Chapter 830: I will return

No one noticed that between the two main guns on the foreboard of the huge main ship, the heavy metal baffle slid away silently, and a strange device came out quietly.
Unlike traditional laser cannons or particle light cannons, this device has two spiral cantilevers, and small arcs of electric and light flames are constantly expanding and contracting.
In an instant, a violent energy flashed between the pair of cantilevers.
Silently, the atomic cannon was successfully launched.
No abnormality can be seen with the naked eye, only on the virtual light screen, a spot of light that was deliberately marked left the atomic cannon.
It only took a moment for that spot of light to catch up with Prius, who was speeding up and fleeing.
The energy shield, which can withstand the attack of the main ship’s particle main guns, is completely decorated like a light shield.
That little light directly rushed into Prius's head like a flower disc.
An angry roar rang in the minds of all creatures on the battlefield.
Whether it was the super aliens hiding in the gas giant planet watching the battle, or the humans in the battleship, including the distant sea of ​​clouds, Yunyue, and Zhihan, in the depths of everyone's souls, a stern roar rang out.
Shattered and dissipated.
When the flower-disk-like head was instantly peeled off from the main stem, the former directly became the most primitive substance.
"I will return."
The screaming scream was still resounding in Yunhai's mind, and at the same time, an indifferent voice rang again.
"Next time, you won't have a chance to escape again."
Looking at the plant's torso that was about to enter the speed of light, Yunhai responded seriously to Price.
Then, his attention shifted to the planet in front of him.
The entire earth-like rocky planet is completely boiling, and the ground is like a dry river bed, covered with tortoise cracks.
Various colors of smoke, fire, and even molten slurry, as well as a large amount of liquid water melted by high energy, violently surged out.
This planet has completely turned into a terrifying hell.
Seeing it looks like it might explode at any time.
At such a close distance, a planet with a mass larger than the earth explodes, and the energy and various material rays produced by it explode, absolutely devastating.
Backed quickly to open the distance, Yun Hai finally couldn't help but send out a mental communication to the alien beast and alien.
"Get out of there, the energy from the planetary explosion may kill..."
Before he could finish his words, an abnormal situation appeared.
Facing the planetary hemisphere on this side of the sea of ​​clouds, a violent explosion suddenly appeared on a violently fluctuating continent.
On the flat ground, accompanied by a violent explosion, the hot molten slurry sprayed out was as high as about kilometers, like a burning flame mountain.
In the throwing, surging molten slurry, a light and shadow cast a full sky of fiery stardust into the sky.
Before leaving the planet's orbit, its speed has reached 80% of the speed of light.
Flying through the void thousands of kilometers away from the sea of ​​clouds, the light and shadow that had entered the speed of light quickly moved away.
Obviously, its maximum speed is also the speed of light.
But the time it takes to enter the speed of light is the fastest among all creatures and warships Yunhai has ever seen.
Obviously, in the process of acceleration, it uses its own gravitational ability.
How does it convert the gravitational force of the planet's gravitational force on it into repulsion? Yunhai didn't know, but he knew that even if an enemy like this had the same speed, it would be extremely difficult to catch up or approach it.
Because no matter how barren the star system is, there is no shortage of planets of all sizes.
From an asteroid to the largest star, the gravity of these stars is a gravitational attack weapon for this wooden ball, and it is also a spring bed for acceleration.
After thinking about it, Yunhai still did not catch up.
Regardless of the issue of gravity, this is obviously the monster with the round wooden ball, and it flees in the same direction as Prius who has lost the faceplate.
Not to mention the powerful Prius, just this wooden ball that can fight fiercely with the alien beasts and aliens for a long while, and finally succeeded in breaking away. The two of them must be united. Even if the alien beasts and aliens are assisted by Zhihan and Yunyue, Yunhai It may not be defeated.
The most important thing is that everyone's speed is the same.
Prius and Woodball Feren have already entered the speed of light, which means that Yunhai and the alien beasts and aliens are catching up at this time. Because of the difference in time and distance, they can only maintain a relative distance and cannot catch up with them.
Unless Price slows down, the problem is that they can't find their so-called "tree gods" without returning to the base camp. How can Price and Feren slow down.
A Prius can fight a fleet vigorously.
One of the weakest Tomomi, if it were not for Zhihan's timely support, Yunyue might have died.
If Sam is not too aggressive, how could Yunhai seize the key to defeat him.
And a seemingly inconspicuous wooden ball, when the general situation is gone, just walk away. Seeing its appearance, it has fought fiercely against the alien beasts and aliens inside the sinister planet for a long time, as if it had not suffered any harm.
"Alien animal and alien..."
Muqiu Fei Lun looked unobstructed, and Yun Hai couldn't help worrying about the alien animal and alien shape.
Another violent explosion appeared on the surface of the devastated planet.
On the continent thousands of meters away from the place where the wooden ball Fehren jumped out, a mountain that stood up during the previous violent crustal movement collapsed.
Instead of the mountain peak, the huge body of the alien beast and alien rushed out quickly, carrying fiery molten slurry and steaming smoke, the alien beast soared into the sky and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, including violent crustal movement, continue.
However, Yun Hai's attention was not on the planet at this time, and his mental perception was firmly locked in the alien animal and alien form.
On the surface, the Alien Beast and Alien did not suffer too much damage.
But in fact, this is due to its huge body.
There are at least a dozen of them, distributed on the bodies of alien beasts and aliens.
From its sturdy hind limbs to its huge skull, scattered scattered.
The most serious is the wound left on the left side of its smooth skull.
The perforating wound extends from its upper palate to the back of the gorgeous bone cap, and as it jumps up rapidly, there is still green corrosive blood constantly seeping out.
He flew to the sea of ​​clouds and took his body, the strange beast alien giant kiss trembling slightly, the slightly dark red body slowly turned black in the cold universe.
At a glance, Yunhai came to a conclusion.
That looks like a wooden ball, and its attack method is very direct and violent.
That is a collision, a direct and violent collision.
The hard bone armor of the alien beast, which is enough to block the bombardment of ordinary particle beams, could not withstand its violent impact.
Alien beasts and aliens can't resist, and the main ship can't resist it.
If the wooden ball can ignore the existence of the energy shield, Yunhai is 100% convinced that if the first attack target chosen by Philon is not the alien beast but the main ship of the Black Wing, then it is very likely that the main ship is long gone. Existed.
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