: The 651st Battle of the Seven Hills

The corpse group was originally spreading aimlessly, and it was suddenly attacked by tanks, and the violent explosion sounded loudly in a world without industry and automobiles, which gave the corpse group a purpose to move.
As a result, the group of zombies that spread out began to gather in the direction of Li Yuanhong, so hundreds of taels of tank fire fell on the group of corpses, like a drop of water on the surface of the lake. Although there was a wave of ripples, it was quickly taken by the zombies behind. Smooth.
Although the human artillery fire is fierce, the corpse group is still constantly moving towards the human front. However, humans did not blindly resist, but under the cover of the plane, they began to retreat slowly and began to divert.
This Roman city is also known as the city of seven hills, which means that the city is built on seven hills. Therefore, although the city of Rome has many plains, it is also surrounded by many hills.
It was in this hill that the tank began to disperse and retreat, and the zombies followed and dispersed. If someone is looking down in the sky at this time, you can see these groups of zombies, turning into a few trickles flowing slowly forward around the hills.
With Li Yuanhong's incitement, most of the two million zombies were out of the city and scattered on the hills.
The movements of the zombies were all monitored by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the air, and then they went back to the war room.
At this time, Li Yuanhong and Xu Ying both returned to the war room, paying attention to the dynamic images of the zombies passed back, and marking them on the map for fear of marking the wrong place.
"The zombies here should have entered the trap area, should you start the trap now?" Xu Ying looked at the map and asked.
"No hurry, if you start it now, the other zombies have not completely entered. At this time, triggering the trap may alert the other corpses." Li Yuanhong said.
"There may be huge pressure here, do I need to send some reserve troops to support it?" Xu Ying asked.
"No, you should send out the reserve forces now. Once there is a real danger, what can you do to help!" Li Yuanhong said harshly.
"But...they will face long-term attacks from zombies, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it!" Xu Ying said anxiously.
"Xu Ying, you forgot, the dilemma we faced at the beginning was no less than them, and we don't have as many weapons and ammunition, so you have to trust your subordinates."
"But... that would kill a lot of people!"
"This is the end of the world, someday immortal! You are not their parents, and there is no way to protect them every day. You used to defend the city on Sakhalin Island, and you could protect your men well, but here is the real battlefield. The test of blood and fire, only after going through these, can your soldiers become qualified soldiers!"
"Yes! I understand!" Xu Ying replied with a firm face.
"Well, go and tell them the reality and let them figure out their own solutions. Also, although people cannot provide them, they must be guaranteed in terms of materials."
"Yes, I'm going now!" Xu Ying turned around and wanted to go out.
"Xu Junzhang, remember, kindness is not in charge!" Li Yuanhong did not forget to exhort.
The group of zombies rushed into a slightly wider canyon. It is said to be a canyon, rather than a hilly lowland. This canyon is very wide. The farmland reclaimed before the end of the world can still be vividly seen, but it is now covered with weeds.
Now the zombies have been crowded in the entire valley, and those weeds have also been trampled into grass mud. The zombies entered from the entrance of the valley and were rushing towards the exit on the other side. Before them, dozens of tanks passed by, these The zombies are looking for these tanks.
This canyon is not very long, only three or four kilometers long. If the zombies attack quickly, it will take less than ten minutes for the corpse to rush through the valley.
On the other side of the valley, a group of more than 1,000 soldiers is gathering here, and their regiment leader is standing in front of the soldiers.
"Brothers, the command given to us by the commander is to prevent zombies from rushing through this valley, but there are a total of four to five million zombies opposite us. Are you afraid!"
"Not afraid!" the soldiers shouted.
"Damn it, you are telling nonsense, you are not afraid? I am terrible to die. But no matter how afraid we are, we absolutely cannot retreat from here.
Although there are a lot of zombies, they will not rush in front of you at once, and they will send planes to support us. However, I hope you will show your courage to meet the challenge. After the battle, I invite you little rascals to drink! "
Upon hearing the drink, the soldiers below cheered.
"Okay, bring me to the battlefield!" After speaking, the commander waved, and the soldiers quickly entered the fortification.
At the exit of the trough, there is a well-built three-dimensional fortification, which was built by these soldiers day and night after Li Yuanhong formulated the plan.
Before the fortifications, a defensive wall three meters high and two meters thick was built with clay and stones. The walls were filled with various firepower. Moreover, the low mountains on both sides of the valley are also full of defensive positions, forming a horn with the valley exit.
Zombies don't care what the opposite is, as long as there is meat to eat, they will rush forward without hesitation. As the zombies get closer, the battle of mankind to annihilate the Roman zombies has officially started.
When the zombies are still one kilometer away from the defensive position, the infantry on the defensive city wall ran and started shooting. These infantry soldiers have been upgraded and can now easily destroy zombies below level 35. For zombies above level 35, there are certain Lethality.
As the cannonball exploded in the corpse group, those low-level zombies were directly killed, and the zombies with a level higher than 35, although injured, still did not stop, and the sound of the artillery stimulated the charge of the zombies. It was as if he had been hit with blood and rushed wildly, completely disregarding human artillery fire.
Soon the forward of the zombies rushed to a place less than 500 meters away from the wall, and at this moment, the snipers on the wall began to shoot. The targets they chose were all zombies with high levels. They are the rough-skinned Lord, rushing through the bombardment, they were a little blackened by the artillery fire, and they can be said to be unscathed. If such zombies can rush under the city wall, they will cause heavy casualties to the soldiers. .
But with the sound of the sniper rifle, these rough-skinned zombies fell one after another.
"Captain, this is the fifth zombie you shot. It can be said to be a gunshot headshot. Captain, do you think you are ranked first in the army?" A sniper observer and his side Said the sniper captain.
Captain "Bang" again aimed at a long-tongued zombie hiding in the corpse group, shot a bullet, and then raised his head and glanced at his observation hand.
"You just work hard. I'm so far behind the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief said that in his library, there is a skill book that can upgrade the sniper shooting ability to master level or even holy level. There are a lot of military industry points. I think after this battle, my military exploits should be enough. I will go and see when the time comes."
"Captain, great, the shot just hit the zombie's eye directly. Captain, have you seen the commander in chief shoot?" the observer asked.
"I have seen it. It was an encounter with jade zombies. The commander-in-chief shot hundreds of zombies, all with headshots, with just one gun.
At that time, I had noticed the commander-in-chief’s shooting, and there was no aim at all. A long gun was turned into a machine gun. A few hundred zombies, barely more than twenty seconds, were all reimbursed. Hit without wasting a bullet. "
"Such a god?!" The observer was very surprised, but he didn't expect that such words would come out of the captain's self-reliant captain.
"Okay, watch the zombies carefully, don't let those high-level zombies slip through the net." After that, the sniper captain shot another shot, and then another zombie's head exploded like a broken watermelon.
Although there was artillery fire blocking in the distance, and later snipers shot those super zombies that had slipped through the net, they still couldn't stop the zombies' progress. Within a few minutes, the zombies rushed to a place less than 100 meters away from the sniper wall.
"Brothers, we have been watching the scene for a long time. It's time for us to show off and shoot me!" As the battalion commander in charge of guarding the city wall said, the soldiers who had not shot started raising their rifles and firing at the corpses. After the bullet, the zombies running in front suddenly fell down in pieces.
However, there were only a hundred people on the sniper wall, and the number of bullets fired at the same time was less than a hundred rounds. However, there were hundreds of zombies rushing over from the opposite side of them, and the soldiers’ shooting was simply not comparable to those elite snipers. It's good to be able to shoot the vitals of the zombies, most of them just shoot the zombies, and even miss the shot. I don't know where the bullet flies.
Therefore, the zombies quickly rushed across the 100-meter sniper line and attacked the city.
Just when the zombies were approaching fifty meters away, the machine gun on the city wall rang. The machine guns placed on this city were not the machine gun Li Yuanhong took out on the tank, but the traditional bullet machine gun, but the bullets of these machine guns. The bigger, the weird warhead.
Soon the machine gun began to shoot bullets. When the machine gun shot the bullets, there was a faint magic light flashing. After those bullets popped out of the chamber, a small magic mask was formed at the bullet head, and then the bullet's resistance to travel was greatly reduced. The flight speed is also greatly improved.
Therefore, when the machine gun was shot on these scattered corpses that were charging, those zombies running in the front were directly destroyed, and the bullets exploded in the zombies, many zombies were directly blown into two sections.
Although the machine gun barrage is very tight, the biggest feature of the corpse group is that there is no fear. The zombies quickly pushed the front line to a place less than five meters away from the city wall.
"Grenade, gunpowder barrel! Throw it to me!" As the battalion commander who defended the city shouted loudly, more than a hundred grenades were thrown directly into the corpse group. Suddenly, pillars of fire opened in the corpse group, and the zombies moved forward. , Also stopped for it.
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