Chapter 597: Three hundred years

"Three hundred years!"
When Qi Fei put away the picture, Yunhai's mental perception was still subconsciously concentrated in the void, he was a little at a loss.
Three hundred years, it sounds very far away.
But this is only relative to the past-the ordinary sea of ​​clouds on the earth will not even survive for a hundred years.
However, everything is different now. From the life on the surface of the planet to the wandering between the stars, the relatively endless universe of three hundred years is about a few seconds away.
It will take a long time to completely solve the Crocodile Man and the Silver Dragon Empire Human.
It's not that Yunhai doesn't believe in the power of aliens, but that the star area occupied by the Silver Dragon Empire humans and the Crocodile Man is too large.
With his current understanding, from the edge of the crocodile man's rule to the edge of the star field ruled by the Silver Dragon Empire, there is a distance of hundreds of thousands of light years.
If the war breaks out and the two civilizations retreat strategically after their defeat, they may go further. It is definitely not an easy task to chase and destroy them and them in the empty universe.
Because everyone's speed is the same, if Yunhai has a fifth-level civilization that is three times the speed of light, all this will naturally no longer be a problem.
Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. The evolution of organisms is always getting harder and slower. Yunhai did not naively think that aliens can evolve to "double the speed of light" in a short period of time.
The biggest trouble is that a five-level technological wandering civilization with three times the speed of light is rapidly approaching this star field.
There is not much time left for Yunhai.
"About wormholes... well, what do you know about what you call a spatial tunnel? I heard people say that wormholes are actually being produced and annihilated all the time. But most of them are too small to be detected to the extreme, and wormholes It will never disappear, it will only return to its most primitive form. Isn’t that true?"
Yun Hai suddenly raised a question, and was obviously nervous.
Qi Fei nodded slightly. Said: "Although this theory is rough, it is true."
"Can you find the disappeared wormhole and reopen it?"
This time, even Qi Fei could feel the tension in Yunhai's tone that could not be concealed-he could not capture any expressions from the alien head.
Shaking his head, Qi Fei said seriously: "Don't say me, even a sixth-level civilization can't do it, but a civilization with a higher spatial direction should be fine."
Yun Hai was a little disappointed when he heard Qi Fei say this. At the same time a little happy.
Disappointed that he may never see Yun Duo and others, and may never return to Earth.
Not to mention, when the fifth-level wandering civilization really invaded this star field, Yunhai estimated that the earth had already changed with each passing day.
Yunyue, Datou, Cui Hao, and even the cold and cool Professor Chen Gong, under the action of the biological gene medicine produced by the third-level technological civilization, the life span of 300 years may not be difficult for them.
But how about three thousand years, thirty thousand, or even longer?
Yunhai didn't know how long it would take for him to find a civilization of level 6 or higher in the direction of space civilization.
And even if you are lucky enough to find such a civilization in the vast universe and defeat and capture them, it will be easier said than done.
After all, Yunhai wanted to open the wormhole leading to the earth's space and go back and take a look.
He did not want any civilization beyond his control to touch the existence of the earth.
"Three hundred years..."
Watching the unusually large body quietly floating in the void. Qi Fei felt a strange sigh from the horrible giant kiss.
"Time is really very urgent. Three hundred years is just my best estimate. Maybe this time is even shorter, so there is not much time left for you."
The unusualness of Yunhai became firmer in his heart, and Qi Fei spoke again.
"Leave me time? Why do you say that?"
Struggling from the complex emotions and chaotic thoughts, Yun Hai asked strangely.
"Well, let me guess your next choice."
With a confident smile on Qi Fei's face, he talked freely.
"First, you will completely occupy this star field in the shortest possible time by means of thunder, and use humans and crocodiles and even other creatures to create an alien army of unimaginable numbers, and then quietly wait for the invasion of this wandering civilization. ."
"Second. You will run away now, stay away from this star field and continue wandering."
"Does my analysis make sense?"
After listening to Qi Fei's words. Yun Hai did not deny it either, and quietly nodded a huge head.
Qi Fei smiled slightly. Continued: "What I want to say is that both of your choices are wrong."
"Um... you keep talking."
Yunhai became more and more interested in the exiled attendant from the sixth level of civilization.
"If what you have to face is only a fifth-class civilized fleet, you may be able to use alien sea tactics to drag them into endless wars, eventually consuming their energy, and perhaps winning."
"But what you have to face is a civilization. Their civilization is the huge spaceship warship of the planet ship. Believe me, the energy and materials stored on it can definitely support your alien army."
"What's more, they are faster than you. Regardless of the war on the surface of the planet or in the universe, what speed or mobility means, I think you know too."
Qi Fei's tone was calm and serious.
Yun Hai frowned, but soon he found that he could not complete this action at all.
The smooth skull, harder than steel, may be pierced and smashed by terrifying power, but it definitely cannot be wrinkled.
"I can leave, I can just leave as long as I say, there is nothing I miss here."
Yun Hai interrupted Qi Fei's voice.
"This is the second possibility I said. You can't escape. No civilization can ignore the existence of an alien civilization. After this wandering civilization arrives here, as long as they know your existence, they will definitely pursue it. your."
"It's still the problem. Your speed is not as fast as them. According to my analysis, before you completely escape the river system, they will definitely find you even if they search in different directions in a carpet-like manner."
"Detectors made by Level 3 Science and Technology Civilization cannot detect your existence, but Level 5 Civilization definitely can. They will also release hundreds of millions of detectors while pursuing them, whether they use space jump technology or three times the speed of light. Speed, can you guarantee that you won't run into one or more detectors?"
"So running away is definitely not the best choice, because it's very likely that you can't escape at all."
Qi Fei spoke slowly, his expression very serious and very firm.
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