Chapter 2947: Good friend

The journey across sixteen river systems is three times the journey that has just been completed across five river systems.
Hearing the understatement that President Elvis said, Yunhai wanted to tell him that even if he replaced it with himself, if the "wormhole" could not be traversed, it would not be easy for him to cross sixteen river systems.
But just after thinking about it, Yunhai didn't say anything.
"One fleet is one fleet, let's move ahead as soon as possible."
"I don't want to delay too much time."
There are some things that Yunhai will naturally not say.
"We will arrange it as soon as possible."
The decision has been made, and President Elvis will naturally not delay.
"By the way, send the location of that wormhole to this brain light screen. I want to go and see if there is no way to fix it."
Originally planning to end this call, I thought of the key Yunhai to say this.
"Okay, we will arrange for someone to pass it on later."
President Elvis responded simply.
Yun Hai nodded, and then pressed the suspected "end call" icon on the light screen.
"Wait a minute, let's go and see if there is any possibility of repairing this wormhole."
"It would be best if you can. You can traverse sixteen river systems in an instant. If you just travel by means of wormholes in the river systems and space transitions in the interstellar medium between the river systems, it will take too much time."
Turning to look at Yunwu, Yunhai said so.
"Okay, I will accompany you to have a look."
Yunwu naturally wouldn't refuse, smiled and nodded.
At this time, the brain light screen on the desktop issued a "di di" prompt, Yun Hai picked it up and took a look, but just received a file.
Clicking on that file, Yunhai saw a star map.
On the star chart, they used this star system as a starting point and clearly marked the route of travel with arrows.
The hair-thin tentacles protruding from his fingers into the heat dissipation holes of the brain light screen. Through his own "biological brain" ability, Yunhai imported this star map into his "star map instrument", and at the same time recorded In the mind.
"Would you like to sit for a while?"
"Or go around."
Putting the wisdom brain light screen back on the desktop, Yunhai looked at Yunwu and asked.
"Forget it, business matters."
"I was a little curious at first, but I watched a lot, and it didn't seem interesting."
"They look very happy and happy, but such happiness and happiness are too fragile."
"Just like this time, if the real alien civilization appears here, or if it is, it can easily destroy everything."
Yunwu looked at the city from a distance, and said with a somewhat complicated expression.
"The universe itself is like this."
"Maybe apart from you and the one who has warned us about our existence, no one can control their own destiny in any civilization."
"Even you, to some extent, are the same."
Yun Hai looked at her squarely and said seriously and solemnly.
His expression was a bit hesitant, Yunwu nodded after being silent for a moment.
"Living in the present, this is my current experience."
"We can't change the past, at least I can't."
"Who can guarantee the future."
"Even if you can see the future, even if you predict or grasp what the future will be like, everything will inevitably change."
"So, don't put too much emphasis on the past and the future. The present is the most important thing. At least I think so now."
"Private goods" began to be mixed in the communication again, Yun Hai said in a calm and serious tone.
Yun Wu tilted his head to think about what he was saying, then nodded.
"Being more reckless and exciting is enough."
"Just like now, the unknown horror existence in this universe, it keeps saying that this universe belongs to it."
"But we are not here, and you are not here."
"If it is really powerful and powerful, then it will take so much nonsense. Just rush out and kill us."
"So you don't think too much, even if it kills suddenly, the battle is over."
"You don't have to worry about us, just go and fight happily."
"Living happily, living vigorously is more important than anything else."
Finally, with the opportunity, Yunhai began to throw more "private goods" to Yunwu.
"I am not afraid of myself, I am not worried about you."
Yunwu obviously misunderstood Yunhai's meaning, and said aggrievedly.
"I don't mean you are afraid of it, I mean you don't want to be restrained by it because you want to protect us."
"In fact, as long as you show it, if it dares to move us, no matter what price it pays, you will hunt it down until the day the universe explodes."
"In this case, I think it may not dare to move us."
Seeing that she had misunderstood what she meant, Yunhai didn't hide it and said directly.
"So this is ah."
"Well, next time if it reappears, I will let it know that if it kills you, I will hunt it down until the day the universe explodes."
Hearing what Yunhai said, Yunwu laughed and said casually.
"If the universe explodes it is still alive, then chase it until it dies."
Just finished speaking, Yun Wu solemnly added another sentence.
Her words, as well as the solemnity written on her perfect face, made Yun Hai, who had been thinking about other ideas, hot in her heart. He who wanted to take the opportunity to say something, but opened his mouth. Can't spit it out.
Yunwu stood up, saw Yunhai staring at herself blankly, couldn't help but probe in front of him and said.
The fragrance of the fragrance, the perfect face in front of him.
The sea of ​​clouds, feeling a little ups and downs, suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lightly on her forehead.
Soft, smooth, and slightly cold, Yun Hai felt like he had kissed a piece of flawless jade.
Yunwu touched his forehead strangely, and then looked at Yunhai with a puzzled look.
"This action means being close, intimacy, gratitude and good friends. This is the etiquette of human civilization."
Straightening up, Yun Hai awoke and quickly explained.
Yun Wu thought for a while, then smiled.
"Let's go."
Thinking of her identity and her terrifying strength, Yun Hai only felt a bit cold on her back, and then turned off the topic and walked out.
With a flower in front of him, Yun Hai hadn't seen it clearly yet, and only felt that his forehead was covered by a soft, slightly wet and somewhat cold thing.
He didn't understand what was going on. He was a little blinded by the clouds standing on tiptoe in front of him.
"good friend."
"we are good friends."
With a smile, he stretched out his hand and patted Yun Hai's shoulder. As Yun Wu said, a flicker disappeared, leaving behind a somewhat dumbfounded cloud sea.
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