Chapter 940: Feather class battleship

The boundless shadow, like a tossing black cloud, quickly approached Sirius.
This scene was clearly seen through the probe, the Kei tribe was shocked, and he was busy controlling the probe outside the orbit of the planet and aimed at the starry sky.
The detector was made by the crocodile.
The Kei people whose technological level is not at the same level only need to invade the detector system, plus a few sets of codes, almost all detectors have become their eyes within the star field controlled by the Mogo.
The screen is locked, then zoomed in, and then cleared.
When the Kei tribe saw all the hideous and terrifying beasts, their shock turned into horror when they came straight to Sirius.
Alien civilizations, apart from them, this Kei tribe can't remember the existence of alien beast civilizations in this starry sky.
Considering that he has just arrived in the starry sky, the speaker's order is to not touch the alien civilization first, establish a complete industrial system in the shortest time possible, and then create more mechanical warriors before launching an attack.
Nothing is absolute, and the council also considered the possible invasion of alien civilization.
But the response plan for this situation has not yet been fully formulated, and the aliens they recognize are fighting a peculiar "alien civilization" in another starry sky. Who knows that alien civilization has suddenly come.
"How much is this!"
"Sirius is over and absolutely can't be defended. The council sent three feather-class battleships. They can't kill much even if they run out of energy."
"Retreat, you must retreat immediately."
Watching this scene in amazement, the thin Keifang murmured, the last sentence turned into a harsh drink.
"I have delivered the message, wait for the above order."
Another Kei, who was slightly fatter, took the conversation and responded calmly.
At this time, amid the roaring sound of breaking through the air, a "feather-class" battleship skimmed over the sky over Star City, and in the shortest possible time, it slanted into the high-altitude clouds and disappeared.
Just as the battleship disappeared, the thousands of mechanical tentacle monsters floating in the sky of Star City also began to fly rapidly.
The round head full of mechanical eyes is straight up, and six mechanical tentacles drag straight behind. Tens of millions of mechanical tentacles, named "mechanical warriors" by the Kei tribe, are fully adaptable to any environment for combat.
"Berger, you have to know what you are doing!"
The thin Kei cried angrily in the communicator.
"According to the special laws of wartime, in emergencies, the warship controller has the priority command, so what you should do now is to cooperate with me, not to question."
Having already flown near the orbit of the planet, the Kei in the "Feather-class" warship responded with an indifferent voice.
Then, it simply ignored the angry questioning sound from the clansmen on the ground again, and fixed its eyes firmly on the far front, the invisible shadow in the dark universe.
There is no fear at all. Every warship pilot of the Kei tribe is the best fighter. Although they may not be able to defeat the crocodiles by virtue of their physical bodies, they are armed with powerful technological forces, psychological qualities and personal abilities. All are the best.
Speed ​​is the driver's biggest reliance.
Lightweight "feather-class" warships can break through the speed of light in three seconds, forming an energy field that distorts the space and reaching the speed of light, which only takes more than ten seconds.
Although at the speed of light, locking and attacking becomes a little difficult.
But just with this mobility, unless the warship runs out of energy, it will continue to fight.
Without entering the speed of light, the "feather-class" warship only moved forward slowly after entering the outer space.
When tens of millions of mechanical tentacles flew up, the pilot of the "Feather-class" battleship turned his head and looked out from the observation window on the left.
Another "feather class" warship appeared, behind it, also followed by tens of millions of mechanical tentacle monsters.
Just as the second "Feather-class" warship approached, another "Feather-class" warship, also carrying tens of millions of mechanical tentacles, quickly approached.
"Tianwei One, do you want to compare this time, to see who kills more alien beasts?"
"Tianwei II, you are sure to compare with me, don't forget, in the last battle drill, I killed 1.5 times more enemies than you."
"Tianwei-1, don't speak big words, why don't you talk about the earlier battle drills, my Tianwei-3 destroyed the defense system of a planet, and it has not even withstood an attack."
In the communicator, the pilots of the three "feather-class" warships did not feel nervous about the imminent battle, but talked in a relaxed tone.
"I bet on a luxury ration and Tianwei 2 will win."
"You gamble, but I want to raise a bet and add a luxury ration. I bet that Tianwei 3 will not only kill more monsters than you, but also won't be attacked by any alien beasts."
"Hey, this is Tianwei No.1, can you be more serious?"
In the communicator, the three warship pilots chatted leisurely.
More than 30 million mechanical tentacles are in the shape of a half moon, closely behind the three "feather-class" warships, quietly waiting for the coming of war.
"Hey, they seem to slow down."
The leisurely chat was finally over, and the pilot of "Tianwei 2" keenly noticed the abnormality.
"Not only is it slowing down, they are still separating."
The driver of "Tianwei III" said with a strange voice when he looked at the cloud that spread several times on the light screen of the brain.
"Their target is not us, but on the surface of the planet."
"Tianwei One" understood something in an instant, and said solemnly in the communicator.
At this time, the dark cloud had spread to about tens or hundreds of times.
The huge number, the direction they are advancing, almost encompasses the hemispherical orbit of Sirius.
"Be careful, they are much smarter than we thought."
"Seeing that, these strange beasts obviously know that our warship's speed and maneuverability surpass them."
"So they intentionally spread the formation, trying to drag us into the swamp of the battlefield."
"Don't worry about the bet and record anymore. I suddenly have a very bad hunch. If we don't get it right, we won't be able to go back this time."
The pilot of "Tianwei No. 1" was a little more rational than the other two Kye tribes.
As its voice sounded in the other two warships, the "Tianwei No. 1" pilot issued an attack order to more than 30 million mechanical warriors through the brain control center.
In addition, the tentacles have reached a length of about seven or eight meters, just like the dark creatures emerging from the abyss, and the crushing mechanical triggers are like floods that open the gate, violently surging out.
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