Chapter 1: Fusion

In an offshore area of ​​the South China Sea in Rabbit Country, a very old wooden fishing boat is carrying out fishing operations against the hot sun.
This fishing boat has been looking for some years. The original white boat paint has only left mottled marks. There are still some damages on the boat after the impact. It is just a few patches of wood and nails.
When the sea breeze blew, the sail cables crunched, and the hull wobbled. It looked precarious. It seemed that there was a risk of overturning at any time when it encountered a slightly larger wind wave.
A 17- to 18-year-old boy struggled to pull up a fishing net under the sea, his arms were covered with green muscles, the bronze skin exposed all year round was covered with sweat, and the vest was completely soaked, leaving a little bit of baking under the hot sun White salt spots.
Although the muscle lines of the teenager are very clear, they can be a little thin. In many places, they can even be said to be skinny, which is obviously a symptom of malnutrition.
His name is Nie Yun. This old small fishing boat is the only property left by his father. The father is not his biological parent. He is an orphan and adopted by him since childhood.
With a poor family, he only read elementary school, and then inherited his father's career, and naturally became a glorious fisherman.
As for why the fishermen are glorious, because his old drunkard told him: " said that working people are glorious, and fishermen are also working people, so fishermen are glorious!"
Therefore, when Nie Yun was asked by his teacher about his future ambitions in elementary school, he proudly replied: "My ambition is to be a glorious fisherman!"
Then there was a lot of laughter, and after a long time, Nie Yun finally knew the truth, so he yelled at the old guy's grave for the whole night, and then fell asleep on a rock with tears.
"Tonight's fragrant, spicy or bran pharyngeal dishes, just look at this net !!" Nie Yun shouted a nondescript horn, and he worked hard, finally pulling the fishing net up.
Then he stared at the small shrimps in the fishing net in a daze, sighed for a long time, smashed it, and said: "It's okay, millet porridge plus shrimp soup, all said on the radio, this is called health!"
After a bit of self-hypnosis, he drove the braised pork and big fat intestines out of his mind. Nie Yun looked at the sky and began to pack up the fishing nets, fine-tuning the sails to prepare for the return.
The best time for fishing has passed, here is the offshore, he knows very well in his heart, and fishing again is just in vain.
The small fishing boat also has an old-fashioned diesel engine. In the words of Father Nie Yun, their "Sea Wolf" is a hybrid advanced fishing boat!
However, in order to save that precious diesel, Nie Yun generally uses natural and non-polluting energy-wind energy as the main navigation energy.
"How much do I have to contribute to national energy saving and emission reduction every year! Like me who works hard for the country and the people all day long, how many can be in the whole rabbit country?" Nie Yun declared bravely to the outside world.
The small fishing boat "Sea Wolf" drifted slowly and slowly towards the mainland. Well, it was indeed a "drift". At this speed, it might arrive in the evening ...
Nie Yun controlled the direction, just lying on the deck of the ship's head, holding a squid tail and looking at the white clouds in the sky, gradually a little sleepy, yawned and just wanted to sleep, suddenly there was a stream of light flashing in the corner of his eyes Ever.
Nie Yun froze for a moment, looked at the bright light, and saw a distant meteor-like silver fireball descending from the sky. Looking in that direction, he came straight towards the small fishing boat.
The silver fireball rubs against the air and emits a terrifying roar, and its volume gradually decreases in violent burning until it finally reaches a height of several hundred meters, leaving only the size of a little finger.
"Oh, I often hear on the radio that if someone is out of luck, they can be killed by meteors when they go out. I should ... I wouldn't be so unlucky?" Nie Yun's forehead showed a dense sweat, and such a thought flashed in his heart.
Then the next moment, "Wow!", When Nie Yun didn't respond at all, the silver streamer had penetrated Nie Yun's abdomen directly, smashing through the poor "Sea Wolf" and sinking into the deep sea.
"Cough!" Nie Yun finally coughed up a blood clot with internal organs, and said his last words in his mouth: "Lying trough!"
Then he rolled his eyes and died suddenly, at the age of seventeen and ten months!
But maybe God thought that Nie Yun's life was too tragic. The goddess of destiny finally fell in love with this unlucky child at this critical moment.
I saw a big hole pierced by the hole, a abdomen, a little silvery white stardust attached to the wound, it seemed to be a fragment of the meteorite just now.
These silver and white star dust contaminated Nie Yun's blood, like a hungry sponge, the blood stains disappeared at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the silver white star dust seemed to gain energy and proliferated frantically, gradually spreading, forming a silver round spot, Finally spread into Nie Yun's body along the blood stains.
At a level that is invisible to the naked eye, the fine silver particles are magnified. In fact, they are ultra-micro robots that are one million times smaller than nanometers. The structure is precise and complex, and they depict complex lines.
After wandering through the universe for hundreds of millions of years, the unknown existence that was on the verge of exhaustion and dying out has finally found a host. In order to obtain the possibility of survival, it will actively integrate itself with the host!
Silver and white quickly flow up the blood vessels, reaching the atrium, and then flow through the body through the blood circulation system.
The endocrine system, respiratory system, digestive system and even the nervous system, Nie Yun's body has a wonderful fusion parasite.
Ten minutes later, Nie Yun, who was soaked in the seawater in the lower body, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. He gasped for breath, as if facing a huge fear just now.
Then he bowed his head blankly, watching the smooth and flat abdomen with eight abdominal muscles exposed under his damaged vest, and then extended his finger and pressed it on it. Well, it is still Q and flexible, it is his original Goods!
But his broken clothes and the sea wolf that was smashed into a big hole clearly told himself that he was just not dreaming. What is going on?
Wait, the Sea Wolf being smashed into a big hole?
Lying! Finally remembering the fact that he and the sea wolf are sinking slowly, he could not think about this incredible thing, and quickly returned to the cabin to move out a pile of wooden boards, clothes and other useful things to repair the holes, and tolerate the use After the diesel pump was pumped, otherwise the brothers had to feed the fish together without waiting for the Seawolf to repair themselves.
Because when I was young, Dad treated the Seawolf better than myself, and then often said, "The Seawolf is my own son. You just picked it up, can it be the same as your own?"
Since then, Nie Yun and Sea Wolf have been commensurate with their brothers since they were young, and Nie Yun also regards Sea Wolf as his own brother who is dependent on each other! At this time, seeing Seawolf almost suffered trauma that was difficult to repair, how could it not be distressed.
After half an hour, Nie Yun finally managed to fix the hole, but the edge was still seeping water, and he had to turn on the pump from time to time to extract the water.
At this time, regardless of whether the energy was clean or not, Nie Yun drove the most horsepower, and the diesel engine blew black smoke towards the mainland ...
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