: Section 36 One Hundred Thousand Zombies

When Li Yuanhong was looking at the sand table, the watch was vibrating again with a harsh alarm sound. Li Yuanhong knew that there was another zombie attack. Sure enough, upgrading the chamber would attract the attention of the zombies. Li Yuanhong's guess was confirmed.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly checked the sand table and saw that there were many red dots moving in all directions on the sand table. The largest red dot was still from Hunchun City. Li Yuanhong is still very relieved of other corpses. After all, those corpses are mostly zombies from some villages and towns, with a maximum of several thousand. It is relatively easy to deal with, but the zombies in Hunchun City are definitely not a small number. So Li Yuanhong clicked on the big red dot in the direction of Hunchun, which showed:
Corpse group type: mixed corpse group of zombies and mutant zombies
Quantity: 134,821.
Straight line distance: 72 kilometers Moving speed: 10 kilometers/hour
Estimated time of arrival: 20 hours
Li Yuanhong was taken aback by the number. The last time he dealt with 20,000 zombies, he used the energy to feed himself. This time, he gave himself more than 100,000 corpses. The number of corpses last time, even People are not leading enough, and God is not letting myself live!
However, Li Yuanhong is not a person who blames the heavens and the people. This time the wall has been repaired to cope with the siege of the corpse group, but Li Yuanhong did not want to wait here, so he checked the walking route of the zombies. Li Yuanhong planned to consume a part of the zombies on the road. Quantity, so you can reduce your own pressure, thereby reducing the risk of fighting.
Li Yuanhong finally found the ambush point in a place. This is a terrain with two mountains and a ditch. The valley is not very wide, only less than 30 meters. It is the only way for zombies to travel, and the mountains on both sides are steep. In the valley, it is impossible to climb at all, and the mountain is very high. The mountains on both sides are more than 50 meters high, which is a good place for ambushes. Moreover, the ditch is long enough for more than three kilometers. If the design is done, at least it can stay here. The lives of tens of thousands of zombies.
After the design was completed, Li Yuanhong immediately notified everyone of the zombie attack, and then asked Wang Jingrong and Liu Hu to lead the team to destroy the scattered corpses. They led the team and brought the sparrow and Wang Yonghai. Ten more archers and fifteen spearmen set off.
This time Li Yuanhong still intends to use the falling rock method to destroy the zombies, but this time the explosion point is set a bit longer, and the mountains on both sides must be set up, so the amount of work is a bit large. Fortunately, it takes at least four hours for the zombies to reach here. To set up a super trap, leave plenty of time.
The whole process of setting up the explosion point went smoothly. If it weren’t for the cold, the whole work might have been completed in two hours, but it wasn’t until three and a half hours before Li Yuanhong and the others set the explosion point. Zhang Yuan had already reported that it was OK. I saw the zombies from a distance.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly told Wang Yonghai: "Yonghai, this time you must check the mines, tubes, and wires, so that there are no omissions or easy breaks. In addition, the detonation points are set at the valley mouths on both sides, and then exploded from both sides to the middle. In this way, we will strive to pack the zombies in this valley as much as possible."
"Yes, don't worry about Brother Li this time, I won't do the same mistake twice!" Wang Yonghai said firmly.
"Okay, go!" Li Yuanhong gave a trusting look.
Wang Yonghai turned around and left quickly to set up the explosion point.
As time went on, it was finally possible to clear the sight of the zombie with the naked eye. The beginning of this time is still ordinary zombies, occasionally mixed with long-tongued zombies, because shadow zombies are short, so they can't be seen in the dense group of corpses. From a distance, the entire team of zombies lasted for at least five or six kilometers, and the roads between the mountains were crowded crouching and crooked. The entire team of zombies, like black giant snakes, winding through the mountains. Behind the snake, many tall figures can be seen, which are obviously giant zombies and fat zombies. Li Yuanhong took out his binoculars and found that there were more than one giant zombies, and one of them was obviously taller than the other giant zombies. Li Yuanhong frowned. It is estimated that this zombie should be at level 4. I don’t know if there is anything special. ability. Li Yuanhong wanted this zombie to be killed in this trap, so he had a new plan.
The zombie team moved very slowly, mainly because the movement speed of ordinary zombies was too slow, due to the freezing of the sky and the slippery road behind the snow, especially after the end of the world, no one cleared the snow on the road, and the snow was deep. It makes the movement of the zombies more difficult, so the movement of the zombies is much lower than the speed expected by the system. It is not bad to be able to walk seven or eight kilometers per hour.
The zombies finally entered the canyon. The densely packed zombies filled the gully. Some long-tongued zombies, or even ordinary zombies, were getting in the way. They climbed on the mountain wall and moved forward. Li Yuanhong stood on the top of the mountain and stared at the giant zombies with his binoculars, because the giant zombies were behind the group. Therefore, it took more than half an hour for the giant zombie to enter the canyon, and at this time the head of the zombie had already walked out of the valley for half a kilometer.
Li Yuanhong waited for another ten minutes to watch the giant zombies enter the explosion zone completely, so he took out the walkie-talkie: "Attention all, countdown to detonation: ten, nine, ... two, one detonation!"
With an order, the explosion sounded from both sides of the canyon and gradually continued to the middle of the canyon. The zombies under the cliff were completely confused. The roar and wailing of the zombies, mixed with the sound of explosions, turned the entire canyon into a pot of porridge. Obviously, the zombies did not expect the attack to come from above, especially Wang Haiyong set up the trap of "Tropical Girl Scattering Flowers" (traps in the landmine warfare movie) in some cavities on the mountain wall, so all kinds of flying rocks vented down like a torrential rain. Although most of the zombies have now evolved to Level 2 and their defenses are no longer comparable to those of ordinary people, their heads are still weak points. These falling rocks are precisely aimed at the heads of the zombies, and many zombies have not even wailed and uttered. , He was directly smashed to his head and died. Even if they did not die immediately, most of them were injured, and those with missing arms and legs were everywhere. The entire canyon has become a flesh-and-blood mill. The bottom of this ditch is safely stained red with blood, and the snow is melted away by the blood, and finally it is frozen again and becomes blood ice.
Li Yuanhong has been paying attention to the movements of giant zombies. Many ordinary zombies die. If the leading zombie does not die, the threat is still great. Only when the leading zombie is dead can Li Yuanhong be relieved.
However, the giant zombie did not die. When the falling rocks flew down, the giant zombies actually danced with a three-meter-long electric pole in their hands, forming a circular protective screen above their heads. When the falling rocks encountered this protective screen, they were knocked off one after another. The rain lasted not long, only less than thirty seconds, so the giant zombies were unharmed, and even the zombies around it were protected.
Li Yuanhong felt a little regretful when he saw this. In fact, Li Yuanhong didn't expect this rockfall trap to be able to solve the giant zombie at once, but the opponent was unharmed, but Li Yuanhong was a little unacceptable, which was too tough. Those falling rocks are a few kilograms less and hundreds of kilograms heavier. Although the boulders that fall into the middle of the road are mostly tens of kilograms, it is not easy to block them, and the density of the rocks is very high. , The giant zombies are all pulled away!
Li Yuanhong had no choice but to find another chance to clean it up. After all, the main goal of destroying the corpse group was achieved. Through visual inspection of the zombies, at least two-fifths were lost. At least half of the zombies who were injured at home could not attack. If the zombies besiege again, the pressure Li Yuanhong faces will be greatly reduced.
Li Yuanhong did not stay on the top of the mountain for long, and simply confirmed the loss of the zombies, and immediately left the top of the mountain. After all, there were zombies on both sides of the valley. At this time, the giant zombies had already roared at the sky, and many long-tongued zombies had already begun to climb to the top of the mountain. Therefore, Li Yuanhong made a decisive decision and ran off according to the pre-set retreat route.
Although the long-tongued zombies are very fast, but Li Yuanhong who was helpless sitting on the snow sledge, even if a few fast-running long-tongued zombies caught up with Li Yuanhong and the others, under the archer’s bow and arrows, these zombies were just given away for nothing. dish.
Li Yuanhong's departure caused the giant zombies to be very angry. He kept roaring at the sky, and severely threw a long tongue zombie on the mountain wall. This unlucky long tongue zombie immediately lost his life. But soon, the giant zombies recovered, but there was a humane hatred in their eyes.
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