Chapter 343: Involuntary

There was no response. Looking at the meteorite belt through the wide windows of the main control room, everyone in the main control room did not see any abnormalities.
Only on the light curtain of the warship's brains, a subtle ray of light escaped from the warship, traversing the dark universe at several times the speed of light, and instantly hit the Roco family spacecraft that was clearly visible on the light curtain.
The powerful monitoring system on the battleship fully presented that scene in the light curtain on the main console.
The spacecraft with its extremely clean and clean outer shell suddenly shattered at the moment it was hit by an "atomic weapon".
That situation was the same as a high-speed bullet hitting a piece of glass, and the entire spacecraft disintegrated without warning.
First it was split into tens of thousands of regular pieces, and then it was a chain split like replication, regardless of the battleship itself or everything inside.
But in an instant, an advanced spaceship completely disappeared in front of everyone, until it turned into interstellar dust invisible to the naked eye.
Almost everyone took a sigh of relief, including Fatty Abel and middle-aged people-even if they knew that the attack power of "atomic weapons" was terrible, hearing it and seeing it with the naked eye was completely different.
"Accelerate an atom, break the atomic structure of the charged matter arranged in the target, and then cause a chain reaction to fundamentally restore the target to its atomic structure. This is terrible, it's amazing..."
Fatty's eyes almost squeezed out, and he said in shock.
"Just launching an atom consumes 70% of our energy reserves. The boss, the remaining energy is not even enough to support us from the ruins. Boss, are you sure we want to bury them with our lives?"
Only Blue Fox was reasonably sensible, and after a brief shock, he said indifferently.
Her words. Let the other people suddenly wake up from the shock, and looked at the middle-aged man with wide eyes.
The middle-aged man did not speak, and clicked on the star map on the light curtain of the main console. After searching carefully for a while, he pointed his finger at an earthy yellow rocky planet.
"Abel. Go here. There is a hidden energy reserve base on planet l-5986. Even if we take a small part, it is enough for the warship to reserve it."
"Boss, how do you know this?"
After determining the direction, the fat man controlled the warship to fly towards the target planet, and asked curiously.
"We have a generous employer, obviously. He knows a lot."
The middle-aged man smiled slightly.
"Boss, but I feel we are playing with fire."
The slender head looked particularly funny, Duo Duomi hesitated for a moment, and said: "The unheard of atomic weapons in the empire, a huge energy reserve base hidden in the deserted ruins, the most promising young lady of the Roco family...the boss , Are you sure we want to blend in?"
"There is an old saying that people are in Xinghai, and you can't help yourself. After a big man took the initiative to approach me, I knew I couldn't refuse. Not because of the price he offered. But if I object, whether it is Me or you, the core members of the entire Bloodblade team. No one wants to survive."
The middle-aged man said, his expression was a bit complicated, and a trace of concealed sadness appeared in the depths of his eyes.
"Are we safe to take this hot task?"
Blue Fox stared at the middle-aged man with dark eyes and said indifferently.
"I will figure out a way. In any case, we have to find Alice first. As long as we can find him, we have a chance."
The middle-aged man responded seriously and sincerely.
The others looked at each other. Everyone looked flickering.
Even because of the boss's words, the core members of the bloodblade team composed of elites and villains have their own thoughts. But no one said much.
Even the fat man, who was always careless, calmed down, staring at the main control light curtain and quietly controlling the battleship flight.
The passage of time can hardly be felt in the dark universe. At some point, there were only Fatty and Blue Fox in the huge main control room.
Driving the spacecraft for six stellar days in a row, especially after entering the ruins, facing the extremely chaotic and complicated environment, the nerves of the two of them were almost always tense, and there was no relaxation.
Of course, advanced biotechnology can allow them to fully maintain their energy for a long period of time.
But mental deficits are unavoidable. It is impossible for a normal human being to stay awake for such a long time and still maintain an absolute clear mind.
"Be careful, Sister Blue Fox, the front is the most core area of ​​the ruins. It is said that there are still a lot of nuclear fusion mines inside. If we accidentally fly in, causing the nuclear fusion mines to detonate in a chain, it will be enough to drink a pot if we can't die. That's it."
Fatty Abel steered the battleship and flew cautiously without turning his head.
The blue fox did not speak, still showing a blank expression.
"I said Sister Blue Fox, why do you want to follow us on adventures? The young master of the Kanlan family is almost crazy, you just nod your head, you want the wind to get the wind, the rain to get the rain, why do you still carry your head? ."
The fat man was not used to this deadly silence, so he asked without words.
"I like to live with my head on my head so that I can feel that I am alive. Also, fat man, I don't want to hear you call my sister again. Although you are older than me, I don't like your tone of voice."
Qingli, like a blue fox like a icy water, said indifferently.
"It's only you who like this life of licking blood with a knife head. The blood blade is no longer the original blood blade. Although the name of the blood blade is still invincible in the Silver Dragon Empire, everyone has changed. Including the boss ..."
Having said this, the fat man suddenly saw something abnormal on the light screen in front of him, and immediately sounded the alarm without hesitation.
A nervous expression appeared on his face, and the fat man took a breath before spit it out, their boss, the middle-aged man, rushed in.
"what happened?"
The middle-aged man asked hurriedly before he stood firm.
"There is a problem!"
The fat man pointed his finger at the distant space outside the window and said with a trembling voice.
In the dark cosmic galaxy, not far from a rocky planet, there is chaos in space.
The twisted space folds and pulls the light of the stars into a weird shape, and black lightning appears suddenly and disappears.
There is no lightning in space, the black lightning is just a flash of space cracks.
Pieces of weird space crevices cut apart the starry sky of the universe, distorting the light to pieces.
That piece of space is like a violently tossing cloud of smoke, and countless space anomalies and chaotic light permeate together, revealing a powerful and terrifying atmosphere of destruction.
The fat ten fingers manipulated on the main control light screen like a convulsive wind. Fatty's face was filled with beads of sweat, but in an instant, the tension on his face was replaced by horror.
"Wormhole! This is a prelude to the formation of a wormhole. I can't be wrong. The space in the cosmic starry sky is unusually large, and there are countless ruins, but the chaos in front of us is basically a prelude to the formation of a wormhole!"
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