Chapter 2531: bet

The dialogue is no longer necessary.
When the "spirit" who was angered by the "master" determined that the "master" would not recognize his identity, he immediately issued an order to attack.
The "mechanical insect swarms" hovering outside the orbit of the planet have been "brainwashed" by the "spirit" with its special ability. They no longer surrender and fear the "dominant". After receiving the attack order from the "spirit", Immediately rushed to the towering "temple" on the surface of the planet.
"Don't you think it is more suitable to be the Zerg master than me?"
At this time, "Zerg Master" didn't seem to see the "Mechanical Swarm" rushing down from high altitude, but suddenly asked "Heroic Abathur".
"Hero Abathur" didn't say anything, but buried his head deeply.
"alright, I got it."
"Zerg Master" said lightly.
"Master, aren't you ready to sacrifice?"
"You asked me to bring the source body here. Are you ready to destroy it with the temple and even this planet?"
The tone of the "Hero Abathur" spiritual communication is full of sadness.
However, the "Zerg Master" did not respond to it, calmly as if giving up all struggles.
"It's time for the Zerg Clan to make a change. Perhaps under its leadership, the Zerg Clan will go further."
"Heroic Abathur" raised its head, and after saying this, it suddenly slammed into the huge energy light ball.
The silent collision caused "Hero Abathur" to bounce back and hit the statue in the corner of the "temple" heavily.
On the surface of its body, the energy arc visible to the naked eye is like a thin snake, biting through its skin while walking and getting in.
With black blood spitting out, the "hero Abathur", who was even weaker than most insects, slammed into each other again.
When the "mechanical insect swarm" reached the height of the "temple" and began a fierce artillery attack, it had already connected the "hero Abathur" that had hit four times, and found that it wanted to use such an impact to end its life When it was not easy, it flew up to the high altitude of the "temple", ready to meet the energy artillery attack of the "mechanical insect swarm".
"Stay here?"
"There are some things that need to be witnessed."
A gentle force entangled the body of "Hero Abathur" and then pulled it back to the ground.
At this time, the terrifying energy artillery attack had already tilted down terribly and spectacularly from the height of the "temple".
"How beautiful!"
This scene stunned the "Sith people", but Salmon, who stood in front of them, showed a look of intoxication.
No one noticed that just on the surface of his body, cracks appeared in the dry skin like bark, and some disgusting dark green vesicles like "sea grapes" were squeezed out with the seepage of black water.
The only reason for Salmon to stay on this planet is "Zerg Master".
Salmon was not sure at all, whether the "Zerg Master" had a way to kill him in an instant, or whether it could monitor all its movements every minute and every second throughout the day.
In theory, Salmon thinks this is unlikely, especially the "Zerg Master" has to endure a bombardment of energy that does not originate several times a day or once a few days.
But Salmon has never dared to try. If he doesn't try, he still has a chance to survive. Once he fails to try to escape, Salmon is 100% sure that he is dead.
"Zerg" or "Zerg Master" would never give him a second chance.
But now the situation is different. Salmon doesn't know what's going on outside, he doesn't even know where these seemingly similar but completely different mechanical creatures emerged from the "Zerg".
But seeing their offense, Salmon knew that his opportunity was coming-and it was likely that he would never reappear if he missed it.
The energy hidden in the cells began to circulate throughout the body, easily killing the parasitic bugs on his body. Salmon believed that no one would care about him at this time, but he was ready to escape at any time.
However, at this moment, the scene that caused Salmon's mood to fall from high to the abyss appeared.
The seemingly empty "temple" suddenly appeared an invisible energy barrier at the moment of the terrifying and spectacular energy artillery bombardment.
This Salmon couldn't figure out whether it was from the "temple" itself or the energy barrier of the "Zerg Domination". He actually blocked the sky full of energy artillery attacks.
These are just the chilling scenes that Salmon caught instantly.
When the energy shield that enveloped the "temple" was violently attacked by the "mechanical insect swarm", and began to tremble and drag the void, Salmon's mental senses were completely chaotic and chaotic.
Not only the mental senses, but Salmon's vision is the same chaos.
Hundreds of millions of "mechanical bugs" attacked the "temple" but did not forget this complex of buildings not far from the "temple".
Seeing that the "Siss" were driving the "Puppets" before they had time to escape or fight back, Salmon couldn't help but stumbled into the distance, pretending to be flustered.
"You better not run too far."
"Also, this kind of injury should be difficult to kill you, right?"
"Or I can say that, in addition to destroying your soul and consciousness, most of the attacks on your physical body can only be counted as injuries rather than kills."
It's just that Salmon hadn't escaped from the area of ​​the building complex, and a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.
This is the voice of "Zerg Master", and Samon can't be mistaken.
He subconsciously took his footsteps and avoided the sharp beak stabbed by a "mechanical bug" in the form of a giant bird. He was almost completely disheartened.
He didn't understand that at such a critical time, the "Zerg Master" was still "caring about" himself, in a battle that could affect the entire pattern of the "Zerg".
Looking away from the "temple" that had been completely submerged by the energy artillery fire, Salmon looked towards the boundless sky.
Although his eyes can't see, in his mental senses, the twisted blue light and shadow still stay in its original position.
His face was uncertain, and after a moment of intense ideological struggle, Salmon decided to take a gamble.
With a gamble, there is hope.
If you don't bet, when all the dust settles, he will be completely hopeless.
"If I can help you kill the Zerg master, can you agree to my two demands?"
The spiritual senses locked the "spirit" outside the orbit of the planet, and Salmon sent a spiritual message to it.
"If you can help me achieve this, let alone two requirements, as long as it does not violate the fundamental interests of the Zerg, I can agree to any request."
Not unexpectedly, Salmon received a response from the "spirit" almost instantly.
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