Chapter 1371: Big trouble

Facts have once again proved that the plan has not changed fast.
After he and the alien army followed the fleet, after flying continuously for half a month, the sudden appearance of the vision completely disrupted the original plan.
The intelligent micro-civilization probes all over the entire star field captured a scene that the aliens dominated and they themselves could not believe.
At the edge of the star field controlled by intelligent micro-civilization, a terrestrial rocky planet in a star system and six satellites of different planets suddenly disintegrated without warning.
There was no collision or obvious attack behavior. A huge planet and six satellites in different positions were silently disintegrated as if hit by a giant antimatter cannon of an intelligent micro-civilization.
But in the next second, the intelligent micro-civilization will know what happened.
Among the disintegrated planets and moons, countless hideous bugs flew out.
The number of crushed insects exceeds 100 billion.
As soon as these worms appeared, they directly moved towards the galaxy in the star domain controlled by the intelligent micro-civilization.
"The number of hundreds of billions should be no problem, right? And that's the star field you control."
Upon receiving this news, Yun Hai didn't care at first, but just asked casually.
Yunhai has not asked how many battleships there are in intelligent micro-civilization.
Because he knows very well that even if he asks himself, intelligent micro-civilization may not tell the truth.
Instead of being deceived by them to mislead your thinking, it is better not to ask.
In his opinion, the number of warships owned by an intelligent micro-civilization that dared to wage war is definitely an astronomical number that he could not imagine.
But just hundreds of billions of bugs attacking the star field they control, or the base camp, is not a big threat at all in Yunhai.
"It's different. Among the hundreds of billions of bugs, there are more than one million females, and the number of queens is also about hundreds of thousands."
"In addition, among these insects, the magnetic blast insect and the spiny insect are almost half-opened."
"Furthermore, combining the vision of that planet and six satellites suddenly disintegrating, we suspect that there is another kind of bug among them that we don't know."
The response of the intelligent micro-civilization carried a rare heaviness.
"Ten billion female worms? Mother worm queen?"
The magnetic blast insects and thorn worms were not what Yun Hai was worried about, but when he heard the number of female worms with the strength of the alien queen and the more powerful queens, he suddenly became calm.
"I just want to know, why are there so many bugs hidden in the edge of the star field that you absolutely control, you haven't found it before?"
From the response of the intelligent micro-civilization, Yunhai felt that the original battle plan must be changed, but he didn't care about it very much, but he just asked instead with some confusion.
"Small universe" can lead to changing positions. I don't know how many detectors have been scattered in this star field. Even the intelligent micro-civilization that can be monitored by the Zerg Clan brood star is hidden from the doorstep. Hundreds of billions of bugs didn't notice it. From Yunhai's point of view, this is definitely not just careless and sloppy explanation.
"There is absolutely no worm that can hide from our survey, hiding, breeding and ambushing there."
"The greatest possibility is that the mother emperor of the Zergling clan already has the technology to make wormholes."
Intelligent micro-civilization quickly responded to the sea of ​​clouds.
When it said so, Yunhai suddenly became like a fight.
Even if everything goes smoothly from now on, Yunhai's ultimate goal of trying to intervene in this war may fail.
The Zerg Clan can't jump and fly like a space leap like the alien beast Ying Sui did.
They are the same as aliens, even for a long period of time in the future, they can only break through the speed of light.
This is also the reason why intelligent micro-civilizations dared to launch wars. They must have a large number of warships, and relying on flexible space jump technology, they can definitely consume the Zerg Stingers alive and wear them to death in this star field.
However, if the Zergs have the technology to make wormholes, then there are two concepts.
They can reach any reachable area instantly, which is completely spatial teleportation.
Such a Zerg Clan, the difficulty of destroying them can be imagined.
More importantly, if the mother emperor of the Zerg Tribe wants to escape when defeated, it is almost impossible to capture it.
"How to do?"
Yun Hai instantly thought of giving up.
This war is not something that the alien civilization at this stage can intervene.
Under the premise that the intelligent micro-civilization can control the overall situation, Yunhai doesn't mind following the autumn wind, trying to capture the female emperor of the Zerg Clan.
But when the battle situation changes dramatically and intelligent micro-civilization no longer has an absolute advantage, Yunhai has to consider the cost of intervening in this war again.
Alien civilization, not afraid of war.
Every war will make more aliens grow up quickly and become stronger.
However, the aliens at this stage can't stand the toss either.
Now these aliens he leads have more than 80% casualties, and Yun Hai can bear it even with gritted teeth.
However, this is only limited to those messenger aliens just born.
If a small number of guard aliens or even the newly evolved "giant tree aliens" suffered heavy casualties, then Yunhai would definitely die in distress.
Ordinary aliens, including guard aliens, and even alien queens other than the first generation, can accept their deaths and injuries without a choice.
But if it was replaced with a "giant tree alien", Yunhai would have to think twice about it.
A host like the "Tree God", let alone the small universe, is even harder to encounter the real big universe.
This point has been confirmed by intelligent micro-civilization.
They can create a perfect planet of life and create more hosts for alien parasites.
But these hosts are only stronger than hosts like ordinary animals and humans, and are closer to hosts of the level of fierce beasts in Yunhai's cognition.
As for the alien beast, don't even think about it.
"How to do?"
"What do you want to do?"
Feeling the dazzling light from the hazy light burst in front, Yunhai quickly sent a message.
"It is no longer realistic to change the plan and make steady progress."
"All the fleets in the six directions have been coordinated, and we will simultaneously use the space transition method to burst toward the Zerg-spinner's brood star."
"We recommend that you evacuate here, because the Zerg Clan with wormhole manufacturing technology has increased the difficulty of this war several times."
"In other words, whether you stay here or move on, we have no way to guarantee your safety."
After the intelligent micro-civilization sent this message, when the dazzling light was about to turn into a star, a wave of ripples suddenly appeared in the dark and cold void space. Then, without waiting for the sea of ​​clouds to say anything, huge clusters of light appeared. Suddenly disappeared in the fluctuating space.
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