Chapter 373: Frightened fat man

The vast and wonderful universe, its mysterious beauty, is enough to lose any soul.
At least Yun Hai is like this, including Yun Yue beside him-this enchanting evildoer that is rarely eroded by foreign objects, at this time is also fascinated.
Outside the transparent lookout window is a dreamlike and beautiful world.
The colorful clouds may fluctuate or roll violently.
Pink, purple, blue and weird black lightning ruthlessly tore through the steaming clouds, spectacular and terrifying.
The cloud composed of thousands of imaginary gases, for a while, looks like a ferocious beast, and for a while, it looks like a dragon flying through the universe, ever-changing.
The lightning elves danced happily, and the thunderballs gathered and exploded from time to time, and the lightning of various colors intertwined among the large clouds, beautiful and deadly.
Having entered the range of the gas giant planet, the warship dragging the blue tail flame adjusts its energy output from time to time to resist the gravitational restraint of the gas giant planet with huge mass.
From time to time, thunderballs or lightning inevitably hit the battleship, but they blocked the energy shield from outside the battleship.
When the thunderball bursts open, it can also make the battleship's energy shield ripple hard to see with the naked eye.
The shocking lightning just seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall on the periphery of the battleship, and there was no way for the energy shield to react.
"Are your warships not enough to withstand these lightning? Why waste excess energy to form a shield to protect the warship?"
As the distance between each other approached, Yunhai had already sensed the existence of alien beasts and aliens. This time he did not order the latter to rush back. While directing the battleship to fly over, he asked casually.
"This gas giant planet has not been explored before, so we are not sure if there are other unknown creatures inside. So the most basic rule is to cast an energy shield. Any warship will do this when entering a similar environment. ."
Dodomi with a slender head took the place of the blue fox, and he responded quickly while sitting on the firepower console.
"Furthermore. Just resisting the erosion of these lightnings will basically not consume energy. To maintain the existence of the energy shield, for a third-level civilization, it does not consume much energy at all."
Fatty Abel took the conversation, maybe he was sure he would not die, this dead fat man who was both cheap and wretched, couldn't help but glance at the white calf beside him while he was speaking.
The fat man absolutely dared to swear, he just glanced, for fear of annoying the monster that was both good-looking and terrifying. He immediately retracted his gaze.
"Does it look good?"
Although the fat man only glanced at it, Yun Yue was keenly aware that the drunkenness that appeared on her face because of the starry sky spectacle disappeared, and she looked at the fat man with a charming smile.
The fat man shook his head subconsciously, reacted and nodded desperately.
Yun Yue looked at him with a smile, and stretched out her hand to pull the robe-like clothes she was still wearing, revealing a section of white thighs immediately.
The fat man's face was instantly red, he wanted to close his eyes but didn't dare, his whole person stiffened.
"From the information I got from that researcher's brain, you are the smartest person on this battleship. The brains of smart people are the most delicious. I really want to taste..."
Yun Yue bent down to reveal a large white chest, and her attractive red lips whispered in Fatty's ear.
There was a faint fragrance in the nose, coupled with the heat from the mouth of Yunyue who exhaled like blue. The horrified fat man still couldn't control the natural reaction of the honest body, and couldn't help but clamp his legs.
"I am a dirty person. What I hate most is taking a bath. You will definitely not like my brain that may have stinky."
Leaning forward slightly, the fat man wanted to hide his embarrassment, and said in horror.
"Don't be afraid, I will try. I just want to extract some knowledge and information from your brain cells, and I won't really swallow your brain..."
Yunyue said with a smile. The protruding pink tongue, the soft tip of the tongue became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly reached the fat man's ear hole.
"Don't... please don't do this..."
"If you do this, I will become like Li Tianxin, and I will definitely die."
"My lord. Please stop her."
"She might get my knowledge and information by doing this, but she won't get my thoughts. Young adults, you must not understand, a scientist, a powerful knight, a terrifying beast, they are powerful The point is not the acquired knowledge, but their thoughts, their souls."
"Abel is a well-known genius in the imperial science community. Many of my ideas will eventually evolve into powerful scientific and technological forces. You would never want to kill a genius just to get my knowledge reserve."
The fat man collapsed completely, jumped up from the seat in horror, hid on the other side of the sea of ​​clouds with agility that was not compatible with his body, and pleaded bitterly.
"Are you still a scientist? I thought you were just an all-around warship pilot."
Yun Hai took his gaze back from the window, and looked at the fat man with some surprise.
"If it wasn't for others to follow my research, steal my results and frame me, I should sit in the most advanced and comfortable building of the Imperial Capital, doing all kinds of research happily, where would it appear in the ruins? Ghost place."
Fatty Abel said with a bitter expression, he didn't dare to look at Yunyue, whose eyes were about to glow green.
"He is right, the last person you want to kill on this battleship should be Abel..."
The cabin door opened silently, and he said seriously while walking towards the sea of ​​clouds.
"It's just a joke. I have always respected scientists. They are the cornerstones that push the entire society forward. How could I kill a genius scientist."
Yun Hai smiled and patted the fat man on the shoulder, while turning his head and staring at Yun Yue fiercely.
Yunyue shrugged angrily and turned her head to look at the dreamy starry sky outside.
When he reached Yunhai's side, he sighed sharply in his heart.
He knew very well that Yun Hai still hadn't said a word.
Yunhai will not kill a genius scientist.
Similarly, he would never stand by and watch a talented scientist slip past his eyes.
"It's there!"
Yunyue's joyous call made Leili's melancholy thrown out of the clouds.
Opened his eyes and watched the black lightning in the distance floating in the cloud of lightning. When the fat man used the high-power detection equipment on the battleship to bring the picture closer and presented it on the huge light screen, he saw everything sharply. Can't help taking a breath.
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