Chapter 411

Hou Yun attacked with a stick, but there was still a living person? Yang Chen was stunned, but immediately understood that this was Hou Yun’s deliberately holding back after hearing what Gongsun Ling had just said.
It was very easy for Yang Chen and Gongsun Ling to distinguish which pit people were alive and in which pit they were dead. Yang Chen just lightly stomped his feet, and three moans were popping out of a dozen human-shaped pits.
Under Hou Yun’s stick, although these three guys have not died, they had broken muscles and had no struggling strength. Had it not been for their toughness, they would have passed out at this moment.
The three guys alive were all masters of the Yuanying stage. In Yang Chen’s memory, there was no impression of these people. However, this was not a problem for Yang Chen. Since they were coming to the Hidden Dragon Cave or returning assistance, then they were also related to the Hidden Dragon Cave. At present, Yang Chen’s attitude towards the Hidden Dragon Cave was that he would make no mistakes and not let anyone go.
He took out three pills and stuffed them into the mouths of the three guys to make sure they didn’t die because of the injuries. Gongsun Ling, who was next to him, was well prepared, and the three of them had been skillfully received in the geographical map.
Gongsun Ling’s face was filled with a happy smile and she said to Hou Yun in the air,
Thank you Uncle Master ancestor!
According to generations, Hou Yun and the old tree monster were peers, so Gongsun Ling also called Hou Yun as her uncle master ancestor.
In response to Gongsun Ling, it was the cries of the arrogant weapon in the hand of Hou Yun whistling in the air. It’s just that one or two efforts, the dozens of silhouettes that just flew back, had no idea where they disappeared to.
Apart from the three Yuanying live slaves left to Gongsun Ling, the rest of the guys, when they met Hou Yun’s stick, were directly smashed into flesh, and then disappeared without a trace. Except for Hou Yun’s fierce figure in the sky, they could no longer see anyone’s shadow.
After looking around for a few laps, Hou Yun greeted the three on the ground, and then rushed into the inner island impatiently. He has been sullen for tens of thousands of years in the Blue Vault Mountain Immortal Cave. The dozens of small lives just now were not enough for him to plug his teeth. Those guys on the inner island were his appetizers.
On the road to the inner island, Gongsun Ling was very happy along the way. Just after a while, there were three more slaves in the mountain river geographical map. In the future, the refining would become more and more relaxed. How could this not make her happy?
The old tree demon did not seem anxious to attack, but just followed Yang Chen and Gongsun Ling slowly. Perhaps the nature of the trees were not killing. After swallowing the Penglai divine wood, the old tree demon’s cultivation has been upgraded to a higher level and he was a little more stable.
And Yang Chen’s slow and leisurely atmosphere was incompatible with the surrounding environment. Along the way, She Kui and Xie Sha have killed many small flies and it was almost bloody along the way. The island of the hidden Dragon cave, which was originally elegant, was now like a slaughterhouse.
After the three of them slowly walked to the inner island, they saw the fighting taking place.
It must be said that the Hidden Dragon Cave, as a dark horse placed in the South China Sea by the Greatest Heaven Sect, still has a very powerful fighting force. At least She Kui and Xie Sha have two Yuanying stage masters as opponents respectively, and they were in an entanglement in the air.
Hou Yun was surrounded by seven masters. At first glance, they set up a Big Dipper Seven Star Array and surrounded Hou Yun. However, Hou Yun’s mighty strength was unexpected by everyone. Just the power of the peak Yuanying stage now erupted, leaving him in the sword array.
The shining big stick has recovered to be larger than the ordinary stick, but it was not too exaggerated, but the power contained in it has made the seven masters of the Yuanying stage dare not touch it easily. The flexible method of attacking by Hou Yun managed to maintain the operation of the attack.
At the end of these masters who were attacking, stood two guys with very ugly faces. Yang Chen saw clearly that the two were Yu Wenyi, the owner of the Hidden Dragon Cave, and an elder. Yang Chen had been chased and killed by the two in his previous life and he would never mistake them.
However, Yang Chen does not remember such a seven-star sword formation. The arrangement of the array turned out to need seven identical masters of the Yuanyin stage. The seven faces did not have the slightest difference and their cultivation base was almost equivalent. The clothes they wore and the styles were the same, but they were different in color.
Yuanying stage seven births was an incredible thing. Yang Chen’s previous memories have never seen such a situation, and he doesn’t know where the seven dragons were found in the Hidden Dragon Cave, but they still have such a powerful array.
It was estimated that this was the power left by the Greatest Heaven Sect to be the hidden power of the Hidden Dragon Cave. Otherwise, in his previous life it would not be hidden and Yang Chen would not know it.
Yang Chen has always overestimated the power of the Greatest Heaven Sect, but he still did not expect that there was no less than a dozen Yuanying stage masters in a small hidden dragon cave in the South China Sea Alliance. It could be seen that their hidden power elsewhere was still unknown.
Sure enough, it was indeed the No. 1 sect of the dao sects. After tens of thousands of young disciples were destroyed by Yang Chen, there was still such a heritage, and in a situation where not show­ing the moun­tain and not re­veal­ing the water, even Yang Chen cannot help but want to cry out loudly.
The seven twins were born in the same way, and even connected to each other. The actions of the seven people were like one person. With the help of the Big Dipper Seven Star Sword Formation, even though their realm was just in the early Yuanying stage, they were quite equal to Hou Yun.
Fortunately, Hou Yun’s posture was invincible. It was only through this seven-star sword formation that he would be familiar with the fighting methods of the cultivators in the world. He bluntly suppressed his strength at the peak of the Yuanying stage.
Even so, Hou Yun’s formidable power suppressed the masters of the seven births. It may be that there was a magic weapon contact before. One of the flying swords of the seven twins was obviously different from the other six swords. It was estimated that it had been destroyed by Hou Yun.
Because of this little regret, it seemed that the Sword Formation has a slight flaw in its cooperation. Hou Yun, of course, found this flaw sensitively and was chasing this flaw desperately, attacking wildly.
The main character of the Hidden Dragon Cave, Yu Wenyi, swept the array behind him, looking at him in shock and anger. Where this group of masters came from, without injustice or resentment, they actually killed his people. The alarm was frequently reported on several islands, but he dared not leave the support in the slightest while the disciples were slaughtered.
When he saw Yang Chen’s three people coming slowly, it seemed as if they were traveling to enjoy nature. Yu Wenyi could see that Yang Chen was the leader among the crowd, he screamed and flew over.

My Hidden Dragon Cave and you does not have an enmity. Why are you poisoning my Hidden Dragon Cave with your evil scheme?
The person was still in the air, Yu Wenyi asked Yang Chen sharply, the voice of anger almost spread throughout the entire Hidden Dragon Cave island.

So what injustice does my Ten Thousand Treasure Tower have with your Hidden Dragon Cave?
Yang Chen snorted and responded immediately. At this time, he remembered that they had to make sense. They couldn’t attack without injustice and enmity.
Yu Wenyi listened to Yang Chen’s words and almost planted himself in the air. How could he think of a small Ten Thousand Treasure Tower, from the shopkeeper to the buddy, all of them were small businessmen who were only in the foundation stage, so they had such a great heritage? If he knew this before, he wouldn’t agree with his cubs to provoke the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower even if he was killed.
As a matter of fact, in many of the sects of the Central Plains dao sects, everyone knew that the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower was a business owned by Yang Chen himself. From the moment Yang Chen became a fifth grade alchemy master, those Ten Thousand Treasure Tower branches opened in various cities around the city have been taken as the focus of care. Who would have the idea of ​​daring to fight the Ten Thousand Treasure Tower?
It was here in the South China Sea, where the rogue cultivators alliance was located, it was almost a million miles away from the Central Plains dao sects and the news transmission between each other was not so smooth. The news that Yang Chen was a fifth grade alchemy master has not yet reached here.
In the eyes of these rogue cultivators, even if they were fifth grade alchemy masters, the disciples of the central plains dao sects have nothing to do with them. In this life, it was estimated that many people would not leave this archipelago. Why would they care about what was happening a million miles away? Even the Greatest Heaven Sect master who was also known as the dao sects leader, it was estimated that nine out of ten people here in the southern Sea don’t know what his surname was.
In this case, the people in the hidden dragon cave dealt with the branch of a small company, and there was nothing to worry about. Who made the things in Ten Thou­sand Trea­sure Tower scarce here in the South China Sea? So the Hid­den Dragon Cave made the move to grab it, even if it was not the Hid­den Dragon Cave, there would be other organizations to do it.
This was where Yu Wenyi felt depressed. If he knew that the background of the Ten Thou­sand Trea­sure Tower was so powerful, it was only necessary to conduct business in an orderly manner. How could he have such a terrifying enemy?
The Hid­den Dragon Cave foundation business, to be honest, Yu Wenyi didn’t put much emphasis on it, but the task that Great­est Heaven Sect explained, after this one, has been extremely difficult.
Yu Wenyi has been deployed on this southern deserted sea for almost a hundred years. Seeing that as long as he could endure hundreds of years more, he could control the South China Sea Alliance in one hand, so that he could make great contributions to the Great­est Heaven Sect, and he would also become the largest power in the South China Sea.
Unexpectedly, because a small business branch was dealt with, so many masters came to attack them, the Hidden Dragon Cave was almost wiped out, and now the masters on the islands were starting to face the opposing masters. There were more than a dozen masters of the Yuanying stage. Today, he was afraid that they would be fierce fighting.
Even the strength of the seven twins has been held back by that powerful enemy, leaving Yu Wenyi himself and another elder, who could never be the opponents of the seven or eight Yuanying stage masters.

It was a misunderstanding. I am willing to compensate you for the losses of your firm, and hand over all the murderers in your hands and apologize.
When the service was soft, Yu Wenyi could not stand still, and immediately lowered his head to Yang Chen and begged
As long as you put forward the conditions, my Hidden Dragon Cave would agree to it
Staying in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood, Yu Wenyi could be regarded as someone who could afford to bow down, and instantly made this low profile. As long as these Yuanying stage masters were not lost, the power of the Hidden Dragon Cave would not be lost too much, and there would be opportunities in the future to grow.
Anyway, as long as they endured for another hundred years, the South China Sea Alliance could be held firmly in their hands. At that time, with the reward of the Greatest Heaven Sect and the resources of the South China Sea Alliance, Yu Wenyi would definitely become a dacheng stage master. Everything was aimed at ascending, so why would it bother him bowing down? Moreover, when the time comes, he would use the power of the Greatest Heaven Sect and the South China Sea Alliance to deal with this Ten Thousand Treasure Tower. The gentleman would take revenge no matter how long it took.

You don’t shed tears until you see the coffins. You knew it already, why bother about it now?
Yang Chen just snorted slightly and said scornfully.

Yes, yes, my humble self has not been strict, I am extremely sorry!
Yu Wenyi seemed as if he had not heard Yang Chen’s contemptuous tone, and said with a smile:
I am willing to pay 100 times for the loss, what is your intention?
At that time, he didn’t even realize that he was a shameful Yuanying stage master who was begging a junior.
When this was said, several figures had flown around, it was the few Pure Yang Palace masters who killed on other islands.
As soon as their figures appeared, She Kui and Xie Sha couldn’t help but yelled in unison:
Don’t grab our opponents!
And they attacked fiercely, their four opponents immediately felt pressure.
The eight masters gathered together with Yang Chen, Gongsun Ling and an old tree demon who’s depth could not be seen, Yu Wenyi and the remaining elder of the Hidden Dragon Cave, their faces also changed in succession. If they join the war group, all these hidden family members of the Hidden Dragon Cave would be reimbursed in this battle.
At this moment, even regretting 10,000 times was useless. They could only beg Yang Chen to leave the Hidden Dragon Cave with a little vitality. Yu Wenyi’s tone had even more pleading:
This time my Hidden Dragon Cave was wrong. Please look at the face of the South China Sea Alliance and let go of my Hidden Dragon Cave. There will be a thick report in the future!


South China Sea Alliance?
Yang Chen mentioned it with a hint of playfulness, and asked a little jokingly
There is so much movement here, it is impossible for them to not know right? But do you see a person from the South China Sea Alliance here?
Yu Wenyi was also anxious to get rid of his troubles that he didn’t notice at first. When Yang Chen reminded him, that was when he only reacted and his face suddenly changed. For so long, the South China Sea Alliance has not even sent a lively person here. What happened could be imagined.

Have you been so hard-pressed, do you really think that my Hidden Dragon Cave has reached the end of the mountain?
When Yu Wenyi realized that Yang Chen wanted to kill them all, he no longer whispered, and fluttered back to the previous location and smiled:
If so, then don’t blame the old man for his ruthlessness, leave it all to me!

It was not known when Yu Wenyi moved, the area where everyone fought, hundreds of square feet of flat ground, a red light flashed instantly under the ground, accompanied by Yu Wenyi ’s crazy grin, suddenly Yu Wenyi and everyone except the elders around him was shrouded in it.
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