Chapter 2274: Enclose

The emergence of "Blames" changed the situation of this battle.
They are constantly pouring out of the "wormhole". At the beginning, they exploded directly at the edge of the "wormhole", and then they flew to a further area to explode. Thousands of "blaster insects" would almost be needed. The shadow covering the "wormhole" exploded to pieces.
And the "alien dragon" army that is the main attacker is not idle. They have very limited attack damage in the face of a large range of "primitive creatures", but when faced with a small range of shadows defeated by the "blaster", the "alien dragons" "It seems extremely efficient.
The fragmented shadows near the "wormhole" quickly collapsed and disappeared under the continuous blow of more and more "exotic dragons".
There was no need for the "lord" to deliberately order underground, the "alien dragon" army dispersed, hiding a few "poplars" and quickly flew into the star system.
There are not too many "origin organisms" in this star system.
Although the "lord" did not understand why the huge shadow of the suspected "primitive body" did not move or escape, or even split up more "primitive creatures", it determined that this was the best opportunity.
The only concern of the "lord" now is that the other side of the "wormhole", that countless "origin creatures" attacked back.
With their numbers, the "Zerg" absolutely cannot stop them.
"Is that it?"
At this time, several "lords" had flown over through the "wormhole", and the anomaly in the star system was immediately caught, and one of them immediately sent a spiritual message.
"The original creature just tried to seal the wormhole, but it was broken up by the blaster."
"Now there is only this shadow in the star system. It hasn't moved since the beginning, it has always been in this state."
"Lord" responded immediately.
"In the original civilization, according to our understanding, apart from the original organism is the original body."
"If it does not exhibit the characteristics of the original organism, then it should be the original body."
Another "lord" said excitedly.
"I think so too, so that's why I am conveying the message to you."
"If it really is the original body, if we can kill it here, we will win this war."
The "lord" who first arrived in this star field was also very excited.
"By the way, the original creature army over there hasn't changed, right?"
Not eager to rush into the star system, the "lord" asked the few "lords" who had just arrived.
"Not yet."
"The original creature should not have the ability to send messages directly through the wormhole, so the original creature over there shouldn't know what's going on here."
"Unless they can feel that the wormhole leads to the star system where the origin is located, but this is unlikely."
A "lord" immediately responded.
"I'll go back and urge them to mobilize more alien dragons and poplars."
"If it is the original body, it is certainly not easy to kill."
At this time, a certain "lord" said.
When the other "lords" did not express objections, the "lord" had already followed the "wormhole" and went back.
The torrent of worms is still gushing.
The "Allosaurus" army is like a huge stretch of "tunnel bugs", crawling towards the star system from the "wormhole".
It may be difficult for others or other civilizations to estimate how many "alien dragons" have passed through the "wormholes" to reach here, but every "lord" who has been accustomed to leading a large number of worms in battle is known.
It is estimated that the number of "alien dragons" is enough to launch an effective attack on the shadow of the suspected "primitive body", and then I saw hundreds of "tunnel bugs" flying over, and the first "lord" to reach this star field. Becoming the commander of this battle unwillingly, he flew towards the star system.
The huge shadow, the edge area is erratic like a cloud.
After receiving the order of the "lord", the tens of billions of "alien dragons" that had entered the star system were divided into three teams, but they flew to the star position with enough distance from each other.
The three separated teams of "Allosaurus" each have more than 3 billion.
In the group of more than 3 billion "alien dragons", there are still a different number of "blaster" and dozens of "tunnel insects" in standard configuration.
When a suicide attack by "blaster" is needed, it depends on the next development.
All the "alien dragons" gathered together, naturally the most lethal.
But the "lord" had to consider one factor, that is, the shadow of the suspected "primitive body" suddenly counterattacked.
With the attack characteristics of the "primitive creatures", all the "alien dragons" gather together. If the "tunnel bugs" are too late to take the "alien dragons" away, then the fate of these "alien dragons" can be imagined.
In previous wars, how could the "lord" consider these issues.
In any civilization other than the "origin civilization", the "Zerg" only advances and advances on the battlefield. When do they consider the possibility of defensive and guarding against being attacked.
It's different now. Even if the "Zerg" has tens of trillions of bugs, the only thing that can cause damage to the "origin creatures" is the "alien dragon", and the number of "explosive insects" is extremely small.
Therefore, how to fight as much as possible to ensure the safety of more "alien dragons" under the premise of maximum damage output is the current consideration of "lords".
The three teams, tens of billions of "alien dragons", scattered from different directions, approaching the huge shadow in front of the star.
Behind them, the "alien dragons" that are constantly pouring over will assemble into more teams, trying to complete the encirclement of the huge shadow of the suspected "primitive body".
If there is no accident, the encirclement of the "Zerg" will surely be formed.
It's just the huge shadow of the suspected "origin body", but there is still no response, as if ignoring the gathering of tens of billions of "alien dragons" and ignoring the influx of worms in the "wormhole".
"Essence body won't be killed just like this, right?"
Hidden in the other edge of the star system, the "empty plane" is a bit anxious.
"Wormhole" was opened by it. According to Salmon's order, "Empty Aircraft" finally completed its mission.
It was just that it did not expect that the "Zerg" would counterattack so resolutely. At the moment when the "wormhole" was formed, the nearby "alien dragon" opened fire violently the moment it was transported by the "tunnel insect".
The few "alien dragons" attack, "empty aircraft" are not worried, but if more than a certain number of "alien dragons" attack at the same time, it is not a "combat unit" it can withstand it.
At that moment, the "empty plane" immediately made the right choice, and it decisively plunged into the "wormhole".
Just like the "lord" of the "Zerg", the "air plane" does not understand why the "primitive body" that is well wrapped around the star is in a daze near the star, but it feels that there is a problem.
"Should you risk rushing over to find the master?"
Looking at the "wormhole" opened by the "tunnel bugs" from a distance, and looking at the worms flooding continuously, "Empty Machine" was caught in a dilemma.
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