: Section 648: Authentic Killer

Li Yuanhong got into the tunnel, thinking it would be safe. When he came, there were no living creatures in the ground, and it was still at night. Now the East has turned white, and it's dawn now. All kinds of creatures should return to their nests to rest. The tunnels should be even better. Security is right.
The moment Li Yuanhong entered the tunnel, he heard the sound of the courtyard door being knocked open, and did not dare to stay any longer, so he slid into the tunnel quickly, and ran to the tunnel entrance.
Now the whole underground is very quiet, there is not even a mouse. If it is usual, this will definitely attract Li Yuanhong’s attention, but I have walked here again. This somewhat relaxes Li Yuanhong’s vigilance. Now Li Yuanhong wants to leave here as soon as possible. , Because he knew what the real purpose of the people in black was looking for him.
Before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong had watched many movies about the mission of the Pope. In those movies, the popes would hold a scepter in their hands, but today, the skeleton-like zombie is holding that scepter, although Li Yuanhong and the skeleton zombie only met once, The two sides looked at each other for less than two seconds, but Li Yuanhong's real eye opened up and saw many secrets.
That zombie is actually not a zombie that a living person turns into, but a bit like a Chinese zombie, a zombie that turns into a corpse after death. The reason why the zombie is so skinny is that his corpse has been steamed and dried for a long time, and it has begun to become Mucking up. It's just that the sudden arrival of magical energy made this long dead corpse turned into a zombie and resurrected.
The most terrifying thing is that this resurrected zombie still preserved many memories from his lifetime, and he was a pious missionary before his death. As a result, in this city occupied by zombies, many zombies were preached by this missionary and became devout zombies.
In fact, these believers are all controlled by this missionary zombie, otherwise, how could those simple-minded zombies confuse those complicated religious rituals.
This zombie is strange, the magic war in his hand is even more remarkable. It turned out to be a legendary magic war with three blessing magics in it. This blessing magic can not only bless life creatures, but also dark death creatures. , Can also produce effects.
You must know that the undead creatures will not be favored by God, because their existence is the existence that violates the laws of God.
However, that staff can bless those dead spirits against the sky, which is simply against the sky. This Heaven Guards Staff is still a sub-sacred weapon, and it has a nice name "Scepter of Light", and before the end of the world, he has another name: the Pope's Scepter.
Such an important item is a symbol of the pope's status. Under normal circumstances, the pope should take the scepter away with it. But the scepter encountered in the church today should not be forged. If the scepter is real, it must be that the pope did not take the sceptre away when he left, or that the pope had already...
Li Yuanhong was also taken aback by his own conjecture, so Li Yuanhong shook his head vigorously to get rid of this thought.
And when Li Yuanhong was thinking about it in the dim ground hole, the air in the cave suddenly trembled slightly. Although this fluctuation was negligible for the average person, it was a bolt from the blue for Li Yuanhong. .
Li Yuanhong immediately woke up from the memories just now, and began to slow down and watch out for everything around him.
However, the fluctuations seemed to be normal fluctuations caused by nature. After that, everything returned to quiet, deathly quiet. In the entire passage, only the slight footsteps of Li Yuanhong.
And when Li Yuanhong passed the place where the two men in black were attacked, Li Yuanhong suddenly felt that the roots of his hair were exploding, a fatal danger, and attacked him at a speed.
Li Yuanhong didn't have time to think about it. He quickly bowed his head, then rolled forward, and left his previous position. But just as quickly as he avoided, his forehead was still left with shallow scratches and a few drops of blood leaked out.
However, Li Yuanhong did not feel that he was out of danger. The feeling that made him feel dangerous still followed closely, and even worse than before, because this time, he went straight to his lower body, which was not only fatal, but also necessary. The lives of my children and grandchildren.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly brought his legs together, then the long knife slanted in the direction of the danger, and his body moved back quickly. In the process of retreating, Li Yuanhong felt that his long knife was hit, and the hand holding the knife was also scratched. The wound was not deep, but the blood still remained.
Li Yuanhong still retreated quickly, and there was an extra shield in his hand. This was the Lion King shield that Li Yuanhong had obtained before. This shield was very large and occupies almost half of the underground passage. If the assailant is very large, it is likely to be The Lion King’s shield limits the space for activity.
But Li Yuanhong thought very well, but in fact this shield almost became his own obstacle. Just when Li Yuanhong thought that the shield could withstand the opponent's attack, suddenly the feeling of danger came from behind him.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly threw away the shield, then leaned forward, then rolled sideways, and the deadly threat disappeared.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was very depressed. Since being attacked, he has been attacked three times in succession, and almost killed his life each time. Although he barely escaped, Li Yuanhong has never known what attacked him from the beginning until now. In other words, Li Yuanhong did not find out whether the person who attacked him was a ghost or a monster.
Li Yuanhong once fought with ghost monsters. Those monsters' attacks would have a kind of cold air that penetrates into the bones of the bones. That is the cold air from the underworld, and it will be memorable once only.
But the attack just now didn't have that kind of chill, but had another kind of aura. It was a kind of murderous aura. If someone could describe it, it was a murderous aura belonging to an assassin. When the murderous aura was revealed, it would cause people. To doom.
This kind of invisible attack is the most terrifying, because it is invisible and puts a lot of pressure on people's hearts, so it is terrible. However, through the previous three fights, Li Yuanhong knew that it was not a ghost, but a real creature.
Since it is a creature, you should be able to see it, and you can’t see it. There are only two possibilities. One is invisibility, which is like a guard’s skill, and the other is mimicry, which integrates oneself with the surrounding environment. , So that others can't tell where the opponent is.
However, these two skills have a nemesis, that is, the real eye. Just now Li Yuanhong was attacked suddenly and he did not open the real eye. After all, the real eye is also a kind of magic. If it is always opened, it will not only consume mana, but over time, it will also make the eyes excessively tired.
In this situation, Li Yuanhong immediately opened the Eye of Reality. With this opening, the scene of the entire underground passage changed immediately.
The wall originally looked smooth, but it was covered with paw prints. The paw prints are very thin. They are not easy to find in the dark passage. But the one who made these paw prints was a cat with a black body. This cat has a body shape. It is only slightly larger than the domestic cat before the end of the world. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to treat it as an ordinary domestic cat.
At this time, the black cat was hiding at the top of the underground passage, with a pair of introverted pupils, staring at Li Yuanhong, ready to attack again. When Li Yuanhong looked at it, the black cat subconsciously took two steps back.
Li Yuanhong quickly shifted his eyes to other directions. Li Yuanhong didn't want this mutant cat that forced him to the Jedi, so he was scared away, otherwise he would be in vain.
Seeing Li Yuanhong's eyes move in other directions, the black cat became bolder again, so the black cat began to move slowly over Li Yuanhong's head.
Now that Li Yuanhong knew the details of the other party, he was not as nervous as before, and his body alarm system was not as strong as before. But Li Yuanhong didn't relax, after all, the attack the cat had just attacked himself was too strange.
So Li Yuanhong pretended not to notice the black cat, but still looked cautious, then slowly backed away, and deliberately sold a flaw to the cat.
Seeing that Li Yuanhong had a flaw again, the black cat immediately seized the opportunity to jump directly from the top of the hole, and hit the flaw left by Li Yuanhong, and it was very fast. If it were not for Li Yuanhong's true eyes, it would be difficult for anyone to catch it. With his figure, it is no wonder that the two men in black will suffer under this black cat.
Li Yuanhong pretended that he still couldn't see the black cat, and resisted indiscriminately, but the resistance was all in place, just right to block the black cat's attack.
Although the black cat's attack speed is very fast, but the strength is not strong, if the black cat is strong, it is estimated that the two men in black will not be able to get out of this hole.
Li Yuanhong was evasive and finally figured out the details of the black cat. This black cat is only fast, and can move quietly with its feet, plus a black fur, blending with black, making it impossible It was discovered that this made the two men in black suffer.
But these are no longer useful for Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong is ready to do something with this black cat.
Li Yuanhong sold another flaw. The black cat jumped down again and went straight to Li Yuanhong. The moment Li Yuanhong jumped off the black cat, Li Yuanhong opened the hourglass time, and then quickly took out a net from the space. The rope gun was pointed at the black cat and pulled the trigger.
The black cat suddenly saw an extra gun in Li Yuanhong's hand in mid-air, and a big net came straight to him. This surprised the black cat and hurriedly twisted to avoid it, but unfortunately he didn't borrow it in the air. Strengthen it, although the black cat moved a little bit, it was still covered by the net rope gun.
As soon as the net touched the black cat, it immediately gathered and covered the entire black cat. The black cat started struggling unwillingly. At this time, he didn't silence his voice, and began to "meow" non-stop.
It is a pity that this net rope gun has a characteristic, that is, the more struggling, the tighter the net rope, and finally the black cat is completely unable to move.
Seeing that he had caught the black cat, Li Yuanhong took out a pocket directly from the space, stuffed the black cat inside, and then hurried to the exit of the cave.
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