: The six hundred and fiftieth corpse group battle tank group

Li Yuanhong saw that he was an old acquaintance, and frowned. For such zombies, Li Yuanhong knew that he could not fight at all. It was not that Li Yuanhong could not use force, but he was alone, unable to fight a group of zombies. What's more, there are more behind the group There are many zombies, once they are entangled by the corpses here, they are dead.
At this time, the distance between the two parties is less than five hundred meters, and the other party's roar is clearly audible. As long as the zombies are chased for a few minutes, the tank will be driven up.
Li Yuanhong was really anxious now. Li Yuanhong searched for the weapons that could be used in the space. Two robot dogs, plus a few machine guns, are probably the only weapon that can slow the progress of the zombies.
"You two, come and take charge of these two machine guns. As long as the zombies are within 50 meters, you will shoot me with a machine gun. Don't be afraid that there will be no bullets!" Li Yuanhong said to the two free gunners.
The two gunners took the machine gun handed over by Li Yuanhong, and glanced at Li Yuanhong suspiciously. Obviously, it meant that the machine guns held by the opponents were lethal. They were suspicious, because these two machine guns were too similar to the squads commonly equipped before the end of the world I used a machine gun. Although Ban's machine gun is more lethal than a rifle, it is also lethal to humans before the end of the world. This machine gun may not even kill the tenth-level zombies against the zombies after the end.
"Don't you two believe that this machine gun can kill zombies?" Li Yuanhong asked when they saw their doubtful eyes.
The two nodded first, then shook their heads later.
"There is no doubt that this gun and the gun you have been in contact with before the end of the world are completely two concepts. You will understand the power of this gun when you fight with the zombies." Li Yuanhong did not specifically explain, because the distance between the corpse and the tank is now , It is already less than fifty meters.
"What are you two doing there? You don't need a machine gun to shoot them!" Li Yuanhong quickly reminded him when he saw that the two artillerymen were still in a daze.
"Ah, oh!" The two gunners woke up like a dream, quickly set up their machine guns, and fired at the approaching zombies through the observation port of the rear view.
This fire immediately surprised the two gunners, because the machine gun ejected not physical bullets, but bullets condensed by magic. These bullets shot on the zombies, and did not make the skins of the corpses open, but disappeared into the zombies all at once, as if the bullets did not cause any harm to them.
Just when the two gunners thought that these bullets had no effect, suddenly one of the guard zombies running in the forefront fell to the ground without warning.
The zombie that fell to the ground was only less than 20 meters away from the tank. As long as there were a few more steps, the tank would be attacked.
At this time, the two gunners thought that the zombie was just bad luck, and accidentally fell down, and the heavens still favored them.
Although they thought it was God's favor, the machine guns in their hands never stopped. Later, the two gunners discovered that the zombies that were hit the most by machine guns were often the first to fall. This made the two gunners understand that the loose corpses did not fall naturally, but were shot by their machine guns. .
However, the two machine guns can only slow down the movement of the zombies, and cannot prevent the zombies from approaching at all. As more and more zombies approach, and the zombies are not confined to the back of the tank, but scattered, on the left and right sides of the tank. , There were also zombies, and even a zombie approached to a place less than five meters away, then jumped high and directly grabbed the tank. As long as it was caught by this zombie, the tank would be completely finished.
Just when the zombie was about to catch the tank, a gun shot suddenly sounded and the zombie was shot into flight. At this time, Li Yuanhong came out with a powerful pistol. This pistol is very sci-fi, and even more powerful than the sand eagle. To make a big lap, the huge reaction force made Li Yuanhong feel a little pain in his wrist.
The zombie that was shot into the air was not killed. A special bullet penetrated into his chest and got stuck in the ribs. It didn't hurt his internal organs. Moreover, no matter how many shots were shot, the zombie was a creature. As long as they don't damage their heads, they will live on.
The zombies that were knocked into the air were completely angry, he roared, opened his hands, his eyes became red, and he entered the violent apocalypse and began to accelerate toward the tank.
Li Yuanhong’s pistol in his hand was constantly firing at this time, coupled with the rapid change of bullets, I don’t know how many zombies that were trying to jump into the tank were repelled, but the encirclement of the zombies has been getting smaller and smaller, and seeing his tank will be destroyed. These zombies were covered.
At this moment, a sudden explosion sounded, and several zombies that were about to jump were directly blown out, and the furious zombie was not spared either.
This explosion sound is not the end, but the beginning. Then the explosion sounded one after another, bursting around Li Yuanhong’s tank. The corpse group that was about to catch up suddenly became chaotic. Many zombies were exploded before they could react. Take away life.
However, not all the zombies were killed by the explosion. Soon after Li Yuanhong’s tank rushed out of the explosion smoke, a few more zombies also rushed out of the smoke. Li Yuanhong recognized them when he saw them. Take the lead before officially, the few scattered corpses beside the skeleton zombies.
"It's really a ghost!" Li Yuanhong frowned at a few zombies, without saying anything, took out the golden bow that had been useless for a long time from the space.
As the level of zombies increases, the leaders of those zombies become more and more vigilant. Li Yuanhong wants to use the golden bow to kill the opponent, and it becomes more and more difficult. In most cases, the opponent will be aware of it. The moment it hits the arrow again, it will quickly dodge. After several attempts, Li Yuanhong found that his golden worker had become a bit tasteless, so he kept it in the space.
In fact, it’s not that the golden bow is useless, but that Li Yuanhong’s bow and arrow shooting skills are a bit low now. After all, Li Yuanhong’s bow and arrow skills are still at the master level, and the zombies that Li Yuanhong has to face have almost reached level 40. That is to say, these zombies are close to the holy level. How come such zombies already have domain skills, so any attack is approaching, they will feel it.
But the golden bow can't kill those big bosses, it's more than enough to deal with the little soldiers.
Li Yuanhong pulled the golden bow to its full capacity, and then converged into a magic arrow. As the bow and arrow formed, Li Yuanhong let go, and a magic arrow left the string, but soon this bow and arrow suddenly disappeared into the air, as if shooting into Inside the transparent human body.
Those zombies who just rushed out of the explosion smoke did not notice Li Yuanhong's actions at all. Even if they saw it, they would not care. For them, human guns have no effect on them, let alone they have been eliminated long ago. Cold weapon.
But the first guard zombie tasted the bitter fruit of underestimating the enemy. A bow and arrow appeared in front of his eyes without warning. Before he could react, the bow and arrow shot directly into his brain, making this Before the zombies even screamed, they flew out and fell heavily back into the smoke area of ​​the explosion.
Although the other zombies saw their companions fall back into the smoke zone, they didn't care, because they didn't see the bow and arrow stuck in the zombie's eyes.
Li Yuanhong once again pulled the bow and let go, and another zombie fell. Li Yuanhong put down three or four zombies one after another, which caught the attention of the guarding zombies, and they also discovered that as long as Li Yuanhong shoots an arrow, some zombies will fall. Therefore, Li Yuanhong will shoot again and the remaining zombies will be Suddenly leaped to the side, so that the remaining zombies escaped Li Yuanhong's attack.
However, due to the threat of Li Yuanhong's bow and arrow, the speed of the remaining zombies slowed down in order to avoid Li Yuanhong's bow and arrow, which caused the two sides to maintain a distance of more than 100 meters.
At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded in the distance, that is, Li Yuanhong’s ears were pointed, and he could hear that it was a heavy sniper voice. With this muffled sound, a guard zombie who was chasing after him exploded directly. The headless zombie fell directly to the ground.
This muffled noise did not end, and there were several muffled noises in succession, and the zombies following Li Yuanhong's tank all fell down.
By this time, the group of corpses following Li Yuanhong had either been blocked by artillery fire or were killed by heavy snipers. Li Yuanhong was finally relieved.
At this moment, the sound of a motor came from a distance. A dozen tanks approached Li Yuanhong, and these tanks kept firing, and the shells exploded among the corpses. Although the firepower of a dozen tanks is not small, if it is In the face of one to twenty thousand zombies, these dozen tanks can round up these zombies, but the group of zombies that Li Yuanhong has to face is hundreds of thousands and millions, so these dozens of tanks are like Ye Bianzhou. Before the tide, he seemed so helpless.
Li Yuanhong urged the tanks to quickly merge with the dozen or so tanks. Just when the two sides crossed, the upper cover of one of the tanks opened and Xu Ying poked her head out of it.
"Commander, you are back! Everything is fine!"
"Fortunately, there are no dangers, so hurry up and implement Plan A!"
Seeing that Li Yuanhong was okay, Xu Ying took out the walkie-talkie: "Attention all, implement Plan A."
Following Xu Ying's order, shortly after, nearly a hundred drones flew over Li Yuanhong's head, and there was a more deafening engine sound in the distance, and the ground was trembling slightly by the sound.
Accompanied by the sound, on the horizon in the distance, a torrent of steel composed of hundreds of tanks rushed towards the corpse group opposite Li Yuanhong. More fierce artillery fire fell on the corpse group, and the micro missiles carried by the drones were not Stopped and exploded among the corpses.
A head-to-head duel unfolded on the European continent. The battle to truly capture the big cities of Europe began, and this moment was called the Battle of Steel.
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