Chapter 2949: The preface does not follow

Seeing to win this war, seeing to solve a troublesome enemy for civilization, seeing to grab the planet containing the precious "liquid energy mine", unexpected guests arrived unexpectedly.
Even if the opponent is only attacking the "Clan A" now, Casper would not naively think that the opponent is not malicious towards them.
Confirming that his order was passed, he turned his head after the excitement and excitement disappeared. With a grim expression, he said angrily: "Is there no picture yet? What is it?"
"The picture already exists, and the brain is processing it. It will be ready soon."
On the workbench next to it, a staff member with sweat on his crumpled forehead quickly responded.
In the midst of Casper's gaze that seemed to eat him, he was nervous and frightened, and finally heard the reminder that the brain image was processed synchronously, and he hurriedly adjusted the image in relief.
Seeing what it was, Casper opened his mouth and made a strange noise in his throat with a distorted expression.
Not only him, but other people who saw this scene at the same time almost all had the same expression.
Among the army of "Clan A", a monster that was not as huge as they had just imagined was flying around.
Its body is not big, even smaller than the largest "Abeast".
On the bald head, a pair of huge blood-colored eyes grew.
Black scales cover the body surface, and behind it is a long and powerful tail.
The monster was full of fierce aura. What really shocked Casper and others was that there was a whirlpool flying around with it in front of its tiny kiss.
And those "A beasts" that were larger than it were sucked into its mouth by the whirlpool.
"Is something wrong?"
"The biggest beast is bigger than it, how can it be sucked in?"
After wiping his eyes, Casper, who was sure he was right, asked with a trembling voice in a tone shifted.
"I have confirmed with Zhi Nao. Zhi Nao is sure that its size is not as large as the largest armor beast, but it has swallowed hundreds of armor beasts larger than its body."
The staff member responded to Casper with the same trembling voice.
Without any hesitation, Casper decisively gave the order.
The staff responsible for the transmission of the order responded loudly, and at the same time passed the commander's order quickly.
Casper's order, although it seemed to those who didn't know why it was unbelievable, even though they were about to win, everyone still obeyed his order.
Of course, this is not just why they dare not disobey the order.
More importantly, everyone has noticed that the "A-Beast" army that has been trying to catch up and disperse the fleet formation suddenly became a mess.
Some "A beasts" flew around in their ranks.
There were also some "A beasts", who had never escaped on the battlefield before, and fled in panic.
Tens of millions of warships, they did not even converge, and flew directly to the periphery of the battlefield in their respective areas.
In the area where Casper was located, all the warships turned at the same time and flew away quickly.
Until the moment when the fleet began to jump away in a "spatial leap", watching the monster in the stereoscopic projection image was still devouring the "Abeast" frantically, and had no intention of catching up, Casper's back was soaked. Take a long breath.
"It seems that it is only interested in alien beasts."
"Otherwise, how could it let us escape!"
Behind Casper, his "President" said in a grateful tone.
At this moment, the "President Speaker" suddenly caught the eye, and Casper's body in front of him suddenly trembled.
"It doesn't let us go, but it already knows where our civilization is."
"I withdrew the order just now and notified all warships to go back."
"If we don't try to kill it, after it destroys the Jiabeast clan, it will find us immediately."
"Cooperate with the Jiabeast clan and try to destroy it. We have no other choice."
Casper's voice rang.
The "President General" was dumbfounded, looking at Casper's expressionless face, he only felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.
"The order has been delivered."
The staff who had absolute trust and loyalty to civilization and the commander did not hesitate, and while responding loudly, they quickly passed the order.
The battleship in the area where Casper was located, they did not stop, but quickly turned and flew in the direction of the previous battlefield.
At the same time, fleets flying away in other directions also act the same after receiving orders.
"That... Commander."
"I think it is unlikely that you just said that if it really knows where our civilization is, it might have appeared very early."
"It's very likely that it was attracted by the war between us and the Jiabeast clan, just passing by."
"Now while it is still devouring those armor beasts, if we escape in time, it may not catch up, and it can lock our civilization in the future."
"You said……"
The "President"'s voice was not loud, but it was heard by more people in the control room where the atmosphere was a bit tense and depressed.
Some people looked at him subconsciously.
However, at this moment, when the "President" said the words "You said", his body trembled abruptly.
The expression of awe on his face disappeared. Suddenly he was expressionless and continued to say after a pause: "I see, you are worried that if it tracks us, too, even if it is only one in ten thousand possible. We can't take this risk, because in that case, our civilization will be over."
It's just that Casper didn't seem to hear the "President" voice from beginning to end. The same expressionless, he just stared at the stereo projection image, his gray eyes didn't blink.
Hearing that the "President of the Speaker" raised his own questions and answered his own questions, other people stopped paying attention to him.
Make huge sacrifices for partial victory, or some people may still have questions, but if sacrifices are made for the survival of the entire civilization, they will not complain except for some extremists.
At this time, the fleet has completed the space leap.
Looking at the shadow of the "A Beast" still chasing and devouring the "A Beast" on the battlefield, Casper, who was silent for a long time, said in a voiceless voice: "Convey my command, all warships lock it, before exhausting all energy , Don’t stop the attack."
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