: Section 649: The Furious Corpse

Li Yuanhong rushed, not because a monster was chasing after him, but because the time for the trap he set to activate was approaching.
The trap is that Li Yuanhong got the body-retrieving instrument on Taiwan Island. Li Yuanhong has always wanted to test the effect of the modified instrument. However, the corpse groups in large cities in China are too large. If you don’t pay attention, one instrument may cause it. The corpse groups in several cities have a chain reaction, so Li Yuanhong has been useless before.
This time it happened to be abroad, and the size of the zombie group in this city of Rome was relatively moderate, and there was no zombie city of similar size around Rome, which gave Li Yuanhong the courage to try it.
However, this kind of instrument has a very bad point, that is, the instrument will emit ripples that interfere with brain waves. If humans are too close, over a long period of time, it will have bad consequences for the human brain. This is also Li Yuanhong has never dared One of the reasons for use.
Li Yuanhong is running wildly now, hoping to leave the range of the instrument fluctuation as soon as possible to prevent harm to himself.
In addition, once the instrument is activated, it will trigger a wave of zombies. Although the zombies in Rome are not as good as those in the big cities of China, they are more than two million. Such a number of zombies will erupt. Li Yuanhong believes that such corpses The tide can kill yourself in minutes.
Li Yuanhong ran fast, but the black cat in the bag was not honest, struggling from time to time, and even cut a hole in the cloth bag, almost hurting Li Yuanhong. And the struggle of the wild cat also slowed Li Yuanhong's running speed.
"Damn it, it's not honest after being caught!"
Li Yuanhong picked up the cloth bag and slammed it to the ground. The wild cat screamed as he was smashed, and he immediately calmed down.
"It's so good to stay honestly, you have to suffer hardship to know it will stop!" Li Yuanhong picked up the bag and ran again. This time the wild cat in the bag was honest, which allowed Li Yuanhong to finally run faster.
It took nearly an hour for Li Yuanhong to come, but it didn’t even take half an hour to go back. He returned to the exit of the underpass. At this time, several soldiers were sitting on a tank near the exit of the underpass, waiting for Li Yuanhong’s help. Arrival, in fact, the time agreed with Xu Ying was nearly half an hour late at this time. If Li Yuanhong came back a few minutes later, Xu Ying would really be able to give an order to bomb Rome.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly drilled out of the underground tunnel, looked around, saw the tank at a glance, and rushed to the tank without saying a word.
Li Yuanhong slapped the shell of the tank and shouted as soon as he rushed to the tank.
The tanker in the tank did not expect that Li Yuanhong would rush to the tank so quickly, so the tank began to turn around and was about to leave here.
But at this moment, suddenly roars of scattered corpses came from all around the street, and Li Yuanhong also felt that the air had just vibrated, and Li Yuanhong knew that the trap he had set was activated.
"Drive backwards, it's too late to turn around, wait until you leave the city and then turn around!" Li Yuanhong shouted anxiously.
However, Xu Ying was afraid that Li Yuanhong would be in danger, so he sent a heavy tank, but this heavy tank turned slower than ordinary tanks, and in a city with complex terrain and criss-cross roads like Rome, the heavy tanks were walking at a greatly reduced speed. Slow, otherwise, once you get up quickly, you may collide with buildings such as railings on the narrow roadside. In addition, the tank is moving backwards at this time, making it more difficult for the tank to speed up.
Li Yuanhong really wanted to plug in angel wings and fly away alone. That might be much faster than the current tank speed, but that inadvertently meant that he abandoned the soldiers who came to greet him and let himself give up his soldiers. , Li Yuanhong couldn't do this.
When Li Yuanhong was in a hurry, zombies began to appear on the street. As soon as these zombies appeared on the street, they were attracted by the sound of the huge tank engine, so they followed behind the tanks and chased them up.
Fortunately, the level of the zombies first affected by the electric wave was not high, so it was a miracle that the tank that slowed down was not caught up by the zombies.
"Tanker, fire a few shots to clear the zombies that came after them." Seeing that the group of corpses was gathering more and more, Li Yuanhong gave orders again.
The captain's hands were itchy for a long time. At this time, Li Yuanhong ordered to add shells immediately. As the shells were loaded, the captain aimed slightly and shot out with one shot.
This cannon fired a little closer. The shell did not explode in the corpse group, but exploded in front of the corpse group. The huge explosion directly overturned the zombies running in front. Although these zombies were not killed by the cannonball Dead, but before the few of them could get up, they were trampled under the feet by the group of corpses behind, and soon they were trampled into mud.
"I'm sorry, I didn't calculate the speed of the tank!" Seeing that the shell was not in the corpse, the commander quickly explained to Li Yuanhong, who nodded slightly.
This kind of battle on the battlefield is different from usual training, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of zombies chasing behind, and it is normal to feel nervous.
Seeing that Li Yuanhong didn’t blame him, he grew up and quickly adjusted the muzzle, and then another shell flew out. This time the shell exploded directly in the group of corpses. This time, it was not just a few zombies that were bombed, but a dozen zombies. hurt.
What Li Yuanhong cares about now is not a few zombies, but how to escape quickly. You must know that although Li Yuanhong is on the outskirts of Rome, this is also in the city. Once the corpse riots, he may be surrounded by zombies.
However, Li Yuanhong discovered an interesting phenomenon when the gun was fired just now, that is, when the gun was fired, the tank would go forward, and Li Yuanhong's heart moved.
"Don't stop the artillery, shoot me continuously!" Li Yuanhong ordered.
"This... Commander-in-chief, if this is continuous firing, this barrel may not last long!" said the captain.
"Don't worry about so many, the barrel is broken, just go back and replace it! Now we are running for our lives, let's run for our lives first." Li Yuanhong said indifferently.
With Li Yuanhong’s permission, the captain was not paying attention to whether the barrel was damaged, so the tank turned into a machine gun, and the shells were fired out one after another, so the tank jumped and jumped, which actually accelerated the speed of the tank. , Soon, the distance between the tank and the corpse group slowly increased.
The corpse group is behind, there is another reason, that is, the attack of the artillery fire makes the road pitted, which makes the running of the zombies behind not so smooth, and the corpses killed by the artillery fire become roadblocks, and then the scattered corpses behind , Often tripped over his companion's body, so the speed of the zombies decreased, but the speed of the tank increased, which allowed the tank to escape.
The tank drove out of the city, as the buildings on both sides of the road disappeared, and even some low squares were gone. The tank was no longer constrained, so the zombies behind the speed of the last pass gradually disappeared. At this time, Li Yuanhong Just breathed a sigh of relief.
However, the captain had a bitter face: "Commander in chief, this barrel is completely scrapped. Don't forget your promise to me!"
"Fine, I'll get a new one when I go back!" Li Yuanhong promised.
After receiving Li Yuanhong's promise, the growth immediately smiled, humming a small tune in his mouth, and ordered the soldiers to turn around and accelerate to the agreed place.
And just before Li Yuanhong was relieved, he listened to the direction of Rome and made a rumbling sound. The sound was like a galloping horse. Li Yuanhong didn't feel good, so he quickly got out of the tank and took out his binoculars to look towards Rome. At this look, Li Yuanhong's face changed drastically.
At this moment, in the direction of Rome, there are zombies that are used like tides from various street corners. These zombies spread over the sky and spread out. These zombies are like locusts in transit. Any creature that can be caught by these zombies will be caught. These zombies gnawed cleanly, even some low trees were also flattened by the zombies.
This is the function of the trap set by Li Yuanhong. This trap will trigger the nature of the zombies, causing them to riot as a whole, and are not under the control of senior zombies.
Once the nature is detonated, the bloodthirsty nature of the zombie group will be detonated. There are already few living things in the city, so the corpse group will spread to the outside of the city with the breath of living things.
The reason why the corpse group stays in the city and does not leave is that in most cases there are giant zombies in the city that control the zombies. Once they lose control, the corpse group will move autonomously, not to mention Li Yuanhong has added a trap to urge the corpse group to leave. The city's order accelerated the spread of zombies.
However, what made Li Yuanhong's face changed greatly was not the spread of the corpses, but the fact that behind his tank, he chased a group of high-level zombies. The speed of these zombies was significantly higher than those of ordinary zombies, and the appearance of these zombies was definitely rough and skin-resistant. The kind of beating, if this is caught by these zombies, it is estimated that this tank will turn into scrap in minutes.
At this time Li Yuanhong had nothing to do. After all, the speed of the tank was already the fastest, and it was impossible to increase the speed. And what made Li Yuanhong helpless was that now the barrel of this tank was depleted, and no more shells could be fired, otherwise the heavy tank shells would also be able to block the pursuit of these zombies.
As time went on, the zombies that were chasing got closer and closer, and Li Yuanhong seemed to see a few familiar figures. The few zombies running in the front turned out to be the guards of the skeleton zombie in the church. At this time, Li Yuanhong understood. , These zombies did not lose consciousness, but came specifically for themselves.
Think about it, after Li Yuanhong escaped, the sound of tank guns sounded here shortly afterwards. As long as you have a little brain, you will know that the sound of the guns must be related to the people who invaded the church. This skeleton zombie is also a zombie who wants to save face. After allowing others to stroll around in his own home, and then killing a few of his own guards, he swaggered away. He couldn't afford this face, so he sent a few guard zombies with a team of senior zombies. Chase Li Yuanhong.
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