Vol 2 Chapter 938: New world

After sending off the guests, Han Fangbai rarely read a book to review, nor did he brush up questions. Sitting there, the whole person fell into a trance.
The voice of grandma beside her ears seemed to be true and false, which was not real.
"Xiaobai, don't scare grandma... Grandma didn't deliberately conceal it from you. This is what your parents told you when they were alive..."
Looking at the scared old lady, Han Fangbai came back to his senses and swallowed, "Grandma, that Mr. An, really, really my cousin?"
The old lady may not know, but how could Han Fangbai not know?
Over the years, he has been in the early stages of his junior high school, his classmates have changed after another, and his teacher has changed one after another. The picture of Mr. An has been hanging in the classroom and in the corridor!
But this Mr. Ann, hasn't he disappeared for decades?
"You said Qi Qi? Of course he is your cousin, he even hugged you..."
Seeing that the grandson took a step back, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief: "However, he is not because of you, Mr. An..."
"If this is really Mr. Ann, it would be too... incredible."
Overwhelmingly surprised, Han Fangbai's hands holding the water cup were shaking, but he directly ignored the words behind his grandma.
After a while, he looked up at his grandma: "Grandma, is our family rich in thieves?"
Seeing the hopeful look in her grandson's eyes, the old lady hesitated for a while before saying: "Not many..."
"how many?"
Baek's heart beat faster.
He has also heard some rumors that the family pretends to be poor, and the child only knows that he is the second generation rich when he grows up.
But he never thought that he would encounter such a thing.
Then, isn't it meaningless to work hard...
"Really not a lot..."
The old lady didn't know what grandson was thinking, and she waved her hand to deny: "Your parents saved a lot of money, but grandma spent it all."
Han Fangbai was a little dumbfounded. The old lady had taken out a package of the three-layer inner and outer three-layer talisman from her pocket.
"this is?"
Looking at the red gold charms with extremely complicated lines, Han Fang's eyes lit up and he almost jumped up: "Dream charm?!"
Although Han Fangbai is not a talisman yet, how can he not recognize this talisman?
The Talisman has been developed for 30 years, and I don’t know how many Talismans have come out, and this Dream Talisman is the most precious of them.
He remembers that someone on the forum offered a high price of 2 billion Union currency to buy this symbol, which caused a huge sensation.
You know, he worked hard to do two odd jobs, and he barely made a hundred or ten Union coins a day!
Two billion!
Han Fangbai took the talisman cautiously, and his voice became a little quieter: "Grandma, my parents are so rich? Can I afford to buy the dream talisman?"
Because of the sky-high price on the forum before, he also searched for the information of the dream symbol.
This symbol has a great origin.
It is said that there used to be a special group of tens of millions in the old age, and they called themselves "dreamers".
This group of dreamers can dream about another world every day, study, rest, and even delve into the mysteries of the Tao of Talisman.
It is said that many of the top masters of Talisman are dreamers, and many Talisman researches are also in dreams.
He even heard that only by becoming a dreamer can he enter the real top school of Fudao, "Wang Quanshan".
"Your parents let me buy this charm before they die, and give it to you when you grow up..."
The old lady fell into memory:
"The appearance of dreamers was also a sensation back then. At that time, people would become dreamers every year. Unfortunately, no dreamers appeared after the new era until Dr. Su drew this symbol..."
Han Fangbai used to be unwilling to listen to old people talking about the past, but now he listens very seriously.
And the more he listened, the more frightened he became.
"One day in reality, twelve days in dream? Wouldn't it take ten times longer than normal people?"
The Korean Fang Bai was dumbfounded.
In the new era, the acquisition of information is more convenient than in the old days. Except for the practice of Fudao under the guidance of the teacher, theoretically the rest of the knowledge can be learned from the ‘all-in-one card’.
And the level of Master Fu's cultivation has a lot to do with his knowledge reserves. How terrible is it to take ten times more time?
"You must not sell this talisman. The only person in the world who can draw this talisman is Dr. Su Jie. He only draws ten dreaming talisman every year!"
The old lady looked at her grandson with some worry, and of course she knew the value of the Dream Talisman very well.
"Grandma, don't worry, how can I sell such a precious thing?"
Han Fangbai comforted the old man and sent him back to the room, washed his face again, and returned to the room.
But she didn't notice the complicated eyes of the old lady after closing the door.
"Perfect creation... This line is too perfect, too perfect..."
In the room, Han Fang Bai looked at the Dreaming Talisman carefully, stroking it with excitement over and over.
It's a pity that this talisman is too complicated, he didn't understand it no matter how he looked at it, and he could only fit it in his palm.
A silent sentence in my heart drove this talisman.
Talisman cultivation is difficult, but it is very easy to use. Except for some high-level, big-kill talisman, most of the talisman is very simple to use.
Han Fangbai just said silently in his heart, and he felt the circulation of'Lingqi particles'.
In a daze, he seemed to see a door slowly opening in front of him.
Han Fangbai's vision gradually became clear.
As far as I can see, it is a magnificent silver-white square with a huge light gate in the center.
The square is very big, the big one can't see the edge, there are many people, and it is very noisy. Around the light door, there seems to be cries one after another.
The tremor on his body awakened Han Fangbai, and when he touched it, his card was shining.
[Citizen Han Fangbai, please note that you have entered the Dreamland Plaza! 】
[Please strictly abide by the dream order. Fighting is prohibited on the square. Violators will deprive the dreamer of the qualifications]
"This is too real..."
Han Fang Bai muttered to himself, feeling incredible in his heart, and it took a long time before he started wandering around the square.
At this turn, his heart became more shocked.
There are a lot of things on sale in this square, most of which he doesn't know, but the small part that he knows is precious and incredible.
For him, it is almost a legend.
For example, there is also a Dream Talisman worth 2 billion Union Coins here, but it's the price.
"Ten thousand'Lingqi Talisman'? Why don't you grab it? Although the Dream Talisman is precious, the normal price is only two thousand'Lingqi Talisman'. The opening of the mouth is five times. You want money crazy, right?"
Han Fangbai was still smacking his tongue, and a burly middle-aged man already screamed.
Han Fangbai has also heard of Lingqi Talisman, and it is also a high-level amulet. It is said to be made by stripping "Lingqi Particles" from the starry sky of the universe.
Not only can it nourish the soul of the talisman, it is also the composition of many top talisman, in a sense, it is the currency of the advanced talisman.
After all, for Fu Shi, the use of Union Currency is not very large.
"Ten thousand, still the current price. In the future, it may not be the price anymore!"
The stall owner was not angry, and calmly wiped the saliva from his face, saying:
"Dream Talisman is only produced by Dr. Su's ten per year, but those who need it are massive. Except for Dr. Su, even Mr. Xiaogu can't penetrate the secrets of dreams..."
The brawny man sneered, "Of course the Dream Talisman is precious, but I am willing to buy 10,000 Lingqi Talisman, and there are not many."
Dreaming Talisman is of course precious, but there are few senior Talismans in the world today who are not dreamers.
We have everything we want, can't afford, and can afford.
"That's not necessarily."
The stall owner smiled mysteriously, pointed to the light gate in the middle of the square, and said: "With a dream charm, you can enter another dream world opened by Dr. Su!"

"Are you dreaming?"
In the other room, sensing that Han Fangbai had already fallen asleep, the old lady tore her face off when she raised her hand.
"I'm suffocating my old lady! This disguise talisman still needs improvement..."
Jiang Shili let out a long sigh, lightening flashes across his glamorous face.
Although Yi Rongfu can pinch his face to change his body shape at will, forcibly changing his body shape is naturally not a comfortable thing.
"This errand is not easy, be a father and a mother again!"
Jiang Shili put away the disguise symbol, sighed, took out a puppet symbol to replace himself, turned around, and left the room.
Her speed was very fast, and a few flashes had already arrived at the underground base.
The entrance to the underground base of Xingcheng was right next to her community. After identifying her identity and verifying her authority, she went all the way down to the underground base.
Since the Earth planet deviates from its orbit and loses the sun, the Earth has become the only choice for Earth people. Even now, there are still a large number of people living underground.
The underground base in Xingcheng was established at that time, and now it has become one of the largest underground bases in East Asia.
"Sister Jiang?"
The young guard saw Jiang Shili and hurriedly opened the door: "I haven't seen him for many years. When I come back this time, is the task completed?"
"Don't ask if you shouldn't."
Jiang Shili glanced at him and said, "Where is the captain?"
"Where else is the captain? He's still there, and he hasn't moved his place for many years."
The young man pointed a finger casually.
Jiang Shili nodded and walked into the base.
The base is silvery white, with dense lines on it, like a pattern, but in fact it is an extremely complicated rune line.
At this point, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Jiang Shili is a little uncomfortable, the Lingqi particles are too inactive here, and there is a sense of suffocation being pressed by the mountain.
This base is a powerful talisman in itself, and it can even be said that it is the most powerful talisman on earth today.
none of them.
The periphery of the base is heavily guarded, but inside the base is empty, only countless rune lines are like living things, constantly shuttled back and forth in the void.
A tall, middle-aged man wearing camouflage stands in the middle of the rune with his hand in his hand, looking at something solemnly.
Jiang Shili approached Qinglong, but his eyes were fixed in the center of the rune in front of him.
Among the extremely complex lines intertwined vertically and horizontally, thirteen crystal skulls are constantly turning like rosaries that are moved by people.
Suddenly, the thirteen skulls turned all together, staring at Jiang Shili firmly.
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