Chapter 3255: Stop the needless struggle

"Thoughts and consciousness will always be faster than any action."
This sentence is a common saying in Sawyer's hometown.
Thoughts and consciousness can cross the known or even unknown universe in an instant, but actions will inevitably fail to do so.
But the scene before him has subverted Captain Sawyer's perception.
That horrible figure, it seems to have managed to act faster than consciousness.
In other words, the moment Garden ordered the "planetary warship" to fire, it perfectly avoided the area covered by the energy artillery fire.
"What the is that!" The terrified Captain Sawyer looked at the incredible scene in the stereoscopic projection image, and at the same time couldn't understand.
Just like defeating the equally insignificant energy shield of a miniature battleship, the higher-level energy shield of the "planetary warship" also did not play any role, allowing the tiny things to be thrown into the battleship.
Only this time, that tiny thing did not fly out from the other end of the battleship.
The "planet-star warship" comparable to a planet experienced several violent explosions in the violent shocks.
Then, in the unbelievable gazes of Sawyer and all other people watching this scene, the huge battleship shrank sharply as if being held and clenched by a pair of invisible giant hands.
A violent explosion, bursts of faint blue fireballs in the void.
It only took more than ten seconds, and the huge "planet-star battleship" including the thousands of "Ledren" above disappeared.
In the void, only that unknown tiny thing was spinning rapidly in place, as if a terrifying beast was choosing the next target after devouring the "planetary battleship".
"Don't move all warships, no warships can move without my order, absolutely can't attack them!" Unable to understand this scene, Captain Sawyer knew exactly what he should do. His hurried voice was in the "Dark Demon Fleet" In each battleship, the sound was repeated continuously.
Without his deliberate reminder, all the warships of the "Dark Fleet" are already doing this.
The tens of millions of miniature warships previously destroyed were the first to escape.
All the warships that have not been moved did not endure any attack.
The "Leders" are not stupid. Even if Captain Sawyer’s follow-up order has not been issued, they have dispelled the idea of ​​fleeing. Except for the energy attack from the "planet-star warship" ordered by Garden, no other warships are at all. Moved.
"Don't do unnecessary struggles anymore, you move a little bit, and a warship will survive without a single person."
An icy mental message swept through, and Sawyer’s horrified gaze, the tiny thing that easily destroyed tens of millions of miniature warships and a
planetary warship
quickly passed the
"The Magic Fleet" flew to another area on the edge of the star system.
"It has already left just now!" Seeing that the scary thing disappeared into the dark universe, and all the monitoring equipment failed to find the huge and scary body, Sawyer immediately reacted.
And this reaction made him completely dispel all thoughts.
The opponent had already left when they destroyed the "planet-star warship" of Garden.
What does this mean? Obviously, the opponent can be 100% sure to destroy the
planetary-star main ship
easily, and its extremely terrifying strength has also been confirmed by the opponent. Under this shock, the
Dark Demon Fleet
will definitely be able to destroy it. Honestly, I completely lost any thoughts of resistance.
The fact is also like this. I’m not sure if the anomaly in the void still exists, and I’m not sure if the "Dark Fleet" can "space jump" normally after it leaves. Don’t say knowing that more Captain Sawyer has no chance to escape. Thought, even the captains and commanders of other warships are the same.
"Scan and observe the situation over there, which civilization is there?" Some facts have been determined, but they dare not run or even move, Captain Sawyer wants to know more.
In that direction, the continuously exploding warships have reflected the entire space completely white.
The stereoscopic projection image changed instantaneously, and Sawyer could see clearly that those warships were the "Boi civilization" with relatively good relations.
"Contact Commander Manger and tell him to stop the needless struggle immediately. This alien beast civilization is not something we can fight against, even if it is all of us." After hesitating, Sawyer turned his head and gave the command to the crew in charge of communication. .
Without waiting for the crew to pass on his orders, Sawyer added: "Use space to broadcast information. By the way, let me add it. Tell the coalition army all civilizations that they don’t want to destroy us now. All civilizations should not escape in vain. He even tried a senseless counterattack."
Sawyer's message was quickly communicated by the crew in the form of a regional space broadcast.
It's just that not all civilizations would follow his advice. Although most civilizations gave up escaping and resistance and began to shrink their formations, the "Red Light Civilization" led by Cangjia was still trying to escape further.
Cangjia is only itself, but "Red Light Civilization" has hundreds of millions of "different beasts".
The seemingly sturdy blue armor dashed out a path in the alien army, hundreds of millions of "red light civilization" "exotic beasts" followed by its side, and one-third of it had been damaged in the short battle. Of vitality.
This scene was clearly seen through the stereoscopic projection image. When the familiar and huge figure abandoned the fleet that was easier to escape and appeared in the direction where Cangjia and the "Red Light Civilization" were fleeing, Sawyer sent a message helplessly. :
"Cangjia, and the red light civilization, stop. Believe me, I have no need to deceive you. This alien beast civilization has destroyed the Naia civilization 100%, and they are not something we can fight against."
Sawyer didn't just persuade them not to make unnecessary sacrifices.
More importantly, he was worried that the attacks of Cangjia and the "Red Light Civilization" would arouse the treacherousness of this "different beast civilization", which would lead to the destruction of all civilizations here by the opponent's killer.
In the final analysis, Sawyer does not want to be affected by these dead-headed "exotic animal civilizations" who can't see the situation clearly.
Compared with the violent and stupid "Red Light Civilization", Cangjia can still listen to his suggestions, but the latter does not know that when he saw the shape of these "exotic animals", his sudden escape was hurt. Through the fragile heart of Cangjia.
I didn't know that in Cang Jia's heart, the trust he had built up with difficulty had turned into hatred. When Sawyer wanted to persuade a few more words, his open mouth closed tightly.
In the stereoscopic projection image, the mighty army of "exotic beasts" lags behind for a short time, and then flashes around them, and then floods them like a tide.
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