearance of Xiao Tian, that made the two girls show up to see the master. Otherwise, if Yang Chen had not paid attention, maybe the two spirits would remain hidden until the day he discovered them.

Please we ask the master for forgiveness!

The two tool spirit girls seemed to have one mind, and even their voices were merged together. When Yang Chen came in, they didn’t show up. Naturally, he had not yet been treated as a true master. Being forced to come out by Xiao Tian, of course, they must plead guilty to him.
However, when Yang Chen’s powerful and unparalleled spiritual awareness swept through their shadows, the two tool spirits felt his great aura. They squatted on the ground and dared not to get up.
When his spiritual awareness swept through them, Yang Chen immediately found out that the two girls turned out to be wood attributed Yin and Yang. No wonder there would be two Tool Spirits, First Wood and Second Wood, which contained all the Wood Type medicinal ingredients in the medicine garden. The yin and yang were the same. It was no wonder that all the herbs in this medicine garden were very strong, there were specialized masters taking care of them.
Soon after his spiritual awareness touched the two women, Yang Chen received two thoughts. His heart moved, and the Beast Controlling Secret Art was issued. The two ideas were then clearer. At the same time, two small balls of light flew out from the heads of the two girls and then flew to the front of Yang Chen.
Yang Chen was very familiar with this scene. This was a trace of their Life Source Monster Soul. The two girls presented their Life Source Monster Soul, also as the thought passed down, they recognized him as their master.

Yang Chen did not hesitate to accept the two girls’ Life Source Monster Souls. As soon as the souls entered Yang Chen’s sea of consciousness, he knew everything about the two girls.
The one on the left wearing a light green dress was a Blue Jade Vine with a special solution. On the right, the one wearing pink clothes was a peach tree. It was easy to distinguish the First Wood from the Second Wood.

Servant Azhu, meets the master!

Servant Abi, meets the master!

When Yang Chen received their monster soul, the two women had a look of joy. Then they greeted again, but this time they even reported their names.

Get up!

Yang Chen told the two women to get up. After standing up, Yang Chen discovered that he didn’t know if the two women did it deliberately or not but the appearance of the two women was the same.
However, the two women were Tool Spirits, even if they stood up, they still looked like nothing, as if there was no entity at all.
His heart moved, Yang Chen’s spiritual awareness directly penetrated the sea of consciousness of ​​the two women’s monster souls. In a moment the two women’s body shape seemed to have substance.

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