Chapter 900: Lively council

A giant spaceship as large as an asteroid is quietly inserted on the surface of the planet.
It was like the gods throwing their hands in the universe, and the planet was easily split into a crack.
The huge sword-shaped spacecraft is the mothership of the Kei tribe, as well as their planet, their home for survival and development.
At this moment, in the conference room located in the restricted area at the bow of the ship, all the high-level Kye people gathered and were watching an exciting and spectacular war movie.
"God mother is here, what a formidable animal."
"At least one to seven, which is much less, but a strange beast can kill at least five to seven enemies."
"Well, I don't think it is equal. Although these strange beasts are small in number, their sense of battle is very keen, far beyond the enemy's ability to compare."
"I think so too. Their enemies are like physical entities without mind and consciousness, not powerful at all."
"I don't agree with your judgment. These matter bodies you mentioned are equally powerful, and what is more terrifying is their number. With such a large number, how many anti-matter heavy bombs do we need to kill?"
"Look, it has appeared again. Have you noticed just now, those seriously injured enemies, there are always small things released by strange beasts getting into their bodies."
"I've noticed a long time ago. These little things should be parasites. The alien primitive Qi Fei said is parasitizing enemies."
"A very magical race, a very strange race. As long as there are enough parasites, the more enemies they are, the happier they are, because at the end of the war, their enemies will find that they have to deal with more and more alien beasts. "
"Fortunately, they are only level three strange beasts at best. If they are level four strange beasts, we have to weigh them carefully."
"Nonsense, according to what you said, if they are fifth-level alien beasts, wouldn't we start running away now?"
"You're really right. According to the civilization strength of the intelligent races in this starry sky, if they are a fifth-level alien beast civilization, we will indeed start to run away now."
"You idiot, if our space weapons are successfully developed, what will happen to them even if they are level 5 alien beast civilizations? How many come are not killed!"
"You're an idiot. Have you successfully developed space weapons? The Speaker said last time that it will take at least hundreds of years to break through. Do you think these strange animals will give us hundreds of years?"
"Do you dare to scold me? I want to fight you!"
"Duel? If you change the duel field to the waterbed of the room, I am definitely not your opponent. But if we are in a duel battle, you are just a blink of an eye."
"go to hell!"
"I do it!"
The blockbuster of war is a silent film, and the discussion in the stands never stops until the interpretation becomes a melee.
The speaker trio sat on suspended chairs, floating high above the stands.
When the melee suddenly broke out, from the entanglement of two clansmen to the melee of more than a dozen clansmen, the three speakers frowned at the same time.
This is always the case in every meeting of councillors.
Not once is an exception. Fighting in a dispute has become the norm.
The blunt or tenacious Kye people have created miracles one after another.
At the same time, the impulse in their bones, accompanied by the inheritance of genes from generation to generation, obviously cannot be changed.
"Get out."
The black-robed speaker Sarri's temperament is the hottest. With its angry rebuke, a few robots flew over, and a dozen or so congressmen who were fighting with their tentacles rolled up and took them out.
At this time, the war blockbuster was over.
Seeing the triumphant alien beast army quickly disappear into the dark universe, Gray Robe Speaker Gray waved his hand and motioned to the person next to him to turn off the virtual projection.
"This is a war that took place in a star system called Carlo, which is far away from us, just three stellar days ago. That star system is controlled by a scientific and technological civilization race called humans. The human civilization of the Silver Dragon Empire is also ours. The enemy of the occupied Mogo crocodile."
Purple-robed Speaker Pullman scanned the hundreds of congressmen in the stands and said lightly.
There was another fierce buzzing sound in the stands that had just calmed down.
A look of anger flashed across the face of the black-robed speaker, Sarri, and he said loudly, "It's all quiet! Tans, it's been a day since the specimens brought by the scout ship were sent to your laboratory. Are there any results?"
On the stands, the Kei people known as "Tans" stood up, nodded and said, "The preliminary test has produced results. The alien beast race is a carbon-based creature like us, but they are much stronger. Of course, I’m talking about the comparison of combat power, just like our wisdom is much higher than them.

"What about the other one? What kind of creature are they?"
Gray Robe Speaker Gray asked with a strong expression of interest.
"They are very special, we have never seen such creatures. How to say, they are like our main food source, woguo."
Tans hadn't finished saying these words, and immediately caused an uproar in the court.
"Wago? Tans, you mean they are wagos that can walk, fly and fight?"
"The godmother is here, did I misheard it?"
"Dereliction of duty, this is absolute dereliction of duty. Tans, are you worried that Lab One will be taken away by others, and then hastily produced an experiment report made up of lies?"
The chattering questions rang out like a tide.
Until the black-robed speaker Sarri looked away from Tans, and the cold eyes began to scan, those people slowly quieted down.
"Everyone, listen to me, is it intact? I just said that its genetic makeup is very similar to an implant, but it is not absolute. There are other genetic fragments in it. In short, it is a brand new organism, and we have never touched it. Living creatures."
Tans finished speaking a little helplessly, and then sat down uninterestingly.
"Researching them will be handed over to Tans and its No. 1 laboratory. This meeting is held, we want to announce two decisions..."
When Gray Robe Speaker Gray said this, his eyes moved to Purple Robe Speaker Pullman.
Pullman nodded and stood up on the pedals of the suspended chair.
"First, speed up the restoration of our homeland, the Kei mothership, and speed up the occupation and control of the Mogo tribe."
"Secondly, this alien beast civilization called alien, we have obtained some information from the crocodile, the most effective destructive strategic weapon for them is already in the development process, so we will ignore them for the time being. We want to What we have to do is to figure out what this Mogo clan has never seen before..."
Speaking of this, Purple Robe Speaker Pullman was quite embarrassed.
Obviously, Pullman, who has a lack of vocabulary for this brand new alien civilization, doesn't know what to call it.
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