Chapter 1077: Sheep into the tiger's den

Once upon a time, the Stars were very similar to the Kye people in some respects. Tian Lai 『Fiction
Biological greed is always similar.
The Tianxing people have powerful technological power, but like the Kye people, they also advocate and pursue stronger individual power.
Even if the body of the Sky Star tribe is far stronger than the Kye tribe or even the Silver Dragon Empire, it is only slightly inferior to the Mogo tribe in power.
The emergence of "primordial gene medicine" has made the dream of the Tianxing people come true.
Although the success rate of the "primitive gene medicine" is only a pitiful 5% chance.
After a long period of research, especially after the Celestial family finally had a way to restrain the fatal side effects of the failure of the "primitive gene medicine", it began to spread among the Celestial family.
Every member of the Tianxing tribe must receive a baptism of "primitive gene medicine" at the age of eighteen in adulthood.
Of course, this process has to be monitored by the "monitoring court", which is famous for the star clan.
The "primordial gene medicine" is completely controlled by the Star Clan.
Anyone from the Star Clan who leaked the "primordial gene potion" to a foreigner would be punished the most cruelly.
In this way, more and more members of the Star Clan, which has a huge group base, have "primordial energy."
Among them, there is no shortage of people with particularly strong "original" power.
Among these people, some extremely sensitive "primitives" can feel the weird "twenty-one degree" loss, or the loss of the "soul" of the "spirit race".
These "primitives" cannot be accurately described, but they have a common understanding that at the moment of death of the "spiritual race", the temperature in the space where his corpse is located will drop a little.
But even the most delicate and accurate thermometers cannot detect any temperature changes.
But all the "primitives" involved in the research process are certain that the temperature has indeed changed in an instant.
In the end, those scientists can only boldly speculate that this temperature change does not originate from the real environment, but a certain change in consciousness.
In other words, at the moment of death of the "spirit race", at the moment when their "soul" leaves the body, some kind of information will be released, and this kind of information will interfere with the consciousness and judgment of other people.
In addition, the scientists of the Star Clan are not sure.
But at least they can be sure that one result of this information interference is to make other people feel cold.
"If our research is correct, doesn't it mean that the ‘spirit race’ will not die. What they die is only the body, but their soul continues to exist in this universe in a form that we don’t know!"
The words of Somerfield, an authority in the field of "Biology and Quantum Information", who led a large number of outstanding scientists to participate in the research at the time, still echo in the minds of the senior members of the Star Clan.
Especially after Summerfield determined that the "spirit race" finally defeated their weapons, and may also have an inseparable relationship with the "spirit race"'s magical "soul", the senior level of the Star Clan became crazy.
Unfortunately, they have no living "spirit race" to study.
And the dead "spirit race", no different from any other race, has completely lost the value of research.
Therefore, the research on the "spirit clan" has completely stalled.
As the supreme leader of the "Inspectorate", how could Papage not know this.
In fact, in his daily work, the appearance of the "spirit race" is the most important thing that cannot be replaced.
It's just that Papaqi couldn't even dream of it. During his tenure, his capable "inspector" not only discovered a "small universe relic", but was lucky to find the "spirit race".
"Why do you say that they are primitive spirit races?"
The voice was trembling, and Papaqi asked with a trembling voice, who was about to explode with excitement.
"Because they are completely different from the spiritual races in the information that the adults gave us before, their technological level is at most the third-level peak civilization, and there is still a certain gap between the fourth-level technological civilization."
"Moreover, they hardly possess any special abilities. Only some of them possess certain power. Even the original apprentices among us can easily defeat them."
"Of course, in the end I am sure that they are only primitive spirit races, and it is their endurance."
"I only used a space information bomb and killed hundreds of thousands of them."
"If they were those powerful spirit races back then, I think our spatial information bomb would not cause them such serious harm."
"At this point, after I invaded their brain system, including the captive I brought back, I didn't get any information about their soul power."
Inspector No. 72's narration was very methodical, and his words were not rushed.
After taking a deep breath, he controlled the impulse of his heart popping out of his throat. Papachi made a flick on the "light screen desktop" and cancelled all the appointments of other inspectors today, and at the same time, he went to this planet. On the parliament building, I submitted an emergency appointment information with a striking red letter standard.
The efficiency of the parliament is surprisingly high.
Almost a few seconds after the urgent appointment information was submitted, Pappachi received a response from Congressman Julian's secretary.
Of course, the reason Papaci must have responded so quickly has nothing to do with his identity, but because he mentioned the "spirit race" in the message.
"Come on, follow me to the parliament building."
Leaving the chair, Papachi rushed towards the outside with Inspector No. 72.
Before the automatic door slid completely open, he couldn't wait to squeeze out.
He walked up to Alice in three steps and two steps at a height of about 2.5 meters.
The embarrassed latter stood up and looked at the fiery gaze in Papachi's eyes, completely at a loss.
Looking at Inspector No. 72 for help, Alice was disappointed and did not receive any comfort from him.
No matter Papage's fiery gaze, or the gaze of more intelligent creatures around her, she felt like a sheep that had strayed into a tiger's den.
"Don't be afraid, come with me."
"Don't worry, the Star Alliance United Nations is an open country. We can accept and accommodate even heterogeneous civilizations, not to mention that we are still similar intelligent civilizations."
In Papage's eyes, Alice was completely a strange thing with the seat of parliament shining. Realizing that his gaze was a bit too much, he couldn't help but relax and smile.
"On behalf of the human civilization of the Silver Dragon Empire, I extend my high respects to you."
Alice subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but what she could do now, she cheered up and showed her courtesy with the ancient courtesy of the empire.
"Thank you, please allow me to represent the open, friendly and co-prosperous Star Alliance United Nations, and at the same time extend welcome to you who are beautiful."
Similarly, Papachi put his right hand on his left shoulder and responded to Alice with impeccable etiquette.
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