: The 200th Festival Taiyuan City Decisive Battle

As gunshots approached the city center of Taiyuan, Li Yuanhong's airship was always looking for a hiding place that could accommodate the huge body of giant zombies, but there were no clues in several suspected places.
At this moment, the fat man suddenly pointed to the screen and said, "Brother Li, look at it, that doesn't look like Yanjing's Bird's Nest."
Li Yuanhong saw that there was a building under the airship. The red building was supposed to be a gymnasium, but it looked a bit like a bird's nest, but there was still a big difference.
"Gymnasium!" Li Yuanhong muttered. There is a lot of space in the gymnasium, especially the various competition venues. It is definitely wide and windproof. If giant zombies build nests here, it is definitely a comfortable place.
"Lower the height and find a way to see if there are zombies hidden here." Li Yuanhong told the fat man.
Soon, the airship flew to a place less than one hundred meters from the roof of the stadium. Through the monitor, it was seen that the entire stadium lawn was empty. Except for the wanton growing weeds, no zombie was found.
"Brother Li, let's go, there can be no zombies here." Fatty Lu said after looking at the empty stadium on the screen.
Li Yuanhong did not speak immediately, but stared at the screen and said to himself: "Do zombies like to bask in the sun?"
"Zombies in the sun? I definitely don't like it, just their dry skin, they peeled after they were in the sun!" Fatty Lu said.
"That is to say, they won't stand in the sun all right!" Li Yuanhong asked.
Fatty Lu continued, "Of course."
After hearing this, Li Yuanhong smiled slightly: "The spacecraft flies eastward, and the camera is aimed at the west stand of the stadium. Note that if there is any abnormality, report it in time!"
Li Yuanhong gave the order and the airship moved slowly to the east, but the camera was aimed at the west stand. It was already noon, and the sun had already started to turn west. The Yangguan of the west stand could not be directly shot, so it looked very dim. But fortunately, the monitor equipped on Li Yuanhong's airship has a strong light-sensitive system. Even in the dark, it uses the faint starlight to capture the picture clearly. For sunny days, things in the shadows on the stands are naturally photographed clearly.
In the lens, there was no change at first, it was still a desolate scene, even in the stands, weeds grew in some places, except for these plants, there was nothing that could move.
Just when everyone thought this stadium was an empty building with nothing, Li Yuanhong’s eyes were sharp. In front of a door leading to the backstage, there was a dark shadow flashing. That flash was very fast. People who were not paying attention would think it was just He was dazzled, but with the existence of the real eye, Li Yuanhong believed that he would never read it wrong.
"Quickly, I have seen the replay of the camera!" Li Yuanhong immediately ordered the video to be played back.
The replayed video quickly reached the place where Li Yuanhong saw the black shadow just now. After several adjustments, the moment the black shadow flashed through the door was frozen. After the sharpening process, the appearance of the black shadow was revealed. , It was the figure of a shadow zombie.
"Sure enough, there are zombies!" Fatty Li later realized.
Li Yuanhong pondered for a moment: "That giant zombie leader may be in this gym."
"Ah? It wouldn't be such a coincidence!" Fatty Lu said in disbelief.
"Is it there? We will know when we go down." Li Yuanhong said as he ordered the airship to lower its altitude.
When the airship descended less than 50 meters from the ground, Li Yuanhong ordered the slings to be put down and landed on the ground first.
Following Li Yuanhong to the ground were the guards and twenty soldiers. When they descended to the ground, they were immediately warmly welcomed by the zombies. A large number of zombies emerged from the exits of the stands and the backstage room doors in all directions. As if hungry for a long time, he roared at Li Yuanhong and the others.
Seeing such a fanatical welcome, Li Yuanhong smiled slightly. It seems that this stadium is really tricky, otherwise there won't be so many zombies hiding here.
"Shoot!" Li Yuanhong immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot at the frantic zombies.

"Fatty, let me put down the machine gun robot!" Li Yuanhong shouted into the intercom.
"Understood!" Fatty Lu immediately let the machine gun robot down, and there were four machines.
As the machine gun robot landed, four robots and eight machine guns fired at the same time. The bullets looked like eyes. Although they were shot by machine guns, they would never be shot into the air. Wherever the bullets passed, all the zombies fell. These four robots are experts in field clearance.
With the flames of the machine gun, the ordinary zombies that rushed out first were quickly wiped out. However, the zombies that were hit did not stop. At this moment, they saw a few zombies rushing out of the four grandstand passage doors. Li Yuanhong's eyes were so good that he recognized these zombies as long-tongued centurions. Long zombies, but they have skin harder than armor.
These zombies roared, and immediately launched a charge like Li Yuanhong. The speed was very fast. Although the stands were more than 100 meters from the center of the court, the short distance for these zombies, that is, a matter of seconds, Li Yuanhong would never let These zombies rushed to him, if these zombies gave themselves an acid rain bath, it would definitely not be able to bear it.
"Quick, any flame grenade, never let these zombies rush over!" Li Yuanhong said in a hasty voice.
As Li Yuanhong’s words fell, the soldiers saw the grenade held in their hands, and then when the zombies rushed to the bombing area, they threw the grenade at the zombies, but these zombies actually knew to avoid, and saw these zombies suddenly With a leap, he jumped out of the explosive range of the grenade and was about to rush into the crowd.
Suddenly, the machine gun sounded, and the four machine gun robots fired again. These bullets hit the zombies without breaking the skin of the zombies, but the huge machine gun impact caused the zombies to stop and even start to retreat. At that time they were still in the explosive zone of the grenade.
With the explosion of the grenade, the bodies of these zombies were immediately enveloped in flames. These zombies opened their mouths and roared in pain, and even some long-tongued zombies began to spew acid rain magic indiscriminately, but the flames became more vigorous.
At this time, the machine gun did not stop shooting, which caused these zombies to lie on the ground from the ignited road, and never approached the human offensive team. The long-tongue centurion zombie died. Li Yuanhong saw that there was no new zombie attack, and hurriedly ordered the troops to start the defense. In the previous battle, the team's ammunition consumed a lot, and Li Yuanhong had to transport the materials down.
As the airship’s gondola hoisted the materials to the playground, Li Yuanhong quickly established a material supply station in the center of the playground, and there were two more robots on it. After the supply station was established, Li Yuanhong took it with him. Twenty soldiers and two robots began to walk into the stadium.
Soon Li Yuanhong came to the door where the shadow zombie figure flashed past, and looked at the black hole door. Li Yuanhong was not eager to enter, but cautiously checked the world behind the door with a small mirror. Nothing was reflected in the mirror. It was abnormal, the door was silent, and there was no sound of wind.
But Li Yuanhong knew that there must be zombies behind the door. In order to verify this inference, Li Yuanhong took out a flash grenade. This kind of grenade would not do any harm to human beings. But in the dark, the flashing grenade was irradiated by the flashing grenade. It is also unbearable, and this flash grenade is a deadly killer against undead creatures, because the undead belong to the dark type, and the flash magic is the light type. These two magic types are equivalent to life and death enemies, repelling and attacking each other.
Li Yuanhong pulled off the safety pin of the grenade, and after waiting for two seconds, Li Yuanhong threw the grenade into the door. Without much effort, there was a burst of light inside the door, and with the light, there was another roar of zombies. Hearing the roar, it came from above. I think there should be a zombie lying on the roof of the pipe preparing to attack Li Yuanhong. I thought it was overcast by Li Yuanhong.
Hearing the roar of the zombies, Li Yuanhong immediately rushed in with the soldiers. At this time, the roof was covered with dense zombies, including long-tongued zombies and shadow zombies. Due to the flashing thunder just now, these zombies were temporarily blind. And because the flash grenade has extra damage to the undead, leaving these zombies temporarily in a weak state, so when Li Yuanhong and the others rushed in, these zombies did not come up to attack immediately.
But Li Yuanhong would not let these zombies go. Raising his hand, a bullet shot out. Although the other soldiers did not have as good eyesight as Li Yuanhong, but seeing Li Yuanhong shooting at the roof, he quickly spotted the group of zombies on the roof. They also raised their guns and began to attack.
So in the magic light, these zombies fell from the top of the canopy like dumplings. At this time, the zombies with little influence in the distance began to attack Li Yuanhong, and at the far corner, ordinary zombies rushed out of it, and for a while, the difficulty of human attacks increased.
"Throw grenade, don't save at this time!" Li Yuanhong shouted.
So the soldiers took out the grenades one after another, but this time they used lightning grenades. As the grenade was thrown out, the zombies that were coming here from a distance suddenly fell, and even the zombies on the roof also fell down, but the number of corpses was so large that it could not be blocked by a few grenade Got it, and at this moment, Li Yuanhong found that a shadow zombie appeared in the distance.
"Attention everyone, there are shadow zombies, prepare grenades." Li Yuanhong shouted again.
The crowd did not find the shadow zombies due to vision problems, but this did not affect everyone's execution of Li Yuanhong's orders. Then everyone took out the lightning grenades and the ice grenades, and only waited for Li Yuanhong's order to throw the grenade out.
As the shadow zombies quickly approached, Li Yuanhong also took out the grenade. The moment Li Yuanhong shouted to throw the grenade, the machine gun sound sounded. It turned out that the two machine gun robots were a bit big and it was a little laborious to enter the door. At this time, they just entered the door. As soon as he entered the door, he caught up with the attack of the shadow zombies, so the machine gun turned and started to spray bullets at the corpses.
With the sound of the machine gun, a scene that Li Yuanhong didn't expect occurred. Only the fast-moving shadow zombies were blocked by the machine gun rain curtain. Before the zombies could use the invisibility skills, they were beaten into sieves. However, there was also a shadow zombie who managed to escape the bullet rain. The moment the machine gun rang, it quickly hid on the roof, which was considered to have saved its life. However, a shadow zombie obviously no longer poses a threat to Li Yuanhong's team.
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